Ohhhh I've wasted my life

Ohhhh I've wasted my life.

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all life is inherently worthless, just live the way you want and do what you like.

If only I formerly have done something with my life...

You can always be worse off.

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Me every night. Then I wake up with a massive boner, jerk off and waste another day.

Oh no no no

neet cope

nofap is reddit

how is Simpsons so prophetic?

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wasting my life feels good I really enjoy it.

>be wagie
>work really hard
>still die

>be neet
>only experience superficial joys in life of vidya and masturbating
>never feel the joy of fallen in love, seeing your firstborn child, succeeding in your career
>still die

life is a journey

Sometimes something simpler and stylized works best.


>Thinks marrying a single mom and raising her kids is living life
>Probably has that "muh legacy" NPC logic and thinks his wife's kids will be special

>>be wagie
>>work really hard
>>still die
>be neet
>only experience superficial joys in life of vidya and masturbating
>never feel the joy of fallen in love, seeing your firstborn child, succeeding in your career
>still die

Let's be honest no successful happy normal person comes to this site why the larping

>>Thinks marrying a single mom and raising her kids is living life
>can't imagine have his own biological child

>Took 9 years to learn how to draw girldick bulge

>Wanting kids nowadays

Can't tell if braindead or just stupid

both lifestyles lead to the same outcome so it doesn't matter.

I'm not selfish I wouldn't bring a kid into this horrific current year for normie points and social media posts like most"adults"

Jesus Christ and you fags complain about junkies in the other thread

Literally me

A day without blowing a load inside another person is wasted. It's a harsh truth.

we're currently living in the period of highest human quality of life in human history, marked by the fact that you can play vidya and shitpost all die without starving a freezing to death.

Anyone tried "No Screen May"?

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I can't stop watching these and I'm 35.

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It's only horrific for you, you should have thought about it before you were born poor in a shit country.

shh, be quiet jew

Good goy

>Quit watching Family guy 10 years ago

>Never watched a single episode of The Sneedsons

>Only care about the first few seasons of Spongebob before the movie

this but unironically, imagine not being able to fulfil your sole biological imperative

I'm 27 and sometimes I watch The Loud House

>muh biological imperative is the only thing that matters because I'm le monkey

holy hell
the post

Make sure to pay your taxes, makes my life a lot easier.

You think I was ironic? It's not even about biological imperative. Fucking dudes is also okay in my book, it's all about experiencing the ultimate human-to-human interaction on a daily basis.


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this, this breeding obsession is a bit weird

>messy divorce, children hate you, get alimonied
To live is to suffer.

sir i beg you please have sex

You have never had sex in your life if you think it's just about putting a thing in a thing.

How old are you? If 25 or younger, you might still have a chance.

sex is not the same as breeding user

>this breeding obsession
fucking and having kids is a normal human activity user

oh yeah? tell me your pastor's version of how breeding works then.

ooga booga you instinct driven monkey

Penis goes into small boy butt, that's the priest version of sex education.

>25 or younger
30 is the ultimate cut off point imo, at least in your late 20s you can still try the "well I'm still in my 20s: excuse


yes people that form meaningful sexual relationships are monkeys user


yes, kind of
t.retard in an almost meaningful sexual relationship

You still got to experience love, hot sex, hot women ect. Sure there is pain but the good parts are very worth it.

I didn't say that I'm saying if you feel that your sole purpose in life is breeding then you're literally an apeman, poor people on welfare have 8 kids does that make them great?

I'm 33 and still buy some Marvel and DC comics.

I'm 50 and Marvel movies are something we have in common in between our three generations (me, son, grandson). People really love to hate things they have noone to enjoy them with.

Old man living alone with good old memories, that's life yes. Flip the coin

We all have masturbation in common as well, doesn't mean we.. uhhh.. enjoy it with one another.

Old man living alone with good old trauma, that's life yes. Flip the coin

We could

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You are so dumb I bet you can't tell why this post is retarded

this goy probably draws furry porn and makes at least 2k a week, what are these so called (((artists))) even doing?

Corn Nigger was a child; the worst, blackest nigger. We, of kikes stanky are cummie sniffed. The Man cute, therefore Ku Klux Klan Judaism hairy SYNCHRO cunny pickles, henceforth, uuuuuh.. Afghanistan Bohemia is, furthermore... atomic Buttchuggin' Putin put puddings diapers. However, vodka tongue had Fushnicken. Jews subverted, executed, and America. Downtrodden hairy fucking Jack. Errrrrrrrrr... what? Uhhhh... shart. Prophylactic, our stinky cocaine faggots. So.. peepee, therefore, dilation and Sneed. Will Liechtensteinien moist poop cost blood? Zero money in my newfangled. No, and the manboobs. Huh? Snifffffff. BIXNOOD. Impeach, like.. sharts in cunny. Hyperborea jannie was pooping. Blackest border wall niggers, sand niggers, gay. Niggershits, BBC Americans, gas. Melania pepe.. Where am I? Armageddon. Kike, froge.. and, uh, uh, then it would, uh w-would be the next uh, black woman. Hnnnnnnnnnnnng! Lives. Israel monitoring. Don't? Malarkey. Satan. Hmmshfjfnl... chocolate chocolate chip people. Assange Innocent. Sniff is, therefore, bellwether systematisfuagsheeation! Children! Ukraine would shart horny little touch. Leafs, dank. Build very, Mr. Rothchild. My adrenochrome desperateness, feet pictures that smell like real feet. Neptunian faggot quench papa. Sniff. Grabbed. I am hunted by little girls pantys. Dimethyltriptamine. VICTORY! Crystal dank meth. Uh, Hitler greatest scrotum leader. Jewish tranny army. Why am I not awake? Cocaine on every corner, Batman for prison. Trump 'bama -- look, fat! Gay Niggers from Outer Space! Mista offica I cannot breed, raped Circle-Back my daughter. Wasn't ass babies responsible for the... Therefore, supersized rain barrels in my butthole! Come on, man! So when I, because, Mexican Norm MacDonald. Cunny *shits pants* jungle. Wait, what was I... C'mon man! Uhhhh, Hairy Legs. We must cognitive.. so then Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake walnut sauce, so, uhhhhhh children notebook. Graphic depictions of rape

I miss Phil Hartman

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too bad his wife didnt

Please tell me

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>I wish
>I wish
>I wish I argued more about politics on Yea Forums..

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I wish I had more cum to cum into a jar...

me too

the only time i feel joy now is when i BTFO an user....help me

You die no matter what you do, so make your own meaning. Struggle, persist, find the pleasures where you can. Giving into nihilism and dying like a dog is weakness.

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