Why is it so difficult to make a good Hulk movie?

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Ang Lee Hulk is a masterpiece.

It's not, and the Hulk movies are always entertaining.

They did in 2003

Not my Hulk.


It already exists, the Norton's joint was fine too.

Should have got Brock Lesnar to play the Hulk. He's got the shoulders and chest for it.

the hulk where they desperately tried to tone down his deadly impact

>helicopter crashes because of hulk
>instantly cofirm they alive

This is true, I still sometimes watch this version.

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The made for tv movies were pretty great. The Death of The Incredible Hulk being my favorite.
As Bruce Banner lies there dying, Black Widow cries and says,
>"We were finally free..."
To which Banner replies,
>"...I am free." as he dies
Cue music!
Boomers have done it better than anyone baby!

Also, I didn't realize Black Widow fucking Hulk was canon. Huh.

Bro that was the first time a big CGI character like him was being played on the screen, no one knew how to do it properly at the time.

Because Hulk fuckin sucks, I’m a comic nerd and i literally can’t name one (1) Hulk villain

he cant make epic funny oneliners while fighting

I watched the 2008 movie like last month. Honestly it wasn’t a bad watch for the most part. The ending kinda lost me as it felt kinda basic.

Hulk is a tragic character who's biggest enemy is himself.

>I’m a comic nerd and i literally can’t name one (1) Hulk villain
The US Army

The Leader, casual

There hasn't been a bad hulk movie.
But I do think there should be a real hulkino where they get into the deep nuclear/psychological stuff.
Ang Lee's was very close, but not quite there.

Absorbing Man

I'm a casual, and I remember big brain, evil Hulk, goblin lackey and electricity monster from the old cartoon, plus the Army.

Hulk a chode bra fr

You're not a comic nerd, you're a normie who watches MCU slop because the mouse told you to, fuck off and eat shit.

Wrecking Crew

I hate this movie, what it did Hulk and the Planet Hulk storyline.

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Because Hulk is a monster like King Kong, Frankenstein or Mr Hyde and they keep trying to make him a superhero. Ang Lee Hulk had the right idea tho.

Because Hulk is a shitty character.
>I'm yet another super clever scientist with an alliteration in my name who got super powers from one of my experimental research projects
>my superpower? Well when I get mad I turn green and become super strong and lose all control
What the fuck do you do with that? There's like 2 stories to tell:
-Bruce coming to terms with being the Hulk and his alter ego
-Bruce learning to control his anger
It's like the Superman problem except so much worse because Hulk has no weaknesses and isn't particularly entertaining to watch. Because he's fuelled by pure rage, there's no "intelligence" so the fight scenes can't be interesting because he has no strategy he just smashes shit

>I'm a comic nerd
That's a big fat lie.

>You won't like me when I'm Ang Lee

Because every hulk villain is just hulk but evil. Plus they can't make him too strong so he doesn't ever feel like hulk. He's completely irrelevant to the mcu movies after all, everything that he did could have been done by someone else

because it’s a big green nigger chimping out. How do you make that into a story

Am I the only guy who felt the CGI for this movie was better than the CGI in the 2008 movie?

It was kino as fuck.

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>I'm a comic nerd and I [literally proves he's not a comic nerd]

What the fuck is their problem?

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Also the best comic book movie. Fuck soulless hollywood for ditching that style.

It wasn't ashamed of its roots indeed.

bana is a horrific actor.

the mid 2000's was peak
>oh look at this attractive dude, make him a movie star
orlando bloom, eric bana, hayden christensen absolutely none of these fagots can act

stupid character

edward norton one was good

I hate that the MCU completely gimped Hulk just cause they don't have the rights to make solo movies of him. Ruffalo was only good in the first Avengers and that was it

>have to cast Bruce Banner
>a puny scientist almost always on the run
>pick this chubby fuck
What were they thinking?

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Hulk is invincible like Superman but also fucking retarded. There's basically nothing interesting you can do with that and basically his only good story is where he's taken off planet and given increased intelligence.

Turning the fucking Ragnarök storyline into a cheap buddy-movie will always be one of Marvel's cardinal sins. I know the previous movies tried to be serious and somehow failed, but you just can't do that when its the fucking Twilight of the Gods.
If they really wanted to go for a buddy-movie, they should have done it with Beta Ray Bill, who's Thor's real bro.

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They just need to embrace the body horror shit and make a scary R-rated movie.

My thoughts exactly.
At this point though, I'm glad BRB isn't in the MCU.

Not that long ago Marvel only had one (1) ongoing worth reading and it was Ewing's Hulk.
Now Marvel's got zero (0) ongoing worth reading.

When did the hulk just turn into some friendly big green guy in the mcu?

Its not, and they already made the perfect one in 2004

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Brace yourself for a shitton of horse jokes once it inevitably happens.

By the end of The Avengers.

Thor Ragnarok, they pozzed Thor and Hulk both in that movie, also i think Loki too but don't remember i dropped it in the middle

Super math bro

based as fuck

>The inevitable "why the long face?" joke
>Thor references Bojack Horseman in a non-sequitur quip
Thanks, I hate it.

>A-list character with iconic storylines, tv shows, animated shows, movies, games and theme park rides
>hurr there's nothing to do with him

We have X-Men Red and Defenders Beyond on the horizon.

Who would win?
Left Hulk or Right Hulk?

You and me both, my dude.
What's worse is that they'd totally do this, and would probably try some dirty jokes regarding Bill's penis.

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4:3 always wins

you speak like a jew

>Actually had a guy that looks like Bruce Banner and has a pretty good track record

The current Moon Knight and Daredevil runs are bretty gud.

more like too expensive for a side character.