Imagine drinking
Imagine drinking
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Gonna get drunk and talk shit on omegle, what tag should I use?
stream it nigger
I stop drinking tomorrow, time to lose some weight
Time for the hourly therapy thread where losers act coy about wanting to off themselves
I drink constantly and have a 4 pack, you are American.
No you dont
>2 weeks sober
Why didn't anyone tell me how boring this is?
Well done user, time to drink in celebration
fatty cope
depends what demographic of people you are trying to shit talk to
I usually use drinking, trump, pol kek
no thanks i dont want to have to imagine being hungover after
druk bros i love u.
I'd beat your fag ass for saying that in real life
I like the idea of drinking
I don't drink
I just imagine it sometimes and that's enough for me
Try a drink
i won't mind you beating my ass as long as it's with your drukCOCK bro.
What are best movies about alcohol from your conuntries? For me it's Polish The Noose from 1957. Great aesthetics, and a depressive noir feel. Polish people have a fair share of movies about alcoholism
Post your best DRUK stories bros, i'm here to listen.
A lot of rejection
>one stiff drink and two beers
>already feel headache, reflux, fatigue, malaise
getting old fucking sucks. take my energy drukbros, i bless you all with best buzzes, full of kino, musix and manageable hangovers.
Leaving Las Vegas
That one was really bleak. Cage acted great in this one.
I will pray to kek for you tonight brother
Thank You for such threads!
I'm in my local city-center now. No people here, in a saturday evening. I lurk tv here while drunk..
You are very sad
let my man post, nigger
imagine drinking with her
Some time i was going in a toulette. I was drunk. I saw a sign with women. There was no boobs in this sign. I made a result it,s a man room. I saw a girl inside, but anywayi pissed near her. She was kinda shocked i visited a woman toulette. Anyway - i said all is ok, she was pretty.
>get hammered
>go to sleep
nothing much to say
Toliet user, you mean toliet
We try our best. The world is kinda more boring than in movies. Anyway - have a nice time!
I got drunk like every weekend in my parent basement but went all in on the bottle and ended-up crying for the first time in 10 years out of nowhere in front of them when I went upstairs to cook my dinner.
plot twist I'm 29
Its time to get a job user
>woke up sober as always, no hangover because I'm not a degenerate
>only drink on weekends when I go out
>beautiful morning, went for a run
>chillin on Yea Forums
>going out later with a qt from work and some friends
Life is good if you act like a man bros
a real man drinks every day, is lonely, and unhappy
tfw working from home
Because you have nothing in your life. Which is why you drink.
THe pain nevber ends
I had one beer to dinner, got bored and went to the local bar. Had one more beer alone and just got home again and opened a 7,5% pint. 4 more to go
>asked for a cig from 5 strangers and almost got mugged in result
>pissed all over the road while DRUK
>constantly flirting and sometimes sexually harrasing women while DRUK
>got into fist fight with two dudes who were way taller and bigger than me (i was defending myself)
>sitting with a girl i don't give a shit about, drinking vodka, say that she is really beautiful and i always liked her, ask if i can kiss her, she agreed, started to finger her in 20 minutes. She left, a girl i've been talking to says she loves me, started to date her in two days
> prostitute started to complain about how her mother in law hated her - compared the whore to Harry Potter, she was very pissed
>drinking with buddies, get sad, went skinny dipping at 4AM, started to feel sorry for myself and started to cry (while being dressed), them calmed down, undressed and went swimming.
Two weeks ago, I still about $200+ worth of alcohol. Down to my last few bottles of fireball ATM. I'm depressed and very angry today. I can't help that existence is futile. Hoping the acid plug shoots through
Is this repeating thread for Yea Forums alcoholics?
I am writing an article about Yea Forums and want to be accurate about whats going on.
Withdrawal bros Im dying time to go to the hospital my eyes are yellow
Getting drunk and watching LCS
It's going to get better, get some sleep.
go to the hospital and get better, mane
i dn't have 2
DRUK bros....... im so alone
Tell me something about yourself
I'm bussin fr fr
They are demoralization threads, posted on every board.
I crashed into a tree while blacked out the other day. My car is still driveable and I was able to get the car home but my entire family knows what I did
I can't right now, as I am sick
Although I can imagine taking some THC/CBD tincture tonight
that's some shame that sounds hard to bounce back from
>day 3 of sobriety for the entire 2022 year
kek. how bad is it? post a pic
I think i drank so much that me no think good anymore
>mfw work drinks last night spilled into me not sleeping today so I make my 8am shift start in time
>slept in a train station bathroom because it was the only warm space around
>mfw fucked as a fucker right now waiting for the opportunity to get into work, knowing that I'll be dead by 11
>That time I almost shot my friend from playing with a gun while drunk
>That one time I ran from a cop cause I was tagging while drunk off the freeway overpass
>That time I did a moonsault off a ladder while drunk and almost broke my leg
>That time I broke into my uncle's to steal alcohol and acid then, told him it was a rival gang
>That time I was so drunk and angry I punched a guy upside the head while he was sitting in a wheelchair
>Constant sexual frustration that I'm asexual
>Depressed with constant suicidal thoughts
>I hate being drunk because I've lost many opportunities and is the reason why I'm stuck in my situation
>Please let me die today
>I want to die today
>The voices keep on telling me to do so
For me its having no friends and drinking alone all weekend crying myself to sleep