>Goes for a walk
Goes for a walk
Based. Vagrants are usually troublemakers.
>the eternal boomer seethes at strangers and people who don’t kiss his ass for being old
>huge Afro
>swarthy skin
>harassed by police
>only friend in film was black family
>destroys entire town in fit of rage
Rambo was an analogy for black people.
A hippie walk? A Charlie Manson walk?
based sheriff didn't want any greasy high daego wops ruining his nice white christian town. simple as.
>rightoids always want to pretend their rambo and being victimized
>never want to admit the sheriff is a rightoid and he would hassle and brutalize anyone not from that small town especially vagrant veterans
Never fails. Righties will always play the victim while being the victimizer.
We don't take kindly to white homeless around here, goy scum.
We found a Bible on him, sir. What do you want done with him?
Put the hose on him and let him cool off with 15 straight hours of Big Mouth and Bill Nye gender spectrum music videos.
*Flashbacks to trans history week*
Nooooooooooo! Aaargggghh.
>seethes at strangers
Which is natural. If you come back home to find a stranger in your living room I doubt you stay gentle.
This. Sheriff literally did nothing wrong.
they are both rightoids
There should be more movies about killing stupid pigs
He didn't kill anyone...
Just another zoomie idiot that didn’t watch the movie. He hits this guy with a rock and he falls out of the helicopter
This movie was a predictive time traveling metaphor for trying to avoid shabbos goy police trying to force vaccinate a man with the Jewish covid scam sterilization shot.
Powerful kino.
Sounds a lot like trannies who groom children and then claim oppression when parents say they can’t do it anymore
Just another cretin who pretends having watch the movie, he hits the copter canopy with the rock, and immediately surrendered for the accident. So much for "killing cops"...
>guy is teetering from a helicopter in a fit of insanity
>loses his balance
>"bro look what you did!"
As a German I was really surprised just how thick the Propaganda for the U.S. Military was in this movie. Even more so with the sequels. The original Rambo in the end was the only movie worth watching and it's the only one referenced and parodied.
>just how thick the Propaganda for the U.S. Military was in this movie.
lol what? They're described as incompetent tourists. (it's the national guard btw)
Yeah, maybe you don't notice it as an American. But it's really noticeable for me.
should've cut his hair, this fucking hippie got what he deserved
Rent free
I'm not american, and none of the Rambo movies depict the US army in a good way, they're either incompetent or borderline traitors or just absent of the plot.
>>rightoids always want to pretend their rambo and being victimized
>>never want to admit the sheriff is a rightoid and he would hassle and brutalize anyone not from that small town especially vagrant veterans
>Never fails. Righties will always play the victim while being the victimizer.
>Baker team - they're all dead, sir.
>Not Delmar Berry. Berry made it.
>Berry's gone.
>Got himself killed by the NIAID and didn't know it. Vaxx ate him down to the bone. Got defoliated with boosters once too much. Delmar ate nails, man! He had muscles in his shit. After all he came through...
Ah okay. Very interesting. I guess some people are just incapable of movie analysis.
Sheriff was a Korean War vet, so a loser like Rambo would have upset him, especially after pot smoking hippies and candy ass vietnam “veterans” ruined America’s perfect war record with a tie in viet nam.
>a tie in viet nam.
You’re a tranny who comes to a board full of people who hate you, to post your gay opinions. And we’re the rent free? You faggots go out of your way to spam Yea Forums boards and then act all high and mighty with a “no u”
Our sheriff used to do shit like this
>homeless guy walks into town
>only has a backpack, dirty as all get out
>sheriff has a sixth sense about their arrivals and flags them down
>asks them what they're doing in our neck of the woods
>9/10 times "just walking"
>sheriff would kindly let him know that vagrancy isn't looked on too kindly here
>if they want, he'd be happy to drop them off in King County (Seattle area)
>most got the message and fucked off
>some didn't tale the hint (or weren't able to, mentally) and spent time in the jail
>never had homeless camps spring up in our town
>petty crime was low
You need people like that sheriff, otherwise you get hellholes like Seattle and Portland
what happens if everywhere gets a sheriff like that? wouldn't it just turn into an endless cycle of homeless people being shuttled around america to become some other sheriff's problem?
>thick the Propaganda for the U.S. Military
Bitte was? The first Rambo movie was anti-military, dude literally cries in the end from war trauma.
