Should pirating movies be illegal ?
Should pirating movies be illegal ?
apple merchants hate her
Why can’t you just pirate shit and not try and make yourself feel like a hero for doing it
JW is antichrist
I don't pirate movies because I don't like movies
You don't usually grow apple trees from seeds.
Apples have to be cloned. If you grow them from seed you will get a different variety that will probably taste like shit
If you feed your seed so that it grows it's not theft. It's not like you're just chucking it in the ground.
Only while they're being shown in cinemas. When copyright laws were written they were never intended to protect works forever. Just long enough for the artist to make a living off them.
Modern fruits are so inbred that if you put one in the ground it won't grow
>Apples have to be cloned.
Lmao this nigga thinks we live in star wats
religious people should not feel bad about piracy when every company producing media these days actively wants to destroy them
>buy apples
>put them in your magical black box duplicator
>instantly have infinite number of apples
>hand them out for free
>crash the apple market
>durr why do apple farmers hate me hurrr
piracy fags have actual verifiable diagnosed fucking autism.
>crash the apple market
Never happened
Plus home releases dont make as much money as they used to. Apparently before it was normal for a movie to just make the production budget back in cinemas and then get all the profits from dvd and shit. Now they are nowhere near as profitable with streaming and shit so it doesnt make a huge difference
I don't care either way, I'm still gonna
>defending billionaires on a hungarian pie rating website
That's why seed companies irradiate or genetically modify their product so it won't produce fertile seeds. The apples you buy in shops will not grow a new apple tree. Seed varieties have patents on them.
is that true? if so that's fucking soul-destroying. has big business ever cucked a generation so hard
So that's why the garlic shoots just keep dying on me when I plant over-ripe cloves.
No, they don't irradiate products to make them unbreedable.
Apples are not true to seed by default.
They are grafted onto a different rootstock to even be close to viable as a plant, like just about every other fruit.
>buy slaves
>they reproduce
>have more unpaid agricultural interns
No apples seeds usually produce crab apple no matter what variety from where you got it. Its been this way for ages you need a cutting from the tree itself to get the variety you want.
no, like another user said you need to graft it.
haven't tried apples, but i often plant seeds from store bought fruits and stuff for fun. more than often those start growing.
is JWanon trying to move into Yea Forums?
No. The original isn't being stolen, it is just copied.
And no, """potential earnings""" aren't being stolen, as most piraters wouldn't pay anyway if there was no piracy option. The vast majority of normalfags don't know how to pirate anyway.
why should the apple market be supported if they can simply be infinitely replicated for free?
I never understood how apples grow
>>crash the apple market
name 5 instances where this happened
This is risking a major extinction event isn't it.
Copyright is Satanic law introduced by Jewish interests. Both scripture and Christ encouraged copying and considered it a divine act
What was Jesus preferred torrent client?
The department of ag unironically does random spot checks on greenhouses and nurseries to see if they are illegally propagating plants. Retail garden centers also press shoplifting charges on people who take small propagules off of plants they have for sale.
Per God's other prophet (King Terry A. Davis), God said no networking capabilities for the third temple, thus torrents can't function.
Qbittorrent is my recommendation though.
>Buy movie
>Plant movie
>Grow new movies
Sounds like theft to me bro.
Yes, and even if a viable seed somehow got through it would be illegal for you to grow a crop line from it, as the parent breed is patented.
If you want to reproduce your own plants you have to start from an heirloom seed (not patented) and breed your own variety. It won't grow as big or taste as good as the patented plants at first, so you'll have to engage in selective breeding to improve it with each generation.
Yes. Most farms cannot grow anything without buying a new seed crop every year from the company that owns the patent. A great number of seed patents are held by a few massive corporations, so they could easily inflate the price by limiting supply. A number of quite plausible economic events could incentivize them to do this, much as De Beers did with diamonds for decades.
The farms who can reproduce their own plants are producing cloned crops from cut branches, which are all genetically identical and therefore have the same vulnerabilities. A single disease event can therefore wipe out the entire stock. This is exactly what happened to the gros michel breed of banana, which is why everyone switched to the cavendish breed. If the same thing happened to a few crop lines at the same time, the result would be a devastating famine.
What's the solution to this user? Kill all the corporations? Im in favour of that.
>Kill all the corporations
You would destroy the production line that produces the plants you live on, with nothing to replace it. Mass starvation within a year. Any solution has to include the creation of a replacement crop before you tackle the seed corporations. People need to get heirloom seeds and start breeding their own plants.
And why should the apple market be protected in that case?
I grew green peppers from the seeds out of a grocery store green pepper two years ago, got maybe a dozen by the end of the summer. Last year I stuck a couple of soft sprouting potatoes in the ground because I left them sit too long, and got a nice little pile of fingerlings.
It costs more to plant a tree and get a new apple than to just buy an apple
What country do you live in? Were they from a farmers market or a regular shop?
USA, both came from the same county market, it's a regular grocery store not some rural market. I'm not sure where the peppers were shipped from, they weren't prepackaged at all, potatoes were in a plastic sack.
Feels like this is more a /ck/ thread now btw, more interesting than internet piracy shitposting though.
It's illegal if the seeds are from a patented GMO. The precedent has been firmly established in the series of litigations where Monsanto has sued farmers who saved seeds from their Monsanto GMO then planted them again and won over and over again in jurisdictions all over the world.
Wrong, Mother Nature does it for free.
how can you not feel like a hero for taking from rich jewish pedophiles?
No because you're putting the work to get apples
I put in work to download my kinos
>people still crying about monsanato
these are the same retards that tell you to eat the bugs
Monsanto is the one making you eat the bugs, retard.
monsanto doesn't exist anymore
Why do you think they love the idea of moving everyone into apartment buildings in the cities and owning no land of their own?
Interesting. Must have been from a non-modified line. Could still be technically illegal if you grow them commercially though.
This. The real threat from GMOs isn't the scare stories you hear about health effects. It's the monopoly they grant to seed producers.
If I suspect the director of a film is a pedo I just don't watch it.
apples grow in the wild and you can always plant more apples
you are delusional
>should copying 0s and 1s be illegal?
>If you want to reproduce your own plants you have to start from an heirloom seed (not patented) and breed your own variety. It won't grow as big or taste as good as the patented plants at first, so you'll have to engage in selective breeding to improve it with each generation
or you can walk into a any hardware or garden store and buy a pack of 99 cent pack of seeds or a $3 play and grow vegetables as good or better than supermarket ones.
Why do redditors love to read one slate article and then pretend they are experts when it’s clear you have never grown anything in your life?
she's CUTE
>I should be allowed to not only own a copy of star wars but also to cut scenes out of it and sell it to other people as my own movie
no, we live in a first world country
you can't steal a non physical good change my mind
I cannot, you are correct.
There aren't enough apples in the wild to feed 7 billion people. The farmed ones are cloned, causing the problems I already explained here Will you be able to reliably reproduce your own seeds from the plants you grow out of that $0.99 pack? If so, then please do it.
First world countries originally invented copyright law to prevent people undercutting the livelihood of writers (mostly insalubrious publishers selling unlicensed copies of books as soon as they were released). It was never meant to permanently turn a string of characters into a fiefdom that you cannot modify without permission.