Best skit?

Best skit?

Attached: limmy her.jpg (900x1200, 164.22K)

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I need to watch more because he makes me laff. From what I've seen, I like the mugger tryna pinch his shit, then he sees through him and has this heartfelt sympathy speech before beating him and running away.

his two suicide attempts lol

He's not that funny, really. He tends to really overdo skits and his timing is off a lot, despite some original ideas.

>”Whats heavier? A kilogram of steel? Or a kilogram of feathers?
>”Thats right. A kilogram of ACK!”

like every scottish comedian, his main schtick is sounding like a retard.

Probably Dee Dee goes to Yoker, but for some reason the Nutbush dance competition is entrancing:

omg memey wemey limousinee

kel jistah

Yeah, I mean a lot of his/that kind of comedy does just revolve around 'LOOK AT US WUR PYOOR DED WEIRD MAN'... and it's like yeah buddy we have those people everywhere else in the world we just don't use that dumb word for it or whatever.
Like Scottish Twitter, basically. We get it, you have dumb names for things and mispronounce words intentionally to seem different and piss people off.

lowkey falconhoof kinda cute ngl

Attached: falconhoof.jpg (480x360, 22.41K)

The one where he puts on a scottish accent and gets mad at England and Margaret Thatcher

he looks finnish

cracker dain this yin jus cuttin aboot wi ma pals start up wi this just pure dae a wee jostle batween twae steps ken a wee jutt an ma pals fuckin crease awer ken on the deck pure greetin laughin an a start anaw endin masel two pure bams just haein a laugh eh. belter.

The one where hes too busy playing minecraft on the internet to raise his family

A lot of scots do, because they were.

I don't think Limmy is trans

He's still not as bad as Kevin Bridges... Jesus fucking Christ that dude is the absolute worst. He is not a comedian. What he is doing is not fucking comedy.

the golden age of video games hit homes for me
that look as the nostalgia fade away in an instant as he realize how wrong he was

Why is he wearing lipstick in OP?

fuckin pure kick his cunt in tho eh

Unironically worked in a place in Glasgow and the store manager literally looked like a doppelganger of Finland's female PM, Sana Marin or whatever.

>We get it, you have dumb names for things and mispronounce words intentionally to seem different
this is unironically what Scottish nationalism is

Did they really change the name of Buchanan Street to George Floyd Street

>heh... hehh. n then we went tae da hoose n we aw goat pyoor mad wae ihhht
I'm getting fucking mad just greentexting this.

Crossdressing isn't trans, lots of guys like to wear skirts and makeup in their alone time.

the one where he became a twitch streamer. a bit long, but fucking hilarious

>this is unironically what Scottish nationalism is
I know, unfortunately I'm from there, and I'm from the worst fucking part of "Scot"land as well.
It's a bit like growing up in a mental asylum, but being sane.

>I don't think Limmy is trans

Actually he's the only one I know of that doesn't do that.
If you weren't Scottish you probably wouldn't notice the difference. Limmy just talks normally for a Glaswegian, but almost everyone else on Scottish TV does this weird half accent where they exaggerate certain words for comedic effect.
Scottish Twitter is the absolute worst for this.

looks like a zelensky parody to me


>Did they really change the name of Buchanan Street to George Floyd Street
We apologized to migrants and ordered some major review or something after some African refugee went postal and committed a mass stabbing in a hotel they were all being housed in back in 2020.
We were to blame, a 4 star hotel simply wasn't suitable for these suffering beings. We caused it.

Breaking up with his partner but still living together in the same home.

>Limmy just talks normally for a Glaswegian, but almost everyone else on Scottish TV does this weird half accent where they exaggerate certain words for comedic effect.
You must be a poor or something. You know there are actually people in Glasgow that speak regular English, Limmy absolutely forces and exaggerates that disgusting dialect.

unfortunately I am Scottish, Limmy 100% pumps up the Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff A Bus every now and then

Cringe, tryhard fucking twat

The fake journalist at the press conference for a wife's disappearance. Classic.

