yea or nay?
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I love this Rumplestiltskin.
Only good movie is Shrek 1. As a child I thought Shrek 2 was good but as an adult I realize it's not. Shrek 3 and 4 are unwatchable tho.
>why yes I live in a swamp, how could you tell?
I liked it and my mom cried when Shrek died lmao
It's one of the sexiest movies ever made
this is Shrek 4 though...
Rumplestiltskin is such a based character.
>nobody's smart but me!
Literally me every day.
>2001 : Shrek
>2003 : Shrek 4-D
>2004 : Shrek 2/Far Far Away Idol
>2007 : Shrek the Third/Shrek the Halls
>2010 : Shrek Forever After/Scared Shrekless
>2011 : Thriller Night
it should've ended in 2001 with the first movie. Everything after... isn't very good
>this will sell our movie
It was kind of weird that a franchise whose main defining features included all-star celebrity voice casts made the big bad of their final movie be voiced by a literal who
Shitty, generic paint by numbers script.
>Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke dance party -> POWER GAP -> everything else
I never understood why Shrek is credited as being this major step into these kinds of animated movie being self-effacing and irreverent. Disney was already doing irony-poisoned stuff like Hercules in the 90s.
Shrek 1: 8/10
Shrek 2: 7/10
Shrek 3: 6/10
Shrek 4: 5/10
2 is a very weak romcom. Every forced conflict in it happens due to the characters being assholes/short tempered/idiots, being easy to manipulate/blackmail, and being unable to communicate (Shrek acts on assumptions only) The villains' motivations and plans don't make much sense, Fiona is too bland, Puss has no story role (the assesination attempt plot goes nowhere) and the conflicts are solved cheaply and quickly at the end. There are also some plot holes and things not properly explained
>some plot holes and things not properly explained
Like what? Not mad, just want to know. It's been a while since I've seen the second Shrek.
rumplestiltskin was based.
don't forget that Antz (the previous movie from that studio) already had the elements people liked about Shrek : irony, wit, satire, adult jokes, mild swearing, etc
>Every forced conflict in it happens due to the characters being assholes/short tempered/idiots, being easy to manipulate/blackmail, and being unable to communicate (Shrek acts on assumptions only)
That's true of every Shrek movie, except perhaps Shrek 3 (which ironically is the worst one)
Shrek was way more sincere than Hercules. There's no insufferable "above it all" kind of characters like fuckin Meg. She sucked. The only toxic thing about Shrek is the fact that its villain is a take down of Disney and its management.
>guy meets his in-laws, discovers they're racist and then has to foil a plot to have a white guy steal his body
Can't believe Jordan Peele ripped off Shrek 2 to make Get Out
Not as good as 1 & 2, but a huge improvement over 3. I think it earns its right to exist. I'm much happier that this is the last movie than 3.
I like the design of Pied Piper from Shrek 1 better then 4ever After. Anyway, the last movie is kinda weird. But at least it's better than Shrek 3.
i consider Shrek 2 the first major misstep in theatrical CG animation' history. I really don't like it. Bad story
what did they mean by this?
I like shrek the third tired of redditors always shitting on it. Forever After is truly the souless one
the entire movie is full of subliminal adult jokes like this. The opening scene has the wolf reading a porn magazine called Pork Illustrated, and the list only grows from there onwards
The other ogres were boring but the movie was fine, RIP fifi
>Antz, Shrek, Shrek in the Karaoke Swamp party, Shrek 4-D, Shrek 2, Far Far Away Idol, Madagascar
just a guide of all the works from that studio in those early years
Are you implying that Dreamworks saw into the future and intentionally put in a joke about George Floyd?
Dreamworks had George Floyd assassinated in that manner to remind people of that classic joke in Shrek 2 and make them buy/rent it again
George Floyd wanted to go out with a zinger so he quoted his favourite movie
Cat in the Hat already did a police brutality joke months before. This was nothing new
It was alright, better than 3 at least.
why was that Fairy Godmother so obsessed for his son to be with Fiona in the first place? If it was only for him to become the king, then the writers did a poor job communicating it
will there be a Game Boy Advance version?
in case you're wondering "where is Shark Tale?", that was a different studio separated from this one
2 had the Sausage Party director and it shows. Even for Dreamworks standards, the comedy is too indecent and sophomoric
Shrek is drek
Shrek was a parody of beauty and the beast. That movie almost won the Oscar for best picture. Shrek was a parody yet turned it into a more compelling story.
I met the guy who directed this and Sky High, super nice dude
i really didn't care for the new "additions" in 2, like the medieval brand parodies (Farbucks Coffee, Burger Prince, Baskin Robbinhood, Abercrombie & Witch, Versarchery, GAP Queen, Pork Illustrated, etc), the queer jokes (Pinocchio's thong,
"gender confused wolf", Doris the transvestite ugly stepsister), and real life people getting mentioned/making cameos (Shirley Bassey, Bob Barker, Prince Charles, Sir Justin Timberlake, Joan Rivers)
i still don't get why 3 is hated, prince charming is a fun villain
>Shrek 3: 6/10
lolwut, Shrek 3 is literal unwatchable garbage
the only good piece of Shrek media after the first movie (which premiered in may 2001) This was included in the home video release (november 2001)
we wouldn't see Shrek and company again until mid 2003 in the 4-D short film at Universal... which was godawful
it pales in comparison to shrek 1 and 2, but is still very enjoyable and better than anything pixar has put out in the past 10 years.
1: good
3: meh
4: feels like a long episode of a tv show.
shrek 3 is weaker than the first 2 films but it’s not as bad as people say it is
The villain was good but that's about it
Shrek 2 really isn't that good. It just has that well edited and scored I Need a Hero scene that makes people put it in a high pedastal. The rest of the film is subpar
That whole hero scene is kino, even to this day it's the first thing I remember when thinking of Shrek 2
that's because everything else is quite forgettable. That climax is the only exciting scene of the film, so it sticks out
I'm just now realising they made more than 2 shrek films what the actual fuck lol
>Donkey's new pet fishes float dead in a dirty bowl
>Shrek's friends stay to watch his house and inmediately trash the place while playing Le Freak
>Shrek chones on the spoon at the table
>"they will write your name on the bathroom wall : for a happily ever after, give Fiona a call"
>Donkey suggests neutering Puss with his sword using the Bob Barker treatment
>Fairy Godmother mentions a bunch of fairytales, and then adds "Pretty Woman"
>the guy with the powdered wig is bald
>"we've got a white bronco heading east into the forest"
>the love potion has a IX roman number on it (Love Potion N9)
>Pinocchio wears a pink thong
>the retarded giant gingerbread man is called Mongo (Blazing Saddles reference)
there is a lot of bad comedy in 2
I liked this one to be honest