This man single-handedly destroyed RedLetterMedia

This man single-handedly destroyed RedLetterMedia.

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I stopped 10 minutes in

that's not William Shatner

So any celebrity can just reach out to RLM and ask to be on botw?

It was one of the best episodes in a long time and definitely the best guest they've had on. What do you prefer; Culkin and his handler? That little fat guy who murdered his wife?

By the time you read this I will be dead. I have sent proof of Mike's crimes to every newspaper in the country. Although it cost me my life, it was worth it to finally ensure that justice is served to that man.

Regards, Z.


maculay culkin is okay but patton oswalt (aka the white widow) is a skip from me

> I stopped 10 minutes in
How the fuck did u last so long

I laughed when he said "I hope dead". Mike deserves to die after what he's done.

Hey schizo, you don't need to make a dozen RLM threads every hour.

Yes. They've done a few ones. Only problem is that they're in Milwaukee so doing the show is basically a 2 trip unless you're like Patton Oswalt who just thought it'd be a good gig to do while he's in the area. Landis seemed to either have gotten setup by Fox to do it or he'd just managed to get Fox to pay for it, hard to tell since its told through jokes.

You think Fox paid for his trip to promote a movie that RLM intentionally used a clip from a different movie?

Why does this place hate Patton isnt killing ur wife "le based"

Mike lurks here.

Where did Mike buy those timberlands?

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New episode felt contrived.

What the fuck does that even mean? It’s the same shit they always do.

It felt incredibly off.

It insists upon itself

the episode was heavily staged it was unreal

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you done good, Zneed

mike is probably going to have a minor cameo on lower decks
t. guy who leaked jack quaid's appearance on botw

It was fine and I laughed a few. I really don't know him.

Sure, its not like Fox would have someone sit down and watch an entire RLM episode and check whether or not it actually qualifies as a business expense or whatever. The IRS would of course but Landis probably paid for everything with a company credit card rather than his personal card so he's off the hook for that since he wasn't trying to deduct it from his personal taxes.

I fucking hate you douchebag fucks who actually watch this shite. Dickheads

what does that even mean?
do you think they just wing it with everything they do?

Oi fack off mate

Mike and Rich hates Quiad for his involvement in Star Trek: Lower Decks and only accepted him on the show as a subtle form of humilation. Even Jay literally tells Jack that normally they don't even watch Asylum movies without going into too much detail but effectively telling him that they only did it because he's a guest but they still think he's a bit of a douche for thinking that his high school club experiences compare to their literal job of watching terrible movies.

I thought he was alright

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Macauly Culkin

i like it

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He was as funny as I thought he'd be

You have a retard complex.

You do realise that you schizos are why RLM are gonna stop right? The fact you spend all day everyday schizo posting about them

This wasn't random, Amazon payed them to do stealth marketing for The Boys Season 2 which comes out in a month

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>RLM are gonna
No, they'll never stop. Mike's alcohol abuse is too far gone, if he loses it primary source of income he'll have to start drinking moonshine again

Not a terrible analysis. A bit schizo, but comprehensive.

Seriously seek help

Not Little Hughie!

was it dare i say dishonest filmmaking?

>RLM gets millions of views but they’re going to stop because of 3 or 4 dumbasses on Yea Forums

Did they get a new camera recently? It seems a lot more high def than before

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Yes the schizos who daily try to doxx them and will one day do it

yeah. they got an iphone

>a bunch of 45-50 year old men hanging out with and trying to be friends with a 30 year old
ngl but they seem kinda sus for this, no cap

>1080p in 2020+2
thought these guys were film buffs

I bet Mike has masturbated to Jack's mom. Must be weird.

I enjoyed Macaulay's episodes a lot. I thought he fit in quite well with their dynamic. Jack didn't and that Max Irons fucker ruined them ragging on Neil Breen. Never bothered to watch Patton's episode because I absolutely hate that wife murdering jew midget.

Assemble 100 men, ride to Milwaukee. I charge you to bring the kings justice to the false knight Mike Stoklasa and all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him, I strip him of all ranks, titles, of all lands and holdings and sentence him to death.

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If they did and didn't have a disclaimer that it was a sponsored video it would actually be illegal. Most likely Amazon didn't even pay them for it.

>Jack is married and has two kids
>the others are all incels
really makes you think

Jay has probably masturbated to his uncle.

Quaid's artificial Hollywood optimism contrasts too much with RLM's decaying Midwesterner cynicism
You can tell they basically have no chemistry

Rich is married as well.

He seemed awkward at first but got more funny and into it half way through. Second half is definitely better.

They're shooting on Canon C500 Mk II now.

Why hasn't anybody objected to Jay's Hitler Youth haircut?

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Their silence is deafening.

>isnt killing ur wife “le based”
no, not falling for the marriage scam is “le based”

Jack Packard's social media has gone totally dark. The silence is deafening.

It was a different time.

He was better than any of their other celebrity guests at least. Oswalt, Culkin, and Landis were all unwatchable.

Everyone was on edge and there was a palpable tension. It felt like everyone was acting and performing for each other. Quaid is too big a star and seriously ruined the video.

I saw that post yesterday, damn, how did you know?

I just started watching the latest 'sode and paused it and came here to ask who the fuck is this normalfag and why does he think he can just get in between me and my friends?

It's a habit for most of us we've been watching them since the first plinkett review a decade or so ago

this. Mike was completely artificial.

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Eh it started out weird but it was ok. Baldy even got in a good joke at the end.

This is feasible lmao