>it's the only one referenced and parodied
Blatantly false, it's the second and third ones that are parodied, 'going rambo' is understood to be synonymous with going on a rampage, which is the essence of the second and third movies, later further glorified in the fourth installment. The first Rambo shows a man outnumbered and underequipped and using his wit and superior training to outsmart a superior force, the latter ones are just shot-to-kill, over-the-top, gung-ho 80s schlock, which doesn't mean they're bad either, just that the first is definitely the odd one out.
At that point something just might have to be done about the cause of the homeless population. But nobody wants to deal with that.
>Bitte was? The first Rambo movie was anti-military, dude literally cries in the end from war trauma.
When did you last watch it? The movie is anything but anti-military. The movie is how badly he is treated by the US public. How in his time in the force he handled multi-dollar equipment, but can't find a job anywhere. I don't know how you can interpret this as anything but an attempt to showcase the plight of american veterans.
Your an analogy for autism
>20-1 KD ratio
>accomplish 95% of objectives
>only do a strategic withdraw because of backstabbing liberals and hippies at home
>vietnam becomes a US ally twenty years later
if it wasn’t a tie then it was a soft win
>wouldn't it just turn into an endless cycle of homeless people being shuttled around america to become some other sheriff's problem?
Possibly. Or some places would bring back sanitariums, since most homeless have severe mental-illness and/or drug addictions.
Yrs. The homeless can keep walking from place to place until they eventually get hit by a train, freeze to death get killed by other homeless people, overdose and die
>bring back sanitariums, since most homeless have severe mental-illness and/or drug addictions.
almost all do. they belong in sanitariums, not on the streets.
Ok, no, you're not wrong, but I didn't get the sense it was pro- nor anti-militaristic from the public's reactions to a veteran. That's just a pretty realistic depiction of the NPC. I was left with the impression, the war is bad, this is what happens in the aftermath, and what for what did we send young men to die or fight for, hence I was indeed left with an anti-war impression, though you may be right it is pro-military, as it does depict Rambo to be extremely competent, but emotionally scarred. It's not an uncommon opinion, there are many film analysts who see the first Rambo as an essentially anti-war movie.
the fuck was his problem anyway
>Kills a bunch of civilians and insurgents armed with shitty weapons while dumping chemical weapons all over the region poisoning your allies and your own troops.
>Lose the capital and have to evacuate your people in an embarrassing helicopter rush leaving behind allies, prisoners of war, wounded and important documents
>Great a generation of mind crazed vets who hate their society and are hated by it leading to rising violent crime.
>Refuse to talk about this war in your education systems because reasons
>Mutts grow up and claim they won.
Pic related is mutts getting btfo and leaving Saigon after their so called win
Americans don't think we won Vietnam. Also they don't refuse to talk about Vietnam at all. We barely hear shit about the Korean War but they taught Vietnam you ill-informed kike
>Mogs Deniro with Taxi Driver
>Mogs Deniro again with Rocky and wrote the script to boot
Boys will be boys
Is it weird that Rambo turned into an action series? The first movie had thrilling action but ultimately the part of the movie that stuck with me was the melancholy of Rambo's life and how he basically had nothing left to live for and no way to adjust after coming home from Vietnam, and how people back home either didn't or couldn't understand him and kept harassing him.
Then you watch the second movie and all that shit functionally goes out the window, even if they throw in some stuff about rescuing POWs, the entire movie is just a pretense for him to blast people with a machine gun and blow up helicopters with explosive arrows, the Rambo from the first movie and the Rambo from the second movie on may as well be entirely different characters
>>huge Afro
>>swarthy skin
Meds NOW
On what planet is the sheriff from First Blood a liberal? KEK
This retard believes this.
The Sheriff is a fictional character, user.
Liberals are the new authoritarian neocons. Obsessed with control everywhere, salivating at war now. Just can't chill and leave anyone alone.
It's been like that since the Enlightenment. The very basics of the Enlightenment and Liberalism is that "we know better than tradition, religion and the family unit." Technology just lets them control you even more. They need a strong government to enforce all of their values of "free speech" and "individual liberty" which are nonsense words anyway because you DON'T have free speech and you DEFINITELY don't have individual liberty and freedom.
Just like the french few years before, but they have the decency to not call it "a tie"...
>white men realize what being black feels like: the movie
>the Rambo from the first movie and the Rambo from the second movie on may as well be entirely different characters
Yep, but from the second to the last his character was pretty much consistent.
It's really the first one that has a completely different tone, and is the most artistic.
Second and especially third are guilty pleasures.
Fourth is the best all-rounder.
Fifth was an utter disappointment, and the worst imho.
>Land of the free.
Yeah, free to stay the fuck out of my town, sponge.
>gets arrested
do American's really...
He was going to that town to buy food then leave.