What are some good spiraling-into-drug-addiction kinos?
What are some good spiraling-into-drug-addiction kinos?
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what are the chances i get AIDS if i fuck one of these women?
that's for you to find out.
Low, even lower if you rubber up. You get aids from a dude blowing his load in you, very hard to catch if you are the top
Reminder that your president sent trillions to UKRAINE instead of helping the homeless in America
>filming mentally ill people for profit instead of helping them
Rent free
Fucking a homeless girl is one of my biggest fantasies but of course I wouldn't do it because it would be cruel and exploitative.
Am I still a bad person for having this fantasy in the first place?
Aids chance for Penis in Vagina for men is 1 in 1000 with someone who is confirmed HIV+.
But do you want to take that chance to get your nut off?
jesus christ
reminder that glowniggers are behind the opioid epidemic just like they were with crack cocaine
I can save her
Nightmare fuel
who this
what are the chances i could take one of those women and turn her into a loving house wife?
What are the pony tails for?
Very low assuming you don't have tears in your dick skin
fucking hell she's a stunner
Don't try to turn a hoe into a housewife. Project Pat is very clear on this specific issue.
Holy fuck that's rancid.
Bruh, stop eating my leg
>Am I still a bad person for having this fantasy in the first place?
no, of course not. unless you consciously made your kinks worse (knowing you're addicted to porn and not fighting it), your dirty fantasies are just the cards you've been dealt. not acting them out, especially when the opportunity presents itself, means you're passing a test of character.
just try to see every indulgence of the senses as a thing to be overcome. make a habit of restricting yourself
She'll destroy you
>What do you eat? OTHER people?
Just take PrEP
Car sounds are really comfy and relaxing.
Fentanyl laced with what? More Fentanyl?
No, what happened is she got off it, then returned to her original dose = OD
>these are the people calling you a europoor
Yo she's fucking CUTE.
everybody knows you can't turn a whore into a housewife
How risky would it be to try and save her?
It really boggles my mind how someone can let drugs take over their lives like this. I’m a huge druggie but I keep my use in moderation and put my profession first.
its depressing to see pics like this because you could see how pretty of a person they could have been, but one decision sent them down that path. I like to think that you have to be a borderline retard to end up like this, but I know thats not really the case.
>all these incel fantasies
Homeless/mainline drug habit chicks are fucking awful though. Their libido is completely dead from drugs, they're USELESS as sexual partners, and their cognition and personalities are completely obliterated by drug use. They're obsessed with only 1 thing - scoring more dope and getting high. You will just get all your shit stolen and will receive nothing in return.
remember : the US is a 1st world country
how does your leg end up being like that?
>be addicted to drugs
>get sympathy from everyone oh poor druggie
>be addicted to food
>get contempt and loathing from everyone
from the actual fucking the odds of catching are low, but they have a bunch of small cuts all over themselves and their track holes just need a little bit of blood to get on you to increase the chances dramatically.
just don't pick your scabs and you'll be fine user
at least the woman has a mask!
oh the marts can you shart
From shooting up Desomorphine, or any other impure dope cut with some really nasty shit filled with non-solubles.
kek in name only
ikr. Like if I go on an oxy binge, I don’t even feel it by the fourth or fifth day and I know to stop. What’s the point of being addicted to a drug you have a tolerance to?
You still can have fun with her body
I follow the gospel of Project Pat, or I try to, but why do I keep failing and trying to make these chickenheads into a housewife? Why must they be my kryptonite?
i live about 20ish blocks from here
this doesn't really answer my question. How do such wounds exist? By cutting yourself? Scratching?
A knife in your chest in the middle of the night
That's reassuring to hear. I was just worried what being turned on by the idea of picking up a homeless girl and having sex with her in exchange for letting her stay for a while/giving her stuff said about me. That's just exploiting her helplessness.
The guy must have tinted windows right?
needle infection
why doesn't he go to a hospital?
>inb4 you need money
you can literally just leave after they treat you I've done it 3 times.
The U.S. is great if you have the money. If you're poor it's still better than every other poor country. So yeah.
Why are white people like this
Fat people are somehow even more disgusting than homeless drug addicts. And consuming food fucking sucks, I can't imagine doing it for pleasure.
It's okay cause if you ever did as such she'd exploit you and steal all your stuff for drug money.
I would guess he's been to a hospital since he's got a "cleanly" amputated foot, but after a certain point all that matters is getting high.
>consuming food fucking sucks,
I never saw this amount of homeless addicted people in any other countriesi visited. I mean for sure there are but doenst look like an epidemic in broad daylight. How and why USA is like that?
Very high, If not AIDS some other shit.
