The Guardian name drops Yea Forums

>At the London premiere of The Northman in early April, the director, Robert Eggers, explained on stage how he was seeking to reclaim Viking history from rightwing groups. Many of these groups thrive on myths of an imagined European past: a time before racial mixing or progressive politics, when men were mighty warriors and women were compliant child-bearers.

>As Eggers told the Observer recently, such associations almost put him off making The Northman. “The macho stereotype of that history, along with, you know, the rightwing misappropriation of Viking culture, made me sort of allergic to it, and I just never wanted to go there.” Eggers has spoken of his scholarly research and commitment to getting Viking history right, down to the smallest details. But as rigorous and accomplished as The Northman is, it might in fact be the kind of movie the “alt-right” loves.

>The Northman’s 10th-century society appears to be uniformly white and firmly divided along patriarchal lines. Men do the ruling and killing; women do the scheming and baby-making. Its hero, played by Alexander Skarsgård, is not a million miles from the “macho stereotype” Eggers complained of – a brawny warrior who settles most disputes with a sword and without a shirt. Skarsgård’s love interest, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, could be the far-right male’s dream woman: beautiful, fair-haired, loyal to her man and committed to bearing his offspring. Even before the film’s release, far-right voices were giving their approval on the anonymous message board site Yea Forums: “Northman is a based [agreeable] movie, all white cast and shows pure raw masculinity.” “Robert Eggers. He is restoring pride in our people with his great films. The Northman is going to be epic… Hail Odin.”

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based [agreeable]

>based [agreeable]

>based [agreeable]

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I am a 4channer and I like breathing, breathing is an alt right thing because the world has to align by the American's journalist view of politics lel.

Well I hope the answer to that question is no, not feeling like finding the article as is quite late right now.

agreeable post

Why must everything be about race and identity politics this mind rotted planet is insufferable

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Bros.. we've made it

A Jewish bitch-man whining about white people, what else is new?

>he was seeking to reclaim Viking history from rightwing groups
No wonder why the movie flopped so badly.

Fuck you kike journos

Because the bad guys won the war

>10th-century society appears to be uniformly white and firmly divided along patriarchal lines
Yeah? So they went for somewhat more historically accurate picture. Are they going to complain that film doesn't distort history enough?

Disagreeable (cringe) post.

>beautiful, fair-haired, loyal to her man and committed to bearing his offspring.
Wanting a good looking woman who doesn't cheat on you is apparently a right wing fantasy.

>The Guardian

I’m so fucking sick of these goddamned motherfucking assholes..I wish they die in a spectacular fashion.

It's a good movie with nothing political in it, stop spamming this obvious gossip rag bullshit. lazy journos coming here to create a story that fits their narrative.
Northman is a good movie and journos are scum for trying to politicize it.

>Nooooo only WE'RE allowed to be exploitative in our politically prescriptivist media...!

Have you seen the state of leftard women?

I heard someone on twitter once said nigger. I'm going to write an article about this and get twitter cancelled!

It's "[cringe]" you neofag

They want trannies and nasty, fat, blue haired gunts.

Elon Musk is working on it

brothers! the globalists and democrats have found us!

To be honest, I don't understand why it scored so high on rotten tomatoes, considering the landscape - the reviewers should be docking it points for not including black people. That's just how I expect the world to work.

It pisses me off that they aren't being consistent in their insanity.

It feels like white men are starting to approach a tipping point with the absolutely relentless attacks on every aspect of their values and identity. There's electricity in the air. You can sense it.

My question is, how do we get started? More and more normies are waking up to where this cultural Marxist poison is coming from too.

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If it sounds good, it's right wing [bad]. If it sounds bad it's left wing but you just need to adjust your perception to accept the propaganda that goes against your instincts and intuition.

Robert Eggers. He is restoring pride in our people with his great films. The Northman is going to be epic… Hail Odin.

its very cringe to think finding spicy Yea Forums posts is how to write a movie review

Northman is agreeable and red-medicined, dumb democrat

>robert eggers
is this name even real?

Its almost as if your insanity might be inconsistent


>le toxic
I hate this meme word

you glow

>Eggers has spoken of his scholarly research and commitment to getting Viking history right, down to the smallest details.
>But as rigorous and accomplished as The Northman is, it might in fact be the kind of movie the “alt-right” loves.
history is racist


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Just like the Sumerians were erased by the ruling Akkadians - peacefully, with only intermittent political strife - White people are being erased by the Jews who rule over them.

What? There is worse, there is Speed Weed, or having Dick as a name or Cock as a surname, I saw "Luca" today and a one person involved is called "Jennifer Jew".

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cringe [disagreeable]

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what the actual fuck is a neofag?

>elon buys twitter just to get it cancelled so that we don't get twitter screencaps anymore
based [agreeable]

the "joke", was that I called him out for not keeping the same style as the one he was quoting by using standard parenthesis instead of square ones, to further highlight the sillyness of this fake "old rule" I did not call him a newfag but something different that wouldn't normally be used.

Well that was a waste of time.

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why are people saying the Northman flopped? projection was 15 million opening weekend, as of Friday, it has12.5 million and with Saturday and Sunday still left I think it's safe to assume it will surpass the 15m projection for opening weekend.

the absolute seething over this movie is beyond ridiculous. It's a good movie unless you really don't like blood and gore. why can't just be entertained and fuck off trying to superimpose their political agenda on every fucking thing under the sun.

