Body horror

Any good body horror kinos?

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i had one of those recently but way smaller. Also, Tetsuo the iron man 1989. i havent finished it yet but its still kino

Cronenberg last movie will release soon.

looking in the mirror

I had one of those for a whole year, made me choke and left an awful taste in the back of my throat, kept gagging whenever I tried to scrape it off with anything, then it just disappeared

Man I have to clean my tonsils out at least once a week

I used to get those constantly and I would just pick them out of my throat with a toothpick

Apparently you can just cough really hard and they come out too

These only occur in people who swallow semen

this is pretty good

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what do you call these?

semen lumps

Tonsil Stone

Tonsil stones

Did you get your tonsils removed or something? Or did they seemingly just magically stop appearing.

tonsil stones, They fucking stink. Iforgot how they are created desu

tonsil stones, they are actually really common.

Once you get one you are basically guaranteed to get more eventually, because it creates a small hole in your tonsils where bacteria builds up. Mouth wash seems to be the only way to prevent them in my experience.

Is there any body horror that like makes getting morbidly obsessed seem scary?

People will see some shit like this and be like “don’t touch it leave it alone”
Lesions too

that sucks

The gluttony scene in Seven?

>turn 32
>reach out to pick up a stone
>who's old man hands are these?
>existential crisis
>apply moisturizer
>crisis averted

>Mouth wash seems to be the only way to prevent them in my experience.
My brother uses them and just uses hydrogen per oxide for it. I always thought of it as just cut cleaner but apparently it says mouth rinser on the bottles. Supposedly dissolves the stones

Antiviral was better body horror

I get small ones constantly. Usually they end up working their way out of the tonsils and I cough/spit them out. Things smell absolutely terrible, I use shitloads of mouthwash for bad breath.

Society (1989)

Wait, there are white people in this age who didn't have their tonsils removed? Fucking why?

My parents removed my foreskin but not my tonsils.

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I had some maybe back in college and I haven't had em in like a decade since. No mouthwash just better oral hygiene and switching to a hydrogen peroxide toothpaste.

Tonsils aren't all bad. You're somewhat more likely to get sick if your tonsils are removed.

Lotion is underrated. Every man needs to fucking moisturize now

I cough these up occasionally but not enough that I think it's a problem. They really stink.

I love the smell of tonsil stones

Unnecessary tonsil removal is an old meme left over from the pre-antibiotic days. I don't know anyone my age who's had them removed.

WTF why does everyone of you act like having these is normal? I never had that and this is the first time i heard of them

Because it is normal. How the fuck haven't you heard of them at least?

>Not paying to get surgery done on something that doesn't affect you medically

gee i wonder

Because it is quite normal. I get them occasionally on the right tonsil because my "caverns" are too wide, so food, mucus, saliva and all kinds of shit gather and turn into a reeking ball.

they only happen to nasty fuckers who don't brush their teeth

mine were so bad I had to get my tonsils removed, they said that due how often they would get infected, I could get throat cancer eventually

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I had my tonsils and anoids removed. Im cut and thinking about getting rid of my galstones. I dont need useless organs. I am evolution. You will never catch up.

Can you imagine how absolutely sickening his breathe must have been for YEARS.. those things don’t form overnight.

they are really common and most people arent even aware that they have them.
Go in the bathroom and try pushing on your tonsil as if you are trying to squeeze something out, see if anything happens

Truly disgusting

Evolution would be not being born with those organs. I'm also cut and had my gall bladder removed. I'm genetic flotsam.

you never heard of Body Double (1984)?

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gross I've never even heard of these. are you guys practicing good oral hygiene?? I thought op image was about tonsil infections. I used to get one every year a decade ago, would look fucking nasty and the corresponding sickness would last for like two fucking weeks. I assume it was something about my poor college guy environment because thankfully it stopped. I actually have a photo here from back then and its even nastier than I remembered.

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It does in fact see

The foreskin isn't useless, if that's what you meant by "Im cut"
I don't know why Americans decided they're ok with their genitals being extremely nonsensitive and dry.

They just stopped. I haven't had one in 5-6 years now

That's even nastier

That looks like a fucking lesion or something wtf EWWWWWWW

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How does that even happen

>Wait, there are white people in this age who didn't have their tonsils removed? Fucking why?
Because it's a sign of a more complicated issue and removing them makes it worse in the long run. Why do you think so many people end up mouthbreathing jawlets?

Mine would get like that
it was nasty as fuck and hurt like hell, I had to survive out of tea and warm water during those trying times

It’s not “normal” don’t let anyone pretend otherwise. They’re caused by eating garbage food and drinking soda.

>this thread
>tvpedos are all nasty fucks that don't even wash their mouths
Why i'm not surprised

Infection of a saliva gland

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Throat cancer

I have cleaner teeth and better oral hygiene than you and I get them sometimes.

What is wrong with you nasty faggot

the worst thing about it for me was I felt just sick enough that I couldn't get shit done all day, and it lasted for weeks. I about had a panic attack when I first shined a light back there and saw that. doctor said it was a normal, strep-adjacent infection though.

Yeah it's akin to acne in that if you're predisposed to getting them you're gonna get them, and the only option to stop it is just hoping it goes away on its own, or going nuclear (tonsil removal for tonsils and accutane for acne).

Is putting hydrogen peroxide on mouth ulcers a normal thing or was it a bullshit backwoods redneck remedy from my grandma

These things smell like fucking death.

They're "normal" to anyone who doesn't practice good regular oral hygiene, had cavities as a kid, and eats lots of sugar/carbs and/or dairy.

I just checked my bottle of 3% HP and it says it can be used for rinsing/gargling. It makes sense since it's a weak cleanser, just don't swallow it.

tonsil stones are pretty mysterious. I coughed up a big one a month ago

putting peroxide will dehydrate the ulcer and make the stone fall

well its bacteria building up in the complicated structure of the tonsil right? does it just have to do with having an unfortunate spot or two in there where bacteria can just build up? I'm suddenly getting paranoid about it, never had any but I didn't even know it was a thing before this thread. Can you just tell one is developing because your breath starts to stink? or can you feel a hardness?

couldnt you just uh remove your tonsils? fairly common procedure

probably swallowed it

Stds from infected cock slapping against your throat

It’s one of the most multi use healthcare items possible. As far as a mouth rinse it’s superior to mouth wash and also the best acne treatment you can get outside potentially harmful hormonal treatments.

Stop talking about shit you obviously know nothing about. I have had these and I'm almost 40 and.never had a cavity.

Tonsils are an important part of your immune system. Did a doctor trick you into getting yours removed?

His tongue just took a shit wtf?

I had to rinse my mouth with hydrogen peroxide so soften the tartar so I could get braces

I talked to a doctor a few years ago about mine, he said if it really bothered me there was a surgery they do to laser down the tonsil's surface or something that would basically prevent these from building up again. They don't really completely remove tonsils for tonsil stones anymore it seems.

you just never noticed them

It's actually good to have Hydrogen Peroxide readily available. Good for cleaning cuts/wounds/etc.

Looks like you got bugs in your throat nasty as fuck dude

Bone Tomahawk
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

what are they and wtf is wrong with you?

Stones don't do anything if you bother to do basic dental hygiene.

Doctors tricked you.

some moufs look a LOT better than others

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you don't know my suffering, those things were not normal