this documentary was horrifying.
This documentary was horrifying
Is this the new jordan peele movie?
hearing the description about him cramming their tiny bodies into a oil barrel was fucking hilarious. Imagine the screaming that ensued during the cracks and pops of him shoving them in there
Reminder God exists and he is great
Really? Because I was laughing
still cancelled my membership, stupid jew
Why are americans like this?
seek help
Yeah this could well be the "wholesome white family" that /pol/ is always posting about.
Chris Watts honestly had no choice. Put yourself in his shoes. his girlfriend would literally spread her big brown poop hole and get it nice and stretched out so he could lube his weiner up with her butt cream and she would plop it down on that weiner and ride it till it made a fart vacuum in her butt cavity that literally would suck the sperm juice from his balls. He was so ass drunk after that he killed his family with his smelly poop wiener in his pants
except hes jewish you faggot.
go back
>xe/xer says as xe/xer posts on
how’s that dental care going
>except hes jewish you faggot.
source ~ your ass
>brow line
>beady eyes
>etc etc
check the early life faggot
its white woman kino
Yes, Chris Watts killed his wife and two young daughters. He jammed his two daughters into an oil tank. They were just small children, but the hole was smaller, so he had to break and mangle their shoulders to get them to fit. However, consider this: They threw chicken nuggets at him. CHICKEN NUGGETS. I can't blame him for doing what he did, can you imagine how demeaning that must have been? His own daughters... Have you ever taken a chicken nugget to the face? If you haven't, shut up now. I have. I've taken a nugget to the face, and it was from a stranger who sought to demean me. Listen, when that greasy, breaded poultry collides with your skin, your world changes. For some, it changes forever. I'm surprised he waited that long to do it to be honest.
Lmao /pol/fags are now denying reality to fit their narrative.
his wife was an annoying cunt that lived glued to fucking social media
You are a moron. Presumably you think ethnic French, Greeks, and Italians are all Jews on the basis they have larger noses than cold-weather Europeans and "beady" (dark) eyes.
You are obsessed
>man murders wife and innocent daughters in horrific fashion
>somehow this is womans fault
chuds everyone
source ~ your ass.
Source: her fucking social media you moron.
It’s always the woman’s fault
Women need to start taking responsibility for their harmful toxic femininity.
>People still wanting to get married and have families in our current time
I wish I knew one just one happily married loving families. Every co worker, friend and family member I know who is married looks depressed angry and sad.
>woman that acts like entitled cunt and treats husband like shit because she learned from american television that's how she can be sassy and empowered gets whats coming to her
>somehow this is mans fault
feminists everyone
That's because literally everyone today is depressed, angry and sad
So a murder happened and you checked the victim's social media? You sad cunt.
I'm not depressed, angry, or sad.
Although I am a single white male with no kids and a 6 figure income in his 20s.
That's not what happened though. You are a sad cunt.
>mexico has better dental hygiene than burgerland
learn new insults you cockwrangling porch monkey
Most Americans can't even afford to go to the dentist.
We are raised being told having a family is akin to a Disney film and than it hits you rather late how hard raising a kid is and how you wife becomes a miserable psycho afterwards and oops here comes baby number two you can't afford and now your wife is blaming everything on you and now she needs to just escape and she starts coming home late and now you're working two jobs. Basically dumb anons think because of movie and tv having a family is a wacky fun rollercoaster when it's a nightmare.
There's no incentive for a man to get married in modern times with all the attacks on marriage and women's rights. ZERO. BENEFIT. to the man to EVER get married.
There used to be, for certain. Not anymore.
I'm talking specifically about people I know and interact daily who are married with kids who complain about being married and having kids. Why are you trying to flip it? I assume you are sad and married with kids.
Sad cunt accurately describes you though.
>oversocialization insult when faced with raw data that counters your narrative
You are everything that's wrong with this world. You deserve to get WATTED.
>"No one wants anything to do with him," says the source. "He's on the lowest social tier of the entire prison. He's in protective custody because if he's around other inmates, he'd be in real danger. He's an outcast, even among criminals."
