What is the official Yea Forums stance on Bill Burr?

What is the official Yea Forums stance on Bill Burr?

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dude it's fuckin brootal

All kidding aside his standup specials in his prime are some of the funniest I’ve ever seen. Lately he’s taken the careful approach of being for blm and the vax which is understandable. I’ll never listen to his podcast tho.

fell off brutally

What's his stance on Xavier Boagarts leaving?

he seems cool but his fans that act like he is their big tough dad that no one can ever criticize are lame as fuck.

Have no idea what's happening with him. Hope the kid is actually his. Weirdly fucking good on The Mandalorian

Was funnier when he wasn't such a whipped fag, he's still better than the average comedian today though

Owitz Brudle

he was kino on breaking bad too, he should genuinely do more acting stuff since his boomer tier stand up is stale and not even allowed anymore

oh, it's brutal

Literal cuck, married to an ugly black golddigger. You should see his argument with Anthony Cumia. He justifies black crime, violence, just about everything by bringing up "muh oppression" and says they can't get jobs because they hold ZERO positions of power and that white people just gets jobs for being white. It is the most guilt ridden cuck babble I've heard in a long time, made worse because you know he doesn't believe any of it, but has to tow the line because he married a negress, who went on to ban him from ever speaking to cumia again, which he agreed to.

>that one comic thing where he talks shit on everyone around him and they don't say fucking anything back

who are his siblings?

He will fill Fenway to capacity & be hilarious.

You, you are special.


i have never cared for him

probably an actual cuck at this point
he let the sheboon get rid of his dog

patrice would fucking trash him if he saw him today

yeah by all means keep talking about it

His early stuff is funny. Dunno about now.

he had to get rid of the dog because it didn't like his kid and he knew the pit bull thirst for blood would win over its love for him one day
a tragic story

he has a LOVELY wife. Come say hi, Nia!

He broke new ground in 2012 and it's been downhill ever since.


Literally who?

Don't bother. He uses it as part of his prep to work on material so once you get to a special you'll have heard all the jokes which may ruin it for you but does for me. So I stopped listening to enjoy the specials more. Turns out he hasn't done enough lately.

> His standup
Very good
> Guest appearances in Chappelle's Show and Just for Laughs
Pretty good
> Breaking Bad recurring role
Not that great but not much to go off of
> Mandalorian
Hilarious, one of my favorite guest stars on the show

How come you didn't like him so much on BrBa? His dynamic with Huel was great

Oh yeah. When I heard that, I was wondering if he was covering for Nia but pit bulls are fucking violent

He's never been funny. He just yells and gives midwit takes, acting all upset at absurd things. Fucking lame.

He's been pretending to be someone he isn't for decades. Makes sense he'd be able to act.

it's just sad, he loved the dog but knew it had to go the second it was growing at his infant
you can't play around with that shit (unless you're a retarded white woman with niglet spawn to spare)

>his infant

died with conan

Just a pretty boring character that could be replaced by any other comedian that could get the job done. Just a fault of the character, not on Bill.

Based as fuck and a real good comic.

I'm seeing him live tomorrow in Columbus. Will report back. I've liked all of his standup except the one where he made an overlong joke imitating Russians or Germans, with the only good gag in the entire setup being about the depressed gorilla that spoke sign language. I've never watched his Netflix show and I don't listen to podcasts, so I don't know how good he is or isn't in those.

Standup comedy is awful
O&A were gross
Podcasts are a timewaster
Bill Burr is an artificially inflated influencer with a fake outsider persona

Took the "spend half your special bitching about SJWs" pill and he started sucking.

Whining about blue haired lesbians on twitter is as hack as airplane food now, only incels and old men still do it unironically.

First Netflix special really launched him and he's pretty funny
then he got married

he was cool but then he went against my opinions and now he is not cool

Didn't his wife cheat on him and he's raising a child that isn't his? Like not meme'ing

One of the best.

Which is fucking retarded because his nignog wife was the one that got the rescue pitt bull in the first place. But then she gor knocked up and it has to go.

>He just yells and gives midwit takes, acting all upset at absurd things.
most comedians are doing this, the trick is to be funny. which bill usually is. it's about delivery and timing. you don't need to be some revolutionary philosopher, just say shit everybody knows in a funny way

>all other comedians are doing it
>therefore bill is funny when he does it
what? no. all other comedians are doing it and they're also all shit. including bill burr

Cuckold that agreed with Gina Carano but wouldn't outright say so over losing his guest appearance in a shitty spin off. He even said she was nice on set, and great to work with.

Imagine betraying your friends like that. A truly spineless individual.

Dead meme.
I don’t care much for what any “consensus” says, but he’s hands down one of the funniest comedians still working.

Aside from Paper Tiger where he ranted for the first 10 minutes (arguably the worst part of the standup) there aren’t really any examples of him doing this in any of his specials.

Was based. Now a niggger loving faggot. So it goes

That’s not what he said, user. He said that Bill does it FUNNY. Which is true. He bitches at stuff, but he’s very good at set up and delivery. He powers through with jokes where most comedians would ease up, and then he always ends up getting the laugh. The guy is masterclass at what he does. It’s not just going up to a mic and complaining for thirty minutes. I’ve seen comics do that a lot and suck ass.

Early specials were funny, got married, now he's neutered. Jim Gaffagen is a piece of shit.

the dynamic between him and Joe Derosa + the callers is amazing

buck broken

Dave Chapelle has made you angry before hasn't he

hes a cuck nigger lover.

I don't disagree but racism is frowned on this board just fyi

you are in a bill burr fanboy cult, only possible explanation for a post like this

only pseuds use this term

you are a retard, only possible explanation for a post like this

He was funny and his opinions were pretty middle of the road until about 2 years ago
Now it’s all cringe blm and tranny shit.
That weirdo wife of his did a number on him.
I actually listened to his podcast until the Rittenhouse episode and then I was done.
When he was funny, he was really funny though. His bit on domestic violence was amazing

Get a room you two

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These are correct and also appear to be something of a consensus, oh-pee
And yes, fuck Jim Gaffigan
What happened to that guy?