Who cares? The Guardian is a meme news outlets and anybody who reads it unironically is already bought and sold when it comes to ideological beliefs anyways.

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based [agreeable]

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Pretty agreeable flick

>based [agreeable

The wave of alt-left schizoids who came in from neogaf some years back.

Blessed aesthetically agreeable numbers thread

>mfw going to see based [agreeable] on posts forever now

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I think they are still worth reading, but you have to ignore the opinion pieces.

I want to burn down Weimar.

Who cares what some journigger says, I'm not reading all this bs bro.

>myths of an imagined European past: a time before racial mixing or progressive politics

Are they unable to consneed that their own bullshit is a very 21st century phenomenon? I really hate the fucking Guardian.

shiver me timbers

I think you should kys you're self (agreeable)

Soon. Very soon now.

>based [agreeable]

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I do often wonder if they are actually high off their own supply, or just bullshitting.

This. Same people complaining about Norsemen cry and applaud the TV when when they saw little mermaid will be black. A bunch of mentally ill hypocrites who have to make everything involve, race, gender and politics. Same people who call me a racist (I'm black) because I didn't want another LOTR and wouldn't want one if it was a lily white cast but no I'm a racist because black = good

Get with it, eggers is an agreeable god.

You have to remember most lefties come from single moms who have convinced them having a man in your life and having a loving family is pure evil

>Skarsgård’s love interest, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, could be the far-right male’s dream woman: beautiful, fair-haired, loyal to her man and committed to bearing his offspring
She's unironically a well-written strong female character. She uses her knowledge and skills to support her husband who is more brawn than brain and even saves him when he gets himself into trouble using her cunning, and stealth rather than strength and speed. She's very feminine but also strong and smart and helps her husband accomplish his life goals while also getting what she wants..

In the midst of this most esteemed discussion you larp.

How would you define based? I'd say it just means cool

american vikingbros are cringe
what is it with european diaspora in the US and being so autistic about muh heritage when most of them cant speak their culture's language, didn't grow up there and probably haven't been there ever, and their only cultural ties is at best through grandparents

agreeable within brackets

>Hail Odin

Looks like you made an oopsie, Hansdeep Nigelwong

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True. Anyways, hail odin

It's simply a fantasy.

Yeah Nazis were totally not into identity politics lmao

>beautiful, fair-haired, loyal to her man and committed to bearing his offspring

Leftists are now arguing that these are negative traits. Absolutely disgusting people.

sort of baffling that the establishment do actually read this godforsaken site and take its opinions seriously

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>when men were mighty warriors and women were compliant child-bearers
>compliant child-bearers
>Norse women
lmao no

Women had a lot of rights and power in Norse society. Women had the final say in anything related to the household itself. Men ruled the land, women ruled the house. Women could sleep around freely before marriage. If you were a dipshit husband your wife could call a Thing or Folkmoot and make her case before the lawspeaker and pull a proto-divorce rape on you. The closest thing to inequality in Norse society was that married men could have as many concubines as they can care for, while married women who slept with another man without their husband's permission could be legally killed by their husbands.

Men generally also didn't mess with women because they feared being cursed by the local völva if they did. For an ancient culture, the Norse were egalitarian as fuck on gender.

It's the last place on the internet where people can speak truth without censorship.

>white supremacy is le bad because mr. Shekelstein said so

Steve Rose probably posted what he's quoting himself.

>“Northman is a based [agreeable] movie, all white cast and shows pure raw masculinity.” >“Robert Eggers. He is restoring pride in our people with his great films. The Northman is going to be epic… Hail Odin.”

reminder that there is nothing in the archives for these posts for what are supposed actual quotes
should I write a complaint to the guardian that he literally fabricated these?

Based means unapologetic you fucking newfag

Maybe you were wrong about how the world works. Critics loved Hacksaw Ridge and that was all about white Americans mowing down hordes of soulless Japs underlined with Christian propaganda.

I don't think he even went that far, the quotes are total fabrications and are not in the archives

>Go to work after Floyd riots
>Talking with co worker friend about it
>I say you know instead of only black lives matter wouldn't true equality be all lives matter including blacks
>"That's the most racist and disgusting thing I've ever heard you are a real piece of shit"

She was a single mom with purple hair so I should have realized what weirdo she was

Journalism nowadays is just reposting Twitter comments

>should I write a complaint to the guardian that he literally fabricated these?

oh indeed yes

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>get a blockbuster movie that caters to you in every way
>some fag complains about it

Men like beautiful women and women like being beautiful so there's only so far they can get with this.

Does he just mean non-woke whites?

Not the first time. Remember when CNN made their own KKK Pepe?

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agreeable and crimson-beaned

Paganism was the original right wing ideology and Christianity was the original left wing one. Thus, any film that portrays paganism as it was actually practiced with no modern interpolations will always feel right wing.

This sounds like you are reappropriating a plath poem, but I'm not sure

Based is about to be used in mainstream media by normies, I've already noticed my friends have actually said it a few times IRL. Its only a matter of time until it stops being posted here because of that