Was she worth it?

was she worth it?

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she had no ass, so no

Unfortunately she's a lesbian

is this moon night

Bros how do I get an ancient Egyptian gf?

I don't think Antony did it for the nookie exactly. Rome sometimes had these "multiple" emperor battles popping up, and he wanted control of the whole East.


imagine burying your face in her ass and all that gold paint is smeared on your face

Absolutely not. Women are never worth anything. Women are worthless.

She wasn't back then.

Err.. wait.. I'm a retard.

pray to bastet

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but that's how the pharaoh will find out you've been tapping his wife

>immy defies the pharoah, commits high treason, and literally entreats the spectres of death to bring his beloved back from the dead
>she leaves him to fall into a pit of scorpions when the chips are down
makes you think

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Very much disliked they choose to kill their love.
She abandoned imphotep, while the librarian helped oconnell.
They could have made them go down in flames or something.

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she was worth it

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both are drop dead hotties AWOOOOGA

Isn't it weird how there's nothing majorly sexual about this, but in today's world this would easily be filtered and doctored with a different angle to de-sexualise it

Why did this trigger Nintendo so hard

Nice image. Gave me a chuckle

Lesbians aren't real

>mummy 1
>imhotep only kills cursed people and just wants to resurrect his waifu

>mummy 2
>imhotep wants to rule the world now because uhhhh?????

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look at that dancing cat go haha

My god, she from Mummy 1 is my absolute waifu

never noticed the pasties till it came out in HD, always thought the nipples were painted over
color me impressed.

Wrong. Straight women aren't real.

did you forget the part where he fly-zombied an entire city and made meteors rain from the sky?

question about the first Mummy
to bring back the waifu, he needs a human sacrifice to complete the ritual
who was he going to stab the first time he tried to bring her back? or was it because she was in a mummified state that she needed to drain the human body to regenerate?

Imagine how hairy and stinky Egyptian pussy must have been

With a tummy like that, how could she not be?

nice hips, too
Pharaoh had good taste

The Egyptians are by far the most stylish and most basedly shallow of the ancient civilizations. Kino pyramids, kino interior design of nothing but hot people, kino threads and jewelry.

Very brave and valid

Wait, did she really wear pasties? I don't recall that in the movie

Egyptians shaved everything and used wigs

She and her girlfriend

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I recently rewatched 1 and 2. The second Mummy is hilariously bad, I guess I just forgot that era when something was a success they had to shit out a sequel a year later. It's one of the laziest movies I've ever seen

dykes are just women being dumb

Not only did they get a sequel, but they often got an animated adaptation too

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obviously she did, they weren't going to have her nipples out in a PG-13 movie

I never saw this. Is it good?

Both have more money + more relevant + a bigger impact on earth than you, and they aren't even actually famous.

reminder that lesbian couples have the highest rates of domestic violence and sexual abuse

2 is a lazy sequel that's basically the same as the first movie. It's still much better than the third movie.

yeah, i think people give it a pass for anuk kino but everything else is really shitty.
also rachel weisz's acting is significantly shittier than the first, our boy brendan is giving it his all though

Its not obvious. I thought her hair covered her nips

The Mummy roller coaster is kino and the pre ride queue video about the haunted movie set is pure sovl

Yeah it's awful. It shits on previous one, offers nothing and gets even more childish with even worse special effects. First one wasn't great with silly tone all over the place but still passable even despite that stupid actor but sequel is pure pile of shit. Also no idea why they even tried to make 3rd one after that.

user I saw an assload of hellish looking hands taking him away, not scorpions.

You're missing out hard.



You wouldn't have noticed in the VHS days

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The triangle u means kosher for passover

Absolutely not. For multiple reasons. Forgive my english, I'm from france.
First of all, clothes. They were symbol of social status in ancient Egypt. Wealthy women wore beautiful sheer and colorful dresses. They loved to show up in them, it was something showing their high social status.
Meanwhile she wears only loin cloth, which means she is slightly above slaves and servants but nothing more. In fact pharaoh's harem would never allow women this poor in, also harem wasn't just sexual thing, it was like art institution so women had to represent some values. Generally if anyone seen you with her you would be either considered rather poor or as immoral for living with prostitute therefore your social status would be very low. And social status matters.

In addition to clothes, Egyptians wore colorful jewelry and makeup. Red, green, blue. She is only using dark charkcoal and cheap looking (note lack of high detailing often seen in royal gold, therefore this looks like very poor job) gold. Blue was considered divine and royal, also very hard to obtain because they had no natural blue pigment (I'm not talking about lapis lazuli) while red was considred powerful. Gold wasn't anything special. There was a lot of gold so in fact silver was more desirable.

Second thing. She is total gold digging thot. Not loyal to pharaoh and not loyal to anyone. She is not pure and doesn't represent basic principies of 'Maat' so from social and religous (religion was state-wise and present in every area of life) point she isn't good person. Mostly like wouldn't be able to enter 'duat' (egyptian equivalent of heaven) and would be condemned for eternity. In fact throwh into nothingness because egyptians had no hell, you simply ceased to exist in afterlife. Not worth the hustle.

TL;DR - she is basically low-tier street whore not worth your time and your future in the efterlife, or at least would be seen as such in Egypt. Even dancers or temple singers were more desirable so.

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i jacked off to her when i was in grade school so yes shes well worth it
same with the other chick

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Did ancient egypt make hot women fight to the death? if so, based.

I hate how new film gets so much shit despite the fact they let mummy queen do a lot more than in old ones. In fact in old one she only appears at the begining and end and does absolutely nothing. Instead it's her bald simping priest. In the new movie she is much more powerfull, gets more screentime, is creepy monster and beautiful queen at the same time.

They finally let her do something. She destroys London, causes massive plane crash and sucks people dry in a deadly kiss. And doesn't even need priest sidekick.

They gave her beautiful long white dress. Check it out. I prefer her bandaged look because it is really spooky and looks like a mummy.

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