Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?

Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?

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Could you BE any worse of a Chandler?

We were on a PIVOT!

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Damn Ross was in good shape

That's why Ross almost exclusively wears oversized clothing, to cover up the fact that Matthew Perry was just as stacked as Joey was.

*David Schwimmer

>its a Rachel eats cake off the floor episode

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For me its Rachels booba

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Soooooo many faps

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How did they keep her perpetually horny during filming?


Its well known she was a nympho who would fuck one of the 3 guys between each take

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The hallf they film shows in are quite chilly

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fr fr deadass nocap not to mention those shoulders and unless the tank top is hiding a pigeon chest he has great insertions too. Looks just like my body type I'm gonna make this my new target physique and start rossmoding

Monica was best girl

Friends is the Best Friendslike show ever made

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her face is hit or miss, but that body is perfection

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He should have done it

How were the friends guys always getting girls so easily? Are normies really like this?

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He had already lucked into marriage with a 10/10 he loved. Why risk it?

Monica giving Chandler blowjobs was canon. They hinted at it in the Ms Pac Man episode.

>Schwimmer gets more attractive as the series progresses


They are married, of course she does

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>What were they doing the thing we hardly ever do or the thing we never do?
>The thing we never do.
>Shovelly Joe.
Do you think he meant she never takes it up the ass or she does it so rarely that it's basically never in comparison to hardly ever?

t. newfag

>more sex after marriage
B-but that's not what I heard!

That must have been the highlight of Henry Cavills career

>Henry Cavill

90s NYC, yeah.

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Blow job hardly ever, anal never. My evidence:

>only allowed three letters for the higscores
>had to use two words
>blow job

Peak comfy

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Oh, I misread. They probably did it sometimes.

>Blow job hardly ever, anal never.
That was clearly what was insinuated but never doesn't have to mean never. People will say, "we never do [X]" if something is infrequent. I'm more curious if she's ever let Chandler fuck her ass at least once.

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Monica seems like someone who would like it up the ass every now and then, but mostly likes to be in charge.

P sure they're discussing sex at some point and Chandler gets annoyed over how little of a say he has regarding sex positions.

According to Joey he doesn't get on top during sex because he's lazy.

And they sadly don't play the donut game when they're alone.

She cute

>ywn have a bromance like Chandler and Joey

She’s sexy as fuck on Whose Line

it's fine man, don't worry bout it

Ross ate Rachel out hundreds of times. He was right to do so.

>even our most advanced mathmatics cant figure out the formula for moving a couch around a corner

For me, it was Rena Sofer as Katie.

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