Was he in the wrong here?

was he in the wrong here?

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a thread on Yea Forums, but the thread has nothing at all to do with television & film! Whoops! You should always remember to look at the address bar to see which board you're posting on! Posting offtopic threads is poor form. You should always try to stay on topic

Attached: twitter screencap thread.webm (696x522, 1.72M)

Okay, now this is epic.

>how does this film benefit israel?

this thread is about the discussion of the upcoming film the northman

Post her

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I always forgot the king of chuds is a Jew kek

Didn't know twitter users were this based, holy shit

>You're a viking warlord raiding a Jewish village and you find abbey shapiro tied up to a post in the town square for sleeping with goyim men

Tim Pool is one low-IQ motherfucker.

I love that he tries to pander to the easiest group to pander to (anti-Libs) and he still comes across like a sniveling little worm that most people hate.

What did he mean by this

yes he is, you're also a man and you will never be a real woman

Stop shilling your literal who e-celebs, reddit fucks.

Why would anyone listen to this little twerp he should have been bullied more in high school

He's a midwit. He's right about trannis

ben shapiro is the most reddit form of the altright out there to be real with you

>wahhh, i want another sneed thread

>thinking Timmy is a dunce means you’re a tranophile
Uh oh

[buzzword in place of argument] is becoming increasingly popular

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>calls something reddit
>as he posts on twitter which is basically a globohomo incubation chamber for SJW hatchlings
>where afterwards he is then quoted on 4channel which so edgy that you can be banned for saying "fag" not even in the context of homosexuality
Reddit, Twitter, this website, and really all social media should be deleted or drastically reformed.

As can be seen with this post, Tim Poole's fans aren't far ahead of him on the IQ chart.

cant believe you put this much effort into writing a post about a fake tweet

>Try to be political pundit
>Get shit on for either being too conservative or too jewish
>Have to do movie reviews to stay relevant

Attached: QUI.gif (640x550, 1.87M)

No one asked.
Fuck off.

actually ben shapiro is a leftist because he's a zionist, and zionism is about supporting israel, and israel is a fascist ethnonationalist apartheid state, and fascism is leftist because nazi germany was socialist and socialism is leftism

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my nigga you think mentally ill men wearing wigs and dresses are real biological women, stop it

>Mr reddit calling it reddit as fuck

>calling out Tim Poole for being retarded = supporting trannies
Meds. Now.

>ITT: Stupid fucks falling for a fake tweet
Ben doesn't curse.

>was he in the wrong here?
The jew for the fact that he exists.

>Jewish manlet hates movie about manly white man
News at 11

you called him out for being retarded responding to a screencap where he said men are not real women, you exposed yourself
Dilate because you will never be a real woman

I left the movie theaters once she had sex with the black viking guy

Trannies have a lot of room to live rent free in your empty head.

ok groomer

Tim Pool-tier NPC response

This is super dishonest and whoever made this watched the film with the intent to seethe.
It is honestly reddit as fuck to even watch films that way. But Yea Forums has just become reddit for people who don't want to lose karma being edgy

can I get a link to that tweet thanks

i fabricated it



>post is about trannies
>trannjes just live rent free in your head


North sisters... We´ve been exposed

It´s Over.

all media is political, even ebert used to say this

you realize that every leftist hates israel too right? you're on the side of trannies, congrats

Ben is in my top 3 movie reviewers of all time.

Of course this wormy little jew would hate this movie.

It's 100% true and you're a dishonest, disingenuous liar. You're the enemy of humanity.

da mn

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>commies dispute this

Imagine if Ben Shapiro had a hot sister haha

Wasn’t the gang at the beginning all Mexicans?

I’m Ben Shapiro and I’m Jewish.

Attached: shapivax.jpg (596x341, 44.72K)

Why aren't the jews taking the vax? Take the vax you fucking minorities

Is there a single example of non-whites playing the knockout game? World star and Youtube is full of knockout game videos and it's ALWAYS blacks.