Those golden age korean moves just hit different

those golden age korean moves just hit different

I bet its because they didnt have hollywood netflix behind their asses like nowadays

we are never gona get another movie like "memories of murder" its all going to be like squid game

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I've seen this shilled a lot lately, not just here.

Name a more kino picture

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let me shill you another one then

dirty carnival
really kino if you like mafia loan shark shit

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were they filmed at the same time or how did this happen?

am I being rused by a shop?

A Bittersweet Life.
And yes I'm a sperg and yes this movie resonates with me.

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it's real, they were filming same time and close location. It was a small biz back then, still is desu

I wonder how the netflix price crash is going to affect their funding of korean stuff.

damn thats powerful knowledge to know. never knew that

Me as well. Had and still have lots of late-night job activities, sometimes shady. People meme about 'just like me' but inspirations for those movies don't come from thin air. Us socially awkward night fucks gotta have our kinos too.

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Tubi docu about Korean Cinema.

memoirs of murders is a pretty good "new" korean movie
still, its before netflix era

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must be some region shit going on
do you have a torrent for that?

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>I've seen this shilled a lot lately, not just here.

How do you supposedly tell the difference between shilling and an earnest recommendation?

sorry I don't.

Was good, maybe even great. Not a whole lotta rewatch value, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm older or what. Still, a 9/10.

that movie got me really frustrated about dementia lmao. I hope my 65 year old father never catches that shit

That's not what really the movie about. He isn't really a shady night gangster. It's the image he is sticking to because that's how people see him. When he is alone and not on the job he is absolutely miserable and has no life what so ever. And when he is ordered to kill the girl he realizes that he can't go through with it because he would never be happy if he were to follow through because escorting her around was probably the most exciting thing for him in years.
The tragedy of his character and the narrative not knowing what happiness truly and being too late to figure it out.
Hence the ending where he tells about a beautiful dream that would never come through and him literally standing and fighting an image of himself in the reflection.
He is a sperg but he is the most relatable sperg in korean cinema.

ima rewatch this tomorrow. been like 10 years sinse I watched this

chaser is kino too

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underrated af

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Unjust is the most underrated imo. Holy shit if it's hard to follow like first 40 minutes though. But if you do it's one of the most well written and cynical stories about korean justice system.

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>That's not what really the movie about.
Never said it was, sperglordshitpants. The themes of loner/night life off-beat jobs/isolation is a genre from way back to Taxi Driver. There's Drive, The Man From Nowhere, A Bittersweet Life and others, even True Detective S1.

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I was thinking last night how even korean cinema has been shit lately

and its gona be even shittier. the jewish claws are on to it hard after squid game and that one home invasion movie

>Never said it was
>Us socially awkward night fucks gotta have our kinos too
Movie is literally about him wasting his life on an image "socially awkward night fuck" he doesn't even enjoy and dying as he sees glimpses of what could have been if his off work nights didn't look like pic related.

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nice to see that when we only have 8 posters we can still get a fight going

Once again, never said it was fuckstick. The truth is movies like those tend to attract socially awkward young men because we identify with the loneliness, night life and seeing characters like him is a tragic power fantasy. There's always "some reason he can't be with the girl" and have a happy life. You identify because you're a sperg.

>never said it was
>Us socially awkward night fucks gotta have our kinos too
The reason he quite clearly reiterates through out the movie both visually and through monologue with a metaphorical scene of him being "reborn" when it's apparent that he is too late to do anything about his life. Again, as you apparently keep on missing. It could have been anything, a dog, a child, a passion for sewing, not just a girl. The whole theme is him realizing that image he built is hollow and means fuck all. Quite literally calling """""Us socially awkward night fucks"""" fucking retards who will never be happy because they are too dumb to see anything beyond that. I guess you a bigger sperg than even me to somehow miss it and scoff it off as a power fantasy, that call you a miserable fuck who has wasted his life.

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It's a genuinely great film.

I can watch this movie again and again without ever getting tired of it

same. I watch it once a year

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I know it's one of those obvious choice scenes to choose as a favorite, but the music building while the girl's being chased in the field at night, that always makes my nerves jolt

>Us awkward lonely entertainers need kino too

that crawling guy got me really fucking scared at the first watch

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My favourite Korean kino I've watched so far, I think.That, JSA and The Wailing

Korean films have always been hollywood-light, it's why Americans find it so easy to watch them.

what did you guys think of the call? one of the few times i rooted for the villain, i fell in love.

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ive yet to watch JSA. ima get onto that
its been on my to watch list for 10 years atleast

For me, it's the scene earlier with the head peeking out of the fields, out of focus

they are hollywood kino without jewis touch. thats why they are good

Haven't heard of it but it sounds interesting

the wailing sucks

never happened
nice joke

Man, it hit my right in the feels, desu. And the soundtrack is great too


kino moment

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k pal

It's settled, rewatching tonight

it's pretty mediocre, what did you actually like about it user?

The final scene with the Jap is one of the kinoest scenes of all time
this moment right here so beautiful

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>vocalization in the first track

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Was this made before the feminist death cult took over the country?

It's a good watch overall but has the typical progression of time-travel movies where it becomes too idiotic and convoluted for its own good the further it goes. The fake out ending also sucks, I was originally suprised that a Korean horror thriller would end "happy" but then they subverted me again to my disdain.