Rome thread

What made season 2 that much worse, bros?

For me it's this fucking faggot. He wasn't even badly written, it's the completely uncharismatic autistic actor

Attached: Octavianprofile.jpg (360x450, 25.44K)

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>What made season 2 that much worse, bros?
They knew the BBC was pulling the plug and had to cram 4-6 seasons into one.

This actor plus cramming too much in.

HBO, and yes

"I have to go now; my people need me"
>Note: Timon died on the voyage to Judea

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>HBO, and yes
Sorry, it was a BBC and HBO co-production, although HBO put more money towards the series. I still blame the BBC for being cheap cunts and paying more to keep it going.

I didn't like him on 1st viewing but he actually plays the role perfectly - that's exactly the kind of man precocious pipsqueek Octavian would grow into.

Their interpretation of Agrippa was downright insulting. Augustus' greatest general, reinterpreted as a dumb, lovestruck teenager

They skipped over too many kino moments from that period, which could have been covered with one or two more episode.
>Antony's speech
>Antony's Parthian War

It's the writting you like, not the actor. Mini Octavian was an extremly confident and scary as balls fucker. Biggie Octavian is fucking autistic. He would have been an amazing character if they'd pick someone who can act.

Honestly, the entire new cast except for Memmio sucks balls


Terribly rushed season
It was like, one scene where Timon meets his brother, one scene where he falls out with Atia, one scene where they plan to kill Herod... then he chickens out, accidentally kills his brother, and that's it. Absolutely no point to any of it.
Same with the Eirene subplot. Titus Pullo marries Eirene then goes and fucks that one bitchy slave for no reason. Bitchy slave then poisons Eirene, then gets killed in the next fucking episode after like, one scene of her being Pullo's new woman

His story would've been so kino

Hey, he fucks the bitchy slave because she's hot as fuck

Got tired of the Titus and Pullo Forrest Gump thing they were doing plus their personal drama. I didn't like Octavian either. Too many interesting and well acted characters like Caesar, Brutus, Cicero, etc were killed off and were never replaced by anyone entertaining. Antony really carries the season on his back.

They almost always skipped battles though, going back to season one even. The show was just a bit too early for big CGI battles
The only two exceptions I can remember were the battle in episode 1, and then the battle where they gave Brutus a heroic death for some reason

It's a good show but the whole Barris s2 plot is retarded. He's fucking Roman so we have to create some mafia subplot. It's a stereotype, and it's offensive.

I just don't understand why people call it a masterpice, I mean it's a good show but I just don't know what makes it THE GOAT for some people

In the first season, Pullo and Vorenus act as a plot device, who glue the story, help with the pacing and are fun to watch. The only time they redid this in second season was when Pullo kills Cicero. Honestly that episode was the only good one

I've finished watching the second season about an hour ago and I already don't remember anything from their side of the story lol

This certainly gets to the point of disgust the more you rewatch it
The first coupke of times I found it hilarious but nowadays almost 2 decades later the forrest gump thing irks me too

I do agree that's bullshit that they cut Antony's speech though. That actor stole the show, I was looking forward to that speech since halfway through the first season
I admit it was a pretty good gag, just showing the aftermath of him acting like he just got a little carried away, while Brutus and Cassius go into full blown panic mode though

Instead as said, they did some retarded mafia subplot lol

High budget show about Ancient Rome with some great actors. Better than any historical show on now and there was nothing really like it when it came out.

Octavian's young actor was great. His chemistry with Pullo was great. What they replaced it with was pretty shitty.

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Yeah the cast in the first season is completely perfect. Exactly the opposite with the second one

It was a bad idea, badly executed. It was based on nothing historically, made Vorenus look like an incompetent leader and a bad friend, and ultimately went nowhere. They had to cram so much into this season and they still wasted time on fantasy Roman mafia nonsense

I actually like that he's autistic, however fictional/symbolic the idea of the brawny Roman "man of the people" was, he represents the exact opposite of it and takes charge basically because of his last name

BS, season 2 is still damn good. Fuck, I’m jelly about a universe that the show went into a season 3

>it's the completely uncharismatic autistic actor
Isn't that kinda the point? Both in-show and in real life he was notorious for being an uncharismatic unlikeable autist that everyone hated. He just had based Agrippa and Maecenas along with his family name and fortune (along with Antony being a fuckup) to carry him over the finish line. Hell had Antony not gotten exposed trying to sell off the Empire to eastern monarchs in the Donations of Alexandria it's likely Octavian would have lost.