Jesus christ, what a cutie. Source?
When you shoot up impure, toxic shit filled with insolubles they cause damage to virtually all tissues - skin, blood vessels, bone and muscles,
>And consuming food fucking sucks, I can't imagine doing it for pleasure.
Do you have a sinus problem or something?
depends what she was doing
not uncommon for mdma or coke to be laced nowadays, casual users can recover
scrape your leg on dirty ground (because people shit on the sidewalk)
don't let it heal properly
bacteria gets in
Injecting Clorox in your skin and then keep scratching the injection area.
You can be addicted to pretty much anything that makes your noodle produce the happy time brain juice.
why the fuck does this keep happening? why do empires collapse? why the fuck don't we learn anything from History?
>And consuming food fucking sucks, I can't imagine doing it for pleasure
Sounds like a mental health issue
Opioid epidemic. Hillbilly heroin. (((Doctors))) prescribed it for everyone because they were getting paid for it by (((big pharma))).
No, you can't, you just imagine you can. Do you understand what DEAD LIBIDO means? Masturbating is unironically better and more fulfilling than an attempt at sex with someone who's essentially neutered from excess dopamine.
Drug abuse has become a normalized part of white American culture
I almost overdosed on marijuana once. I was devastated
This user has repressed the memory of his uncle using his mouth for pleasure.
Lol what a bunch of fuckin losers
She's literally perfect
Why does God hate me
You can watch it in real-time.
>Implying I repressed it
2 days in and she'll be robbing you
drug addicts like this cannot be fixed
>tfw mansion tent
sounds kinda comfy
i would let her give me aids
well yeah, that is the test: would you exploit someone for your own gratification? and so far you haven't failed it, have you? your actions and intentions count, not random thoughts that you end up rejecting.
your current life is nothing but a few tests and (mostly unpleasant) lessons for your eternal soul. think of it as having received a seemingly randomly shaped block of tough granite (DNA, early childhood) and then, via your choices/actions, turning it into a sculpture by highlighting certain aspects and chiseling away others.
what will be judged is the art (or demonic form) that you willed into existence, not what shape the original stone randomly had.
Probably by people selling and buying drugs.
Yep, every drug addict who has OD'ed has an excuse as to why it wasn't their fault they OD'ed.
$22 trillion economy
$800 billion / yr military
most powerful superpower in the world
all based on this
I meant you can still touch her, kiss her, spank her, whatever. She won't feel any pleasure but at least you will.
is that Los Angeles?
>probably have aids, hepatits, and a few stds
>likely 1-2 abortions already
>irreversible brain damage
>most likely uneducated and have no support from family
homie deadass hittin the stanky leg
Democrat run cities are not America
why do you knowingly spread fake propaganda, chud puppet?
> consuming food fucking sucks, I can't imagine doing it for pleasure.
Liquify your food and then just drink it.
>I'm a huge druggie but [explains why he isn't a druggie]
do you even know what a "druggie" is you retard? you are not a "huge druggie", you are someone who uses drugs
There will always be downtrodden addicts in any society. What ever resources you give them they will just abuse for more drugs/alcohol.
>Cause this is thriller, thriller night
>And consuming food fucking sucks, I can't imagine doing it for pleasure.
Same 100%
>still has a girlfriend
What's your excuse
watch this, also these two too
oh shit your right, didn't even realise he's missing a foot
that's genuinely sad, he doesn't even look that old either
i would really like to know what these guys have gone through to reach this point. we're all only few steps away from this. bad health, car accident, lost job, lost house etc...
The Ukrainians actually want to kill rusniggers and put that money to good use blowing their retarded asses up. Drug addicts don't want to get clean. If you gave them money, they'd just use it for more drugs. They're hopeless.
how does your life get to this point?
it doesn't even make sense to me, none of this looks enjoyable or fund, it looks like pure misery. why do they do it? Even personally I take opiates occasionally for fun, but in no way would it be worth fucking rotting your legs away staggering around like a zombie on the sidewalk. it's just bizarre.
and don't tell me they have no choice. their issue clearly isn't "homelessness", these are obviously drug encampments where they come to these places to buy and use drugs. yeah technically they have no home but it's not due to "oh they just can't find one!". obviously they just choose to live this way becase it's cheaper and they can spend rent on drugs and don't need to work because the government gives them money and they steal or whore for the rest.
honestly their lives are pointless, they contribute nothing to society and basically fuck everything up in a drugged out stupor. why does society tolerate this?
all you have to do is tell your gf to not shower for a week and boom fantasy fulfilled.
>spend money on homeless
>they continue doing even more drugs like retards
lmao even
I'm not a junkie