any casting tapes where you know the person is going to land the main role based on delivery if her lines and presence
Any casting tapes where you know the person is going to land the main role based on delivery if her lines and presence
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if her lines and presence what?
how is that based?
Is she casting to be in the nostalgia critic? That looks like his couch.
Tattoos are hot fag
I've seen the tape she did a good job
Tanya before she became kylie rocket
Are you a sailor? Or a pirate? Do tell.
what movie is this
I recognize that couch
White people don’t fetishize whiteness.
Are you retarded? Or a faggot? Do tell.
based, always gets the subhumans like seething
Great scene. She licks his ass too. Zoomerkino.
based who tf cares if its tame only incel trannies like and care enough over some literal whore that is filming herself degrading herself for a porno.
This. Also I suspect that shot is from a pornographic film set.
This one?
Tallie Lorain is my new retard pornstar
What possesses a woman like this to agree to be dicked down like that for what, 300 dollars or so?
umm name?
Even a newbie is getting $2500+
really? okay that makes more sense I'd do that
were you able to tell from the pixels?
hatred of their father
twice that amount if its interacial, for some reason the actresses do not like to do that.
Supply and demand.
I have really been enjoying watching Katie Morgan turn into a cat lately
They're hot but in a slightly off way and it's made them insecure and pliable their entire lives
>for some reason
This goofy retard had some great tits
the money is just an excuse
for me its fully Asian women
god damn, I need a sauce on this one.
Did the casting couch guy ever replace his couch with a new one?
Ellen Page
it's actually classified as a superfund site now, he's not allowed to remove it without arranging for disposal
I guess everything really is smaller in Japan
please name
BRCC Daisy
I was going to write that but I changed my mind
Joy, she's sweet but seems like a genuine retard so her scene kind of sucks
when you’re not horny this shit is just depressing
>genuine retard
Joy what?
It was an easy one, I admit it
>but seems like a genuine retard
>so her scene [is great]
brcc joy
why do they do it bros? Is it the money ? I wish I could have saved them all and make good women/mother's out of them all
I'm always horny
(Easy) money/stupidity/fuck you dad, most likely a combo of all three
Doubt she's genuiney retarded. Hannah Hayes was which is why her career died and she bogged herself. Too much male talent would refuse to work with her because due to her seeming to be mentally slow.
why did she do it bros
double trips confirm user’s hornieness.
not really
Skimmed it. She just acts and sounds like a dumb 18 year old trying to be "porn sexy"
it is to me. the majority of these women probably don’t even need to do this shit to get by but for some fucked up reason they choose to.
nice digits
>Too much male talent would refuse to work with her because due to her seeming to be mentally slow.
Gonna need sauce on this claim. I know she had the mental development of a 12 year old, but I've never heard of anyone refusing to work with her over it
Porn is really depressing. The worst is pics of pornstars when they were kids, before they could ever know what their lives would become.
Still jerk off at least thrice a day though
Some people get off on betraying all the virtues they were instilled with growing up. Guys do it too but they're just less open about it.
some people say that a lot of girls in jav are coerced
The Yea Forums porn guy who pops up now and then and does AMAs listed it in his gossip. He said the brothers in Blacked were the first to show her the door.
Low-class loser.
I dont expect high class whores for a fucking casting video.
Is anyone going to post more examples of what OP described?
This is why you will always be poor
Even if you win the lotto you will have a poor soul
i cant watch them and ecg anymore. they dont cast real amateur from asu anymore.
no father or bad father
it's never not the case
Onlyfans has killed casting couch kino