Is Johnny Depp putting an end to the #metoo era?

Is Johnny Depp putting an end to the #metoo era?

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ambersisters... how do we cope...

>i didn't punch you i just hit you
>stop being such a fucking baby
Reminder people will still side with Amber Turd even after this audio came out solely because shes a women.


Soul vs soulless

Poop in your bed?

>an era where females are held responsible for their actions, aren't shielded from any and all consequences and don't get preferrential treatment in every area
Unlikely but it's fun to contemplate.

Nothing is going to change. Heard won't lose the case, she won't face any consequences for her actions. Western societies would bend themselves thrice over to continue worshipping women as blameless angels.

Yes and soon after another butthole surfers lp will come out

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The only thing Johnny Depp is putting an an end to is his career. He and his followers seem to be of the flawed opinion that he will be judged in comparison to his opponent instead of his peers.

How long would you unironically put up with her psycho abuse if you were getting to fuck her?


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Johnny Depp is over, he will rot in prison for touching my Amber

>Reminder people will still side with Amber Turd
you're one dumb reddit faggot. literally nobody is siding with heard.

id rather be khhv forever desu
im a germophobe so shit on my bed would be nervous bbreakdown tier for me

no? amber is so damn cute and every single bit of evidence points to johnny being an entitled drug addled retard spewing deranged incel shit about raping her corpse. she’s beautiful and her career hasn’t been damaged like his

Depends on how well she fucks. I bet it’s 10/10

I mean look at the hoops Johnny has had to jump through for years just to get to this point.

niga, the metoo era sort of faded away already when "believe women" became as random as doing justice onself . still waiting for a ok to act on my kill list if its cool to do justice ourselves btw just tell me ok guys

she shited on the bed so probably nothing

Post your favorite Depp films. For me, it's Dead Man. I hope he makes a return to acting.

as soon as i realized it's not just rough sex erp
cope, even HER family is dunking on her after the texts of them pleading depp to not leave her leaked lmao

why dont they just lie detector them and end it quick

I believe all women

are liars

it's okay.

Fear and Loathing

I feel it in my veins. Wokeness is dying, me too is dying, trust in MSM media is dying, holohoax is dying. Good days are coming.

Your all white, anti woke viking movie just flopped, chud

BELIEVE ALL WOMAN are capable of shitting in your bed

Maybe we can finally get back to some woman bashing and drunken sexual depravity again FUCK YEAH!

>literally nobody is siding with heard
ehem, user... Never underestimate simps.

She's winning

>Audio of Depp admitting to head butting her
>Text messages from Depp threatening to kill her and rape her dead body
>Footage of Depp being an angry raging alcoholic and intimidating Amber, kicking the fridge, slamming cupboards, throwing things, breaking things
>photos of Depp being drugged out and passed out on the floor in his own vomit
>he struck her multiple times

It's over for Depp. His life and his career is finished. Yea Forums is an Amber board and you reddit tourists will really see this once our queen wins this trial.

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>cope, even HER family is dunking on her after the texts of them pleading depp to not leave her leaked lmao
She's irrelevant. What matters is, are other hollywood a-list male actors in court discussing who shat on the bed and reading text messages about their drug use and they're as a general rule not. A court verdict that your ex gf shat in your bed does not get you a leading role in a disney movie.

I don't get it
she's not even that good looking
who would put up with it

Nigger when is the last time someone mentioned me too you culture war loser


Google it and set the limit to the last month and you will still find more than enough of it.

>Yea Forums is an Amber board
give it a rest chaim

Are we watching the same trial? Everything ive seen just makes Johnny look like a terrible person. He literally lied about head butting her and then they play audio where he literally admits to it. Why are you Deppcucks so sure he's winning this? Depp lost the UK court trial and the judge called him a wife beater. The same conclusion will be made here

I hope so. Metoo cancer is roastie seethe anyway

megapint anyone?

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It's clear that both Depp and Heard are mentally ill druggies, I don't understand why people care or support any of these cunts.

Men can be #metoo

Depp is mentally ill but a good person, Heard is a psychopath evil cunt

>Audio of Depp admitting to head butting her
He was restraining her and his head bumped into her, it's clear from the audio that he didn't headbutt her on purpose
>Text messages from Depp threatening to kill her and rape her dead body
No jury is dumb enough to take those texts seriously
>Footage of Depp being an angry raging alcoholic and intimidating Amber, kicking the fridge, slamming cupboards, throwing things, breaking things
Turd actually comes across worse than he does in that footage
>photos of Depp being drugged out and passed out on the floor in his own vomit
That means nothing
>he struck her multiple times
There's no evidence of that, but there is audio of Turd admitting to hitting Johnny

I wouldn't, anyone who would is a virgin, a beta or got taken for a ride before she showed her true colours. A slit's a slit. If it's attached to some loathsome bitch you're not going to feel any better about it if she's pretty.

Sweeny Turd: The Demon Brapper of Feces Street.

Where are all these texts people are talking about ?

We've entered the #mentoo era

Yeah like I thought you outrage specialists need to get a hobby being mad all the time is why women don't look at you

>Depp is mentally ill but a good person,
Get fucking real, they're both assholes

>Wokeness is dying
Too late, the kids have been indoctrinated. 1/5 burger zoomers identify as the alphabet, most of the rest are heavily sympathetic and it's little different in other BURGERed countries. At best anti-woke countercultures will become larger, but they'll still be the minority compared to woke inductees and normalfags who've been trained to toe the woke line by default.

Ok, I get it, you are mad that it is still being used constantly, and you were wrong. Sucks for you, I guess.

>...a mega pint?


me too movement got horrifically derailed by the aziz ansari case
>young girl goes to a celeb party
>she meets aziz ansari and is attracted to him (sounds like she was attracted by the celebrity)
>he asks her back to his place
>they flirt for a while
>they start having sex
>she thinks the sex was awful and awkward
>she didn't feel any chemistry with him whatsoever
>writes a long blog about it
and of course the entire world was like "what the fuck? what did he do wrong? what is she even alleging?" that was the exact moment the me too movement got derailed and that was back in 2019. all johnny could do at this point is resurrect me too and frankly he's doing a pretty good job of that with the horrible, awful cross-examination performance going on right now

You're either a troll or painfully retarded.

It's not abuse if you enjoy it

He was so sweet and I married him then whoa turns out he's drug addled abusive retard I never saw it coming

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One can only dream to imagine.

and??? trump still lost


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>those are considered huge big boobs in Hollywood
I cry... my tv screen overrun with chestlets


What if Depp started identifying as a woman during court proceedings?

They are clearly both toxic nepotistic celebrity types and the fact you take sides is pathetic

Read a book, simpleton.

What does this mean as a reply to my post
Im reading Blood Meridian

Also, the female author of the hitpiece described an older female journalist (Banford? Banfield?) in sexist terms just because she didn't agree with her and last I checked she was a proofreader for the High Times.

The level of psycho, is not even funny

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All Amber simps should honestly just kill themselves they are pathetic and beyond saving

Why does she look like a fat Ana de Armad here?

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she looks awful here. Thyroid neck, bloated face, these teeth, circles under her eyes. The Wall takes no prisoners.

ok but whats the game at play here?

I wanna fuck a slutted up greta so bad

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