>...Aziz Ansari, who is directing and co-starring in the film alongside Seth Rogen, had no tolerance for Murray’s behavior and had a showdown...
So what do you fags make of this
Other urls found in this thread:
Aziz is just trying to get uncancelled
Pajeet trying to take down a white icon to get back in the good graces of twitterfags that cancelled him
>cant even get pussy from being a movie star or rockstar anymore
Whats even the point then?
I enjoy being beaten up and raped by homeless uncircumcised teens.
He taught Bill the PAJEET CLAW!
>>...Aziz Ansari, who is directing and co-starring in the film alongside Seth Rogen
What the fuck, didn’t Seth dump his BFF James Franco over the same shit Aziz was canceled for to save face?
imagine being circumcised is the norm lol
>this will help sell my movie!
I'm glad someone else remembers The Claw
>pls show bobs and vagin I cancil bill yes?
>“He said something along the lines of, ‘How about you hop up and take a seat?’” Within moments, he was kissing her. “In a second, his hand was on my breast.” Then he was undressing her, then he undressed himself. She remembers feeling uncomfortable at how quickly things escalated.
>When Ansari told her he was going to grab a condom within minutes of their first kiss, Grace voiced her hesitation explicitly. “I said something like, ‘Whoa, let’s relax for a sec, let’s chill.’” She says he then resumed kissing her, briefly performed oral sex on her, and asked her to do the same thing to him. She did, but not for long. “It was really quick. Everything was pretty much touched and done within ten minutes of hooking up, except for actual sex.”
>She says Ansari began making a move on her that he repeated during their encounter. “The move he kept doing was taking his two fingers in a V-shape and putting them in my mouth, in my throat to wet his fingers, because the moment he’d stick his fingers in my throat he’d go straight for my vagina and try to finger me.” Ansari called the move “the claw.”
This. Pathetic rat fuck. It won't work because everyone likes Murray far more than Aziz.
emily smith is the one in the wrong in this situation which she invented for profit
Yeah, this sounds too coordinated to be believable.
Holy kek
A virtue-signalling molester tries to cancel someone else to distract from his own sexual deviancy. Happens a lot with these types doesn't it?
hey you asshole I have made the same thread and you even used the same picture way after me fuck you and this board
What kind of showdown? Streetbeefs?
wtf is up with this? bitch will blow you but do it real quickly and then she won't even fuck you? gtfo then
Seth Rogan can abandon his best friend and frequent collaborator James Franco for good lib-boy points, but working with Aziz (who was also cancelled) is okay for some reason?
What jew logic is this?
>rapist saying others are rapist
wew, also is Bill Murray fault for working on a film made by those two retards.
Seth is a really nice guy and knows the difference between actually raping a woman and trying to eat them and aziz who just molestered a lil bit plus Seth is gentle and when i sucked hiss dick he cums in my face and butt
Yeah seems like performative overcompensation from Aziz, there's no reason to make a big show of it on set otherwise, just have a PA tell him to cut that shit out.
Thats a bold move, Pradeep
>a movie with aziz and seth rogan
Hard pass
Handsy these days means he probably put his hand on some woman's knee. Rape can easily be looking at a women wrong, especially is she is under the age of 30.
If that's the true story Aziz just comes across as pathetic and whatever remained of his career will be harmed too
>have you young ladies seen Meatballs?
>omg that gross old Chevy chase guy tried to show us his balls!
zeez is nonwhite
>umm we can make out and i'll suck your dick and you can go down on me but sex is TOO far i don't even know you dude! in fact...i think this might be assault..
do women actually?
So basically she regrets hooking up with a little Indian goblin.
>it liek just happened so fast omg
Women do not have agency and require the supervision of men. The Muslims got it right.
That was probably an excuse to not say Franco became a pretentious fag who gets high on his own farts.
Oh, yeah, that's why.
just don't be an incel
>the claw
Years ago, I visited a Starbucks and left my 17 year old daughter whilst I got my drink. When I returned, Bill Murray was sitting fight behind her with his finger lodged firmly up her asshole. When he finished, he sniffed his finger, stood up, and looked me in the eye. Then he said: "niggers", and then walked away, stopped, turned around and said: “No one will ever believe you” and walked away.
whoa an old ass cumskin is a sex pest????? woooow i'm shoooocked
good morning sirs I hate women
>Ansari called the move “the claw.”
He even says "me too" just before doing the claw bit
who do ya think taught him the ol' claw?
Well, lets see ((( seth rogan ))) threw his white friend under the bus to meetoo him, and now is buddying with a poo to have bill murray, another white man, meetoo'd. ((( Who ))) could be behind all this?
Yes. Seth rogan is a jew.
this is what it takes to cancel #metoo and it's about fuckin time
I understand his power now.
>The Claw
We don’t know that yet.
It’s just as possible that he was trying to get work done and Bill Murray wouldn’t stop playing grab-ass with the sluts on set
LOL!!! Imagine him explaining during all this that he was just “doing the claw”
>pedowood faggots arguing with each other about respecting wahman
who cares about any of this gay shit
There is a mass of beta male incel simp losers that embrace feminism thinking itll get them laid by pulling down better men around them and yes they are all friends with jews.
What was Aziz cancelled for then?
Burger of nothing continues to make headlines about being nothing
Seth Rogen doesn't seem to have anything to do with it, he's only named as starring in the movie.
If he was grabbing ass they wouldn't say he was too handsy, they'd say he was blatantly sexually assaulting people. Handsy probably means he pulled some sleepy Joe shit and grabbed women by their shoulders creepily.
damn hes balding badly
hellos sirs
based Joe
Rich and funny. Also being a little indian guy he can get away with shit that would be seen as aggressive if done by a tall white guy, similar situation to Bobby Lee.
>i let this indian goblin go down on me, i was basically raped
It's old age + after a lifetime of fucking women