They found out halfway through filming the season that the show would be cut at the end of it so they had to rush a bunch of shit so they could at least end with Augustus becoming emperor.

That’s kind of an exaggeration, but only slightly. Theyd originally wanted to end it with Jesus, but it is true they crammed basically a whole season or twos worth into the second half of season 2,

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As much as part of me wishes the show went on forever, their plans about the next few seasons being about Pullo accidentally founding Christianity sound cringe as fuck. Plus the ending we did get was kino as fuck: tied up all themes, plots, and loose ends in a satisfactory way. That last shot of Pullo and Caesarion being absorbed and lost into the crowd is Kino on so many levels.
>Symbolizes a central theme of the show, that being how the little people are important to history but never get recorded or remembered.
>Symbolizes Pullo getting out of all this political stuff and finding peace in a "normal" life.
>Symbolizes how it was the city of Rome itself that was the main character all along.

>carry him over the finish line
is this just in regard to his taking the throne? after that he definitely displayed an aptitude all his own

Isn't the new Octavian is only three months older? The character I mean, not the actor. They flash a "three months later" card and suddenly he looks and acts like a completely different person. What a bizarre decision

>wanted to end it with Jesus

Also Caligula-Nero would have been great

He wasn’t uncharismatic, at least to the populace and clearly he was doing something right if he had Agrippa on his side. However it is true he was pretty much a sociopath and a cold calculated cunt. Imagine a debate team pretty boy valedictorian chad instead of the typical Roman varsity all American football type chad.

Good thread, honestly

correct. If history teaches one thing it's that taking power and using it are vastly different skillsets that seldom exist in the same person. Plus it's a lot easier to run an empire when every other powerbase has been crushed. After Antony was dead there was no one left to get in the way of Augustus's good ideas, so his lack of charisma no longer mattered so much.

>we didn't get 6 seasons of Rome because GoT had to be made

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He was like the raptor from Jurassic Park to me every time he was staring at someone. Best scene with his is when he was fucking his goddess wife as he abused her.

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He was only popular with the populace after he won though. At that point he could become popular no matter how personally unlikable he was because he could shower the people with gifts and infrastructure. There was no TV or Radio for some Plebeian to see how distasteful he was up close.

unsurprisingly hes a faggot irl

cleopatra actress also sucked

>wanted to end it with Jesus
They could have kept it going all the way to the Flavians or even Trajan and I'd still be watching now.
Why don't history kinos ever last? The Tudors did the same thing. The plural name lures you in with the promise of many seasons, then it turns out they are only covering one Tudor.

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On the second season now, does Henry do anything else except cheat on the queen witrh dorner and chimp out at his underlings?

I was under the impression that it being called the Tudors was in reference to the multiple wives that also received the name Tudor by marriage to Henry

Season 2 was good.

>“Bruno [Heller] once did outline a story that he was going to start the whole series with,” Stevenson said. “An 88-year-old Pullo going down to the riverside by Vorenus’ tomb, or sarcophagus, pouring wine on it, taking a sword out while sitting there on the banks, looking at the glistening river, and committing suicide.

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It had some amazing moments but the pacing kind of fucked it. Still a fantastic show but it really would’ve been 10/10 if they’d just given them one more season to build up to Augustus becoming Emperor.

And what of Good Solonius?

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Redscare faggots, show yourselves.

On a related note, how good is the Augustus from I, Claudius?

Does he btfo this twink's performance?

He does get round to some war and religious persecution eventually.
With a normal family that would make sense, but the Tudors are a dynasty. It would be like making "The Caesars" and then only covering the lifespan of Julius.

Not as good as 1 but good.

Are you the same user who makes the Maario Naharis posts?

Watched this for the first time recently. There wasn't really ever a point where I thought it was bad, but I did learn shortly after starting the second season about the situation it was with it getting canceled. Otherwise I probably would've been a lot more critical of the rush to start all these different plotlines in the start of the season kinda fucking the pacing, but I could see they sacrificed the beginning a bit to have a slower end.
Also Lucius isn't dead, he just looked bad because he travelled for a month on end with a bad injury and recovered at home.

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Its good, he portrays Augustus more as an affable grandfatherly-type though, not a sociopathic schemer

Source on the spoiler?

It's great

My heart.

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>Son, penetrate somebody.
Romans really were the king of shitposts, it's basically "incel, have sex"

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She is so beautiful.