On the internet, no one knows your Henry Cavill, destroying noobs with your superman rig

On the internet, no one knows your Henry Cavill, destroying noobs with your superman rig.

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u must be fun at parties, u.

i dont care that he has tiny hands he is a true gamer


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Wearing his trusted blue tank top.

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>Not for me, user. I'd rather be at home, drinking hot chocolate and playing Minecraft to relax after my Friday evening gym session.

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He plays WoW on a PVE server like a true Chad. PvP is for overcompensating nerds.

What's his problem?

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Based gentleman.

>Our market research and sampled testing shows that you'll get positive engagement amongst core 18-34 year old audience if you're seen to be aligned with their interests
>Warner Brothers has purchased high-end personal computer components, and we'd like to contract a day with our social media team so they can set up a shoot of you putting it together

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its me i'm the Henry Cavil hello Yea Forums how are you?

That's what you're supposed to do, user. You've been doing it wrong your whole life.

i could believe this, but not warhammer

Why not? It's not like its a super-obscure tabletop game

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god i fucking hate my parents for letting me mouth breathe during my young years

>user was raised by a single father
The basics of being a gentleman are so innate I'm honestly shocked. I bet this faggot has never stood upon his nan entering the room

gaming isn't a niche little hobby for basement dwelling nerds anymore chud, its a multi billion dollar industry with mass appeal so its not far fetched to think that henry is genuinely into that sort of thing, just because he's a handsome chad doesn't mean he's incapable of enjoying what is, again, popular media

Its not 1875 anymore

mewing unironically works, the tongue positioning can work the jaw muscles even as an adult.

I'm usually cynical about gamer celebrities, but because he sounds like such a retard when talking about 40k and other interests, it's probably real.

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Guy almost missed his call back for superman because he was playing wow

It's called etiquette

Raided with him back in Wotlk.

Decent player but the rp he insisted on was weird. He would play a gnome as a baby and always talk about his nappy being full and needing a change.

idk, do they have twitch thots for warhammer now? wargaming always just seemed next level autismo.

You are delusional

Its a powermove to gesture for hosts to have a seat on their own fucking show kek. Also its a trick that gets audiences focusing on you because youre literally "the last man standing."

Same, I just found it easier and no one bothered to correct it. Now my face has paid the price. Now I have to have perfect tongue posture, mew, and do jaw exercises to even have a slight chance to unfuck it all.

If Henry Cavill legitimately plays video games regularly then he is a gigantic faggot. He's incredibly rich and can have any woman in the world. There are thousands of more interesting things he could be doing.

I have never met an adult that regularly plays video games that isn't completely pathetic.

No. It's just called he was raised properly.

You sound like someone who doesn't get any women and therefore puts sex on a massive pedestal.
There's tons more things to do than just that, and it shouldn't take any more than 2 hours of your time a given day to begin with.

based. i too have clothes in my wardrobe that i wash carefully and have lasted me decades

Actually delusional

> there are thousands of more interesting things he could be doing

You thought I was just talking about sex? Are you retarded?

Literally wearing my white and black tank top rn I've owned for almost a decade

he's gay

Considering just beforehand you brought up banging women it is definitely one of the top things you think he can be doing. Either way your posts reeks of desperate faggotry

I look like this


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god I wish I looked like him

Don't talk about faggotry when you're desperately defending some actor playing video games. Go play some children's games you fat retard.

>an actor worth tens of millions of dollars would never have the time to engage in a hobby he enjoyed in his youth semi-frequently!!111

Wow literally me

He's right though. Your suspicion that it's some kind of "marketing ploy" just paints you as some asocial loser who doesn't get people.

Why even bother replying to such retards?

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>some asocial loser who doesn't get people
That sounds more like adults that play video games.

Which is every 2nd or 3rd person at this point. Games haven't been some niche interest in a long while now.
Practically every other household has a console in it at this point.
Even assuming it was the rarest hobby in the world, that still doesn't mean Cavill can't have such interests.
He could be into collecting fucking porcelain and it wouldn't be weird or a marketing ploy. You just watch too much movies and spend too little time with actual people.

it's so slow and subtle enough to be pointless

Sir Tim is a very handsome fellow

>Which is every 2nd or 3rd person at this point
Playing mobile games during a commute or while waiting in an office doesn't count. Without that it's like every 20th person and almost all of those are children or low IQ fatties.

somehow he's the most soi of all the Bonds.

He wears that blue vest a lot. Not that I'm complaining, just an observation.

>Not Lazenby

It's the opposite. It's a sign of respect to let the other person sit before you do. Of course you being an underage faggot with zero social skills wouldn't know that.

You do this in a lot of companies today and you're gonna get reported to HR for misogyny.

I would marry Henry and make him my husband.

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my statement stands, his profile is soi , and some of his unsteadiness.

That actually looks like Henry Cavill

Dalton was the coldest Bond there was.

It doesn't matter the gender. He tries to do it at the start of this interview too, though Colbert is aware of it and tries to let Cavill sit first instead.


I am a gay, and I have hands twice the size of Cavill’s.
