Svengoolie Thread!

>What the heck is Svengoolie?
Svengoolie is one of the last great Late Night Horror Hosts still on the air. Think Elvira but instead of a hot woman it's a fat old man who lives in a coffin and get pelted with rubber chickens.

>Where can I watch Svengoolie?

You can watch Svengoolie on the TV channel MeTV. Check your cable channels to see if you get MeTV, most American service providers carry MeTV. Americans can also get MeTV for FREE over the airwaves with an antenna. Also check the spoiler below.

>When does Svengoolie come on?
8:00 PM Eastern Time: Exactly 30 minutes after this post. If you are seeing Stooge Kino on MeTv, you're early!


TONIGHTS MOVIE: Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943) - The resurrected Wolf Man, seeking a cure for his malady, enlists the aid of a mad scientist, who claims he will not only rid the Wolf Man of his nocturnal metamorphosis, but also revive the frozen body of Frankenstein's inhuman creation.

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Tonight's Movie: Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
Year: 1943
Director: Roy William Neill
Writers: Curt Siodmak

Lon Chaney Jr. ... The Wolf Man - Lawrence Talbot
Ilona Massey ... Baroness Elsa Frankenstein
Patric Knowles ... Dr. Frank Mannering
Lionel Atwill ... Mayor
Bela Lugosi ... Monster
Maria Ouspenskaya ... Maleva
Dennis Hoey ... Inspector Owen
Don Barclay ... Franzec
Rex Evans ... Vazec
Dwight Frye ... Rudi


Description: Lawrence Stewart Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr.) is plagued by a physical oddity that turns him into a crazed werewolf after sundown. His desire to rid himself of this ailment leads him to the castle owned by mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein. Frankenstein, it turns out, is now dead, yet Talbot believes that the scientist's daughter, Baroness Elsa Frankenstein (Ilona Massey), can help him. However, his quest to right himself puts him on a collision course with Frankenstein's monster (Bela Lugosi).

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what if svengoolie at out joe bob's shit encrusted asshole while elvira watched

My body is ready!

*press sound bite button*


fuck you svengooglie

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come say that to my face in nigeria not online and see what happens

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howdy frens. what we sipping on tonight? for me it's bumbu xo on the rocks with a squeeze of lime.

>they're getting rid of no personal checks

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I'm going hard in the bowling alley tonite boys

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that was the last thing i had to live for

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when my family was poor and living in different relatives houses who didn't have cable, good ole meTV and bounceTV( I called it bounceFM) were my go tos. svengoolies a cool dude

I'm ding dong diddly ready to diddle

couple VIBs

Very nice, I just got mine filled out

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It had to be a programming error. I don't think I could bear living in a world where people like go unpunished.

ano is purely delusional it's never gonna happen


it hasn't been in the last two eps

Is it autism or faggotry that makes someone routinely make a thread about some nobody

You're mom gave birth to some autism or faggotry

Any guesses?


Launch Hay Patella June Date?

North Korea Hayknee Date


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rocket hay knee calendar duh.

I didn’t guess the right answer, lads :(

redpill me on Collector's Call. is it kino?

Do you like collecting things?

167000000 get

Button wheat knee th(ursday) red

Butts that weigh a ton I need threads

are you in the market for wonder woman underoos?

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yes. vinyl and mugs.


who's bring home "" to our thread?


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Nobody talking about the movie lol another dud?


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What is going on with the stream?


>Have you checked out the great Tervis drinkware in our store? ( Yes, “I have a store?!”- so many of you have asked why the commercial with that phrase and “no personal checks” has not been following the mail segment- we are working on a new version. Never did we think so many fans would miss those catchphrases!)

think streambro may be asleep at the wheel this week

>$54 shipped

whew, that's a relief. hopefully it's back tonight


chickens is at the bowling alley trying to score some dick

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excellent. my weekly ritual of briefly contemplating svengoolie and then closing this thread and forgetting about it is now

good luck out there, chickens. don't get munsoned or rocked by a murricane!

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we return you to your weekly gay porn marathon and then calling your mother, who cries on the other end because she'll never have grandkids

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No worries mate, it’s just reruns.

You sure you want to miss Sventoonie, though?

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Nice trips.

Also, Sven is a comfy throwback.

Don't forget Sventoonie afterward!

how can the Svengoolie staff afford to keep the job when they do so many reruns?

they're getting Kozed!

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cool it, not every thread on this board has to be trannies

I got up for a beer. shit, shit, shit

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send em a VIB from me

im switching it up this week 1432

oh shit, Emma Watsen is #2 and a time traveler

bitch will do anything to avoid apologizing for her car

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how we doing with our letter writing campaign, senpai?

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the good doctor's dubstep labratory is BUSSIN dead ass, no cap, fr fr, on god, NGL

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streambro is out there suckin dick for drink tickets and free sausage

meanwhile, rate my dinner

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