>Watts, who turns 36 today, can go for days without talking to anyone, the source says. Even the guards shun him. "He's probably the most hated man in that prison," the source says, "because he killed children. There's a definite pecking order in jail, and someone who hurts or kills kids is at the very bottom."
>Watts is housed at Dodge Correctional Institution, a maximum-security prison, in Waupun, Wisc. He was moved out of Colorado for security reasons.
>Watts, now 35, has a Bible and several family photos in his cell. Other than that, he will spend his time corresponding with a handful of penpals — mostly women who wrote to him after he was sentenced. The source told PEOPLE last December that Watts spends a lot of time reading and writing letters.
>"He'll write his penpals this season, and they're sending him notes, as well," the source said. "It's literally all he can do at this point."
While Watts said he hoped to appeal his sentence, he has not filed any paperwork to do so. "He's a young guy, only 36," says the source. "So he could live like this for the next 50 years. It's probably a fate worse than death."
It's both their faults instead of realizing the marriage was shit they kept ignoring it till he snapped. He shouldn't have killed his family no excuse for that. But letting it get to that point is what's fucked up.
>oversocialization insult
LMAO, you're a sad cunt and pretentious too.
>mostly women who wrote to him after he was sentenced
why are they like this
>Watts, now 35, has a Bible and several family photos in his cell.
Chris was really in a hopeless situation. His wife was documenting their lives on social media, dragging them into debt with her pyramid scheme job and had another child which would add more stress to the situation at this point.
He could've just walked out to avoid it all but eventually they'd track him down. Just a cautionary tale to never get married
I’m American in my 30s and never had a cavity in my life
I read about a weak white man who was convicted of murdering his wife. He was kept in protective custody but voluntarily left it due to loneliness. He became the sex slave of an elderly black thug who refers to him as "my little sissy"
it is your job as man to properly vet a girl you want to start a family with. shit like this doesnt fall out of the fucking sky, the women that turn crazy tell you well in advance that they will turn crazy, he was a retard for even getting married to her in the first place
trips of truth.
fuck trannies, fuck women, fuck jews, and especially fuck niggers and jannies
>goes through classic confirmation bias to convince himself that the sad angry and depressed married people are like that due specifically to their marriage status in an era where everyone is sad angry an depressed
>when challenged on this you claim dishonest intent then proceed straight to imagining a strawman that fits your biased worldview
It really is amazing to watch in real time.
>anecdote trumps statistical data
this is why everyone laughs at you
>this is why everyone laughs at you
the tranny is hearing voices in his head
he's probably masturbating to those letters a lot
Absolutely obsessed
don't use the t word, it triggers me
>mostly women who wrote to him after he was sentenced
they can fix him
So my co workers,family and friends who are married and admit the marriage and kids are making them sad and depressed are all lying to me in some sort of giant elaborate prank? Yup makes sense user. Or maybe just maybe I hit too close to home and now you feel the need to go at me
probably just ignored the signals until it was too late. insecure guys do this out of fear of being alone. ten years later he's getting the pussy of his life and couldn't wish for anything but his crazy wife to leave him.
>insecure guys do this out of fear of being alone.
This. All the seething angry married guys In This thread are this.
I don’t disbelieve the data, I just felt like telling everybody I’ve never had a cavity. People with lots of dental issues are generally low class dregs
To be fair to Chris, his wife was an absolute menace behind that razor thin veneer of a "hard working mom." On the utmost surface level, people probably thought she was fine, but even just looking at her facebook posts showed she was fucking weird. If he had divorced her, she would have absolutely taken everything. The right move was to claim that she killed the kids or use his fucking brain to make it look more like that. If he just didn't talk and got a lawyer right away, it's likely he could have gotten away with it. Still shouldn't have killed his kids, but I think he could have killed his wife at least.
you're right but he was getting the pussy of his life because he was married for so long with that psycho, he gained a lot of confidence thanks to that