What are some real life kinos?

what are some real life kinos?

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boring get a new webm


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Seek Christ, the reason so many people live like this is because they habe no hope that there is greater meaning than just their selfishness

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this guy needs to touch grass

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>tfw you are the designed office space/fight club poster of the day

cringe. if you werent raised religious, there is nothing more cucked than convincing yourself you have faith as an adult. embarrassing cope behavior. find purpose in a hobby or job well done or raising a family.

Christ has made those things way easier for me

in these moments i hate not being able to play webms on my iphone

Why are Americans like this?

how is he so based

how do you end up looking like this? literal npc

>just be a selfish heathen! There is no meaning in life other than gaining personal accolades! There is nothing when we all die!
burn in hellfire, KIKE


I hope she will get her oscar.

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i honestly think Niko is a great comedian

you literally worship a dead kike lmao

I'm watching it on my phone right now because I'm not an iToddler.

getting this mad at someone not being an atheist is autistic

What did this dude think life was going to be?

Why are foreigners so obsessed with America? I'll never understand it.

>raising a family
Yes instead I should devote my life to the magic wizard in the sky.

they hated him because he spoke the truth

*resurrected kike

a movie

this is what a jew looks like

>i got the degree
>i don't have a job
>i had to sell my car
is this what life is about?

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>I hope she will get her oscar.

for having a period?

>gaytheist exposed as anti natalist coping incel

Here's a one for you.

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>tfw when you hate jews so much it makes i hard to be a Christian

Bros I just want a gf.
>Got a car
>Got a house
>Have more money than I can spend
>Have friends
>Have sex with prostitutes
But no gf. No one to have my children and spend my life with. How do I get one

This is your life without Christ.

Little Miss Sunshine
Into the Wild

Those are the first three films that come to mind after I watched that webm. If you're feeling down just know that you're not alone.

What a terrible webm, it reminds me of that tragedy

>He thinks that Christs lineage of Jews are/were the same as the hook nosed demons that fuck kids and have blood parties now

Were you not told as a kid that "you can be anything you want to be" and given an inflated ego by adults? That was my experience. Then I found out that the game was rigged and I was forced to be a wagie, cuz that is my social caste. It's a pretty soul-crushing realization. And for me personally, doing wagie stuff is actual mental torture, since my mind craves novel stimulation; I actually enjoy studying and learning. So I can empathize with the soiboi sperg in OP. It's especially bad if women don't like you, but I never had that problem at least.

All the languages in the world and you choose to speak facts

based niko

I've thrown gas on a fire, it's fun. You don't use a fucking tank like this retard though, you pour it in a cup and throw it on.

Kikes are those who rejected Christ (You), I've told you this a million times and I will continue saying it as long as necessary, you disgusting hook-nosed mutant.

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This. I am a neet who goes to church once a week and the gym three days a week. It’s literally all you need. Fuck wageslaving. Just going on a walk in the woods and reading poetry out loud makes my day amazing.

>he believes bronze age fairy tales of sand people

You are a limp wristed pussy and should be killed. you are a mentally and physically weak link, a danger to everyone around you because of your weakness

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this. it’s not that I think i’m above it, I just don’t want to fucking do it.

>he believes stone age fairy tales of forest people

no tip

Same. I'm rich enough I could probably give em a free ride for life too, but it seems like the social status you get from being raised rich matters more than new money

you unironically can be anything you want. the only thing stopping you is yourself at the end of the day. nobody deserves anything and nobody is owed anything.

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but why

Sure I was told that, but I never wanted anything too ambitious. My goals were always within reasonable reach. I am financially independent and have a cute girlfriend. I'm a pretty simple man. I enjoy hunting birds, reading old detective books, and watching baseball. Maybe the guy in the OP needs some better hobbies.

download vlc


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What is the point of raising a family if they just all end up consumers and rot in the ground eventually? I'd imagine most men find God when they have a child. Women are retarded.


The Virgin Utilitarian

The Chad Hedonistic

Jews hate Christ the most, google why they're called kikes.

so, just seek anything that will help you to cope?, not a bad advise tbqh. It's either that or the rope

Religion is literally just convincing yourself into believing you have an imaginary friend, prove me wrong


Double click it.

If you're actually financially independent you're pretty fuckin rich, too rich for this humblebrag bullshit anyway

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>chase scene

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you are missing the point. Why do you people always miss the key element here?

When you form a relationship with Christ he molds you into his intended purpose. It naturally gives you a sense of self worth:
>I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Patent bullshit, I was born a poorfag in a poorfag family with retarded, fat parents. I never had any hope or chance. Life is a lottery. We can only work with the tools we are given. There are richfags who never did anything and have an easy life. I will never be as wealthy as they are, no matter how hard I work. It's not possible simply because I had a shitty spawn location.

"Christians" on Yea Forums are really trying their hardest to be the most insufferable group.

i fucking hate women

this dude is 20 years old

>that ending
: ( fuck off

Best thread on Yea Forums right now

He looks like a 3 year old inside a 45 year old's body.

>the most insufferable group
sometimes there's crossover episode, see:

Yeah I used the wrong phrase there, sorry. I am still regularly employed, but have no outstanding loans or live off others.

And sounds like a 12 year old while looking like a 40 year old. Seriously, do not look him up on youtube.

wtf this potato has better moves than me


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you literally see him get up and walk away

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>you were awake to a deep dystopia

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Based and truth pilled

>no matter how hard I work
You know this to be true because you've done it?

You do realize that by promoting religion as a coping mechanism you are inadvertadly producing evidence that religion is, well, just a comping mechanism? You can just indulge your autism in reading books or a sport. Things that are infinetly more gratifying and worthwhile than wasting your life larping.

no way, he looks like 30

nope, you dont have to be an athiest but convincing yourself in adulthood you have faith because it gives you some out or purpose is hilariously low iq.

wow he's literally me

>do the wagemonkey with me!

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you worship a dead jew on a stick lmao >no no he was one of the GOOD jews!

lol fuck off shlomo

Why are BMW owners like this?

bear claws typed this post


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>everyone who disagrees with me is stupid
doesn’t mean much coming from retards on here

You're spoilt, because even most creatives and researchers spend inordinate amounts of time doing menial exercises. I was the same until I realised doing the wagie shit gives you security to pursue your own passions in your free time

It would be like convincing oneself a LARP was real.

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the fuck is wrong with his arms?

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I hate this shit... but I can't look away...

Hop in an oven, dude

he's just a DYEL sticcboy, probably a techie

I am not reading all those words, just say you're a sodomite, no need to waste anyone's time like this

It's not all about the money OP
It's about the Mets baby. Love the Mets.
Alright baby let's go, get a home run baby.
Love the Mets. Let's go Mets.

what am i looking at

They're filled with estrogen and soilent