Describe the movie in 3 words or less

Describe the movie in 3 words or less

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white people bad


Shoehorned political wokeness.

kino kino kino

The Bat Man



emo anti detective

Pol are retarded

Overrated cape shit


Worst Batman Movie

avengers but bad

I liked it


Uninspired Rehashed Trash

Niggers are good


best batman adaptation

Black people goooood

I only need one: K I N O


>in this movie: white Anglo Saxons bad. All black characters virtuous/flawless.
Thomas Wayne retconning into a morally gray killer of le virtuous shoe leather journalisming killed it for me

Boring as fuck

What are you talking about man there are only like 3 black characters in the film and 1 of them is a career criminal and the other barely gets enough screen time to be counted.


Worst Batman ever

Literally downloaded this but haven't watched it. What am i in for? Is it as pol as everyone say it is?

the batman twentytwentytwo

Cape shit (gay)


It was ok

>”career criminal”
But the good kind… you know the virtuous one that only steals from gangsters and tries to save le good innocent Ukrainian whore… all while lecturing the rich white man who’s sinking all his wealth and destroying his body to fix the city that he’s not doing enough with his white privilege.
>the other doesn’t have screen time.
Goal post moving… she’s the only good politician portrayed…lecturing white men…taking a bullet and staying and leading the people during terrorist attack.

faggot nigger son

Man stares ahead

Rifles are good

Some people on this site are actually obsessed with black people, and shoe horn them into every discussion. For example, the post you replied to.

Attached: stalker.webm (1720x720, 1.89M)

Not very Batman

>all while lecturing the rich white man who’s sinking all his wealth and destroying his body to fix the city that he’s not doing enough with his white privilege.
It was 1 fucking line man can you relax
>she’s the only good politician portrayed…
Out of 2 WOW that's fucking crazy bro. They're only setting her up so that when she falls it'll be more kino
I know that but, I dunno I'm all for you know not wanting politics ruining my movies and whatever but it's really not that bad here. I shouldn't have taken it you're right

Lacked meaningful dialogue

Don’t forget clingwrap

Pure fucking kino

Better than Nolans.

functional start-up


Cape shit

something in the

The Bat Man

does this bitch have it in her contract that she'll do panty scenes only if they let her wear full back white panties?

not that I'm complaining (it's my favorite kind) but it is weird. also I don't find negroes attractive.


Boring. Woke. Propaganda.

better than expected

i am vengeance

takeit easy sweetheart

anti-white propaganda

I love how he shut you up and you just "wow just wow'd" yourself to feel you actually responded. You didn't. His post was on point and you had nothing.

>stop noticing things!

Gotta give a bit more time before samefagging, better luck next time tho

Do you not know what samefagging is

Above average Baflick

Twink stalks schizo

Makes incels seethe

hour too long

i fell asleep

there is no way these niggas aren't joking, but ill play along.
the guy who plays jim is good, nothing different about him besides that he says man a lot, Catwoman says one gay line and still kisses the bat who she guesses might be rich and the mayor is the most one dimensional character in the movie, and boring as shit lol.

Low key kino.