He totally fucking does, right?? Like I said here Jesus I fucking HATE that disgusting way of speaking. It's so refreshing when you actually bump into someone that's been to uni or is from outside Glasgow or just hasn't socialized much here and they speak like an actual regular human being.

"Trans rights are human rights"

couldn't stop laughing

Go back to England

I'm already fucking in England, you silly little LARPing cunt.

I'm not poor. I can speak regular English if I have to but I choose to speak Doric because I like it.
I don't think it makes you look good to try and act like you're not from here.

I don't think he does.

>It's so refreshing when you actually bump into someone that's been to uni or is from outside Glasgow or just hasn't socialized much here and they speak like an actual regular human being.
Move to England then.

up eh road noo

shut up mongs

cuck lol mad? cuck u mad? reply if you’re mad

>Pars pro toto usage is especially common in political geography, with examples including "Russia" or "Russians", used to refer to the entire former Russian Empire or former Soviet Union or its people; "Holland" for the Netherlands; and, particularly in languages other than English, using the translation of "England" in that language to refer to Great Britain or the United Kingdom.


>You wanna see some magic?

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 25.9K)

Poor dude's wife left him. How sad of a situation to have that happen when you're near 50

away up to aberdeen see how you get on dickhead

lowland scotts are English no matter how much the snp copes and seethes

most of the deedee ones
wrong way down the one way street
pint of milk
the jogger

>I don't think it makes you look good to try and act like you're not from here.
When you have to force a fucking pretend fake dialect in order to act like you're 'from here', I have no interest in convincing people that I'm from there.
Strange, tribalistic little creep.
Again you're so insecure in your complete lack of identity you need to rely on this forced way of speaking, and policing people's thought and behavior because if people dare not fit the narrow fucking stereotypical image of us they're basically just fucking English people, aren't they...
I've got bad news for you, the entire world already fucking sees you as English anyway.

the puppet one is pretty much peak limmy


It's not and never will be England cunts, dont care what wikipedia has to say


How do i survive the Scottish small talk patter lads? It's fucking taking years off my life talking to co-workers

Then why do English people moan about them not speaking proper?

>youre one of us even though you have a culture we hate

>away up to aberdeen see how you get on dickhead
Aberdeen is unironically 50% foreign born, you fucking twat.
It was the least Scottish region of Scotland according to census questions on national identity.

>Then why do English people moan about them not speaking proper?
why do English people mock northerners for sounding retarded? are you even from the UK getting larping american "muh scottish heritage" vibes

I'm not forcing shit, pretending to have an English accent would be forcing things.
Incredibly rich of you to talk about policing people's thoughts and behaviour when you've spent this thread shitting on people for speaking in the accent that they were raised with.
>English this, English that
You've got a fucking chip on your shoulder mate.

It always has and always will be England, even if you splinter off like Austria the world will continue to view you as English, and the world will always remember the British Empire as ENGLISH!
Every piece of literature written by a 'Scottish' in ENGLISH will be remembered in history as ENGLISH LITERATURE.
Nobody cares what Greek-speaking peoples called themselves or considered themselves or LARPed as, they just go down in history as Greek.
Same with the Romans and Latin.

Where are you from originally? I'm personally planning to kill myself by charcoal burner to escape it, but then again I was born here unfortunately, so I don't really have a great deal of options.

>Then why do English people moan about them not speaking proper?
They do that with every stupid regional accent and dialect that seems obnoxious and forced.
Speak to somebody from Yorkshire or the West Country or Newcastle sometime about their experiences going down south (or east for West Countrymen).

How cozy is Scotland? It seems rainy and craggy and moody. Would folk take kindly to an American?

>the world will always remember the British Empire as ENGLISH!
Scottish nationalists pretend they were an oppressed colony of British empire and not an active part in it it's truly pathetic