Star Trek

Why did they get rid of Pulaski? She was so much better than Crusher.

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Stewart bullied her into quitting.

Why haven't you watched Lower Decks yet? It has the same feel as oldtrek

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new pulaski

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Thoughts on Star Trek Prodigy? I think it's great that kids are getting into Star Trek

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It is shit, now kys

Because it doesn't, and you need to kill yourself.

It's a must watch for all fans Voyager

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Didn't she also conflict with Berman?
Or was it pat stew who was being a cunt to her.

One is my name. The other is not bludy bastard bitch benchod bastard!

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I rarely rewatched seasons 1 & 2, so honestly I often forget that she exists

i like it, LD is shit though

Crusher was prettier.

I think Berman was on her side against the entire rest of the cast. I'm sure Berman didn't even want Crusher back.

not by enough

Definitely NOT!

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I agree she was so great. She reminds me Star Trek DISCO's doctor

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I haven't seen it because I really can't imagine I'm the target demographic (I'm not a child), but it's got Janeway being Janeway so I'm tempted to give it a watch eventually
I hate the alien designs though.

I wonder if Gene gave her an infection too.

Kate Mulgrew elevates it with her performance. The plots are also classic Star Trek after the plot-driven pilot.

Why did everyone have a perm in the 80s.
My friend had a mullet perm when he was a kid.

fuck off shill

Did you know that Pulaski's actress is still alive? Maybe she'll get to appear on Picard like some of the other TNG characters. What's your favorite Picard cameo so far?

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Patrick Stewart as Patrick Stewart

Fashion is incomprehensible.
Everyone wants to look one way, and some years later they look back and wonder what the fuck they were thinking. Rinse and repeat.

I unironically don't get it

How many Lower Decks episodes have you actually watched?

Patrick Stewart as dementia sufferer in a pfizer commercial #247

>not trek raided by not-/trek/

She dislike steward anand how the show runner handle character arc in general.Also steward was making outrageous amout of money compare to the rest of them.


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Pictured is what said friend was rocking.
I can't imagine the thought process that ever led to such a thing.

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Alright yeah, that is pretty retarded.
I'm sure that the current zoomer haircut (you know the one) will age just as gracefully.

She was starting to overshadow Stewart so he got rid of her.

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I dropped the latest Discovery season after only two episodes. Is it worth continuing or should I drop the show for good? How did you rate S4?

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TNG is the Picard+Data show so her having much better stories with him would definitely do that.


>What's your favorite Picard cameo so far?
I hated all of them because season 1 kept introducing old characters solely to kill them off 10 minutes later.
>Oh shit it's Hugh, he was a kind of cool character.
>They even got the original actor, and his scars are in the same place as where his Borg prosthetics were all those years ago, they really put some love into his appearance
>"Lmao psyche, he's dead for cheap drama"

If people in the 24th C didn't care about baldness why didn't Picard go for the chad embrace instead of cutting his remaining hair short and coping?

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>Pulaski developing actual respect for and friendship with Data over seven seasons
Man, that’d be so kino.

fuck no. they tried to write pulaski as an equal to picard, dick swinging and over talking over anyone. plus she might as well piss all over picard to declare that captain as her personal sex slave.
crusher was at least bearable because of her mother look and soft spoken voice, but even she injected her personal ethnocentricities (forgetting that she was starfleet) on different worlds/cultures (i.e. judging them and trying to make picard or the population/person(s) to her 'right' way of thinking).

if i was sick on the enterprise, i would rather stay in my quarters letting worf put klingon spike leeches to heal me rather than go to pulaski. if crusher was the doctor i'd rather be passed out and taken to sickbay so i wouldn't hear crusher berate me for not following her personal beliefs.

only if all 3 of them are really, REALLY bored

Stewart said he didn't like her smell. The career was a big gig for her so she even tried showering up to three times a day but he would continually vomit when doing a scene with her. It was blatant bullying but he had the larger role and eventually she quit. To add insult injury he would often turn up to the set reeking of urine.

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Wait they really did that to Hugh? Glad I never watched it


I tried three. It is absolute garbage.

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it's not a boring show it's just not very star trek

Man you did not like being proved wrong about the patrick stewart thing did you

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Future evolved humans who not only tolerate differences take special delight in them, would know when they have to get it on.

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>The plots are also classic Star Trek
Why are they afraid of doing this with live action nutrek?

some user on Yea Forums plowed the girl that does the computer/ship's voice. she's the busty redhead from library bards. guy met her at some con, while she was trying to network and he upped his game and took her to his room. i forgot to screencap his story but she was/is a freak. there's even a picture of her pink nipples he snapped while they were getting dressed.

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Anyone see the LD S3 teaser? Stealing the ship might be a nice throwback to the films, but I fear it will be extremely unrealistic. Not to mention a bunch of ensigns would never get a slap on the wrist like kirk did. LD was never quite serious I admit, but the silliness was always something that you could look past it and enjoy the more serious parts. I fear this might change now.

sure larper

Yeah season 1 of Picard was a complete trainwreck, I wouldn't recommend watching it to anyone.
Season 2 started a lot more promising, but currently there's like fifteen different plot threads going on at once (I'm not even exaggerating) so it feels like a different kind of a mess.

Wtf find the post in the archive. Women can't be that easy right?

Is it worse than STD?

neither are human tolerable

If Discovery pisses you off so will Picard.

Good question, hard to say really. I hated STD more than anything for the first season or 2, but it got a little less offensively bad eventually though.
I'd say Picard season 2 beats all of STD, while most of STD (except season 1) beats Picard season 1.

My tenth grade English teacher taught me that the essence of good storytelling is to always leave enough bread crumbs for the reader to possibly figure out what was going on all along.
The current essence of storytelling is to diverge into 57 different directions of relationship drama and then make the finale a stand alone story with a loose connection or no connection at all.

>TNG is the Picard+Data show
Picard and Data hardly did much together in TNG. Data was usually paired with Geordi and Riker or Crusher were the ones that were around Picard the most. They tried to force them into a Kirk/Spock relationship in the movies.

they got a lot of wrap ups together but i didn't mean strictly picard and data together plots. usually one drives A plot and the other a B plot

Honestly I'm fucking over this serial bullshit in general. How long has it been a major thing in TV outside of soaps, 15, 20 years? It's overdone and I'd love for episodic stories with characters being serialised ie. no reset button to become the main thing.

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this chart is based

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Who is that on the left.

Zoomers are legit retarded and think anything that's not serialized content is "filler." Like I see zoomers talk about cowboy bebop and complain that it's all "filler episodes."

Chief O’Brien of course.

I have paramount + but this show is on Amazon Prime where I live. When will they buy back the rights?

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again with this shit
the concept was expanded
if the episode is completely devoided of creativity (ex time travel #44) it is also filler
now kys

I feel it should be legal to hunt zoomers, or even turn them in at the county office for a reward.

>ugly, ugly, trash compared to original Spock, whatever, good, good, whatever, looks retarded, we wuz doctors n shit

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>this show is on Amazon Prime

Nah. Europe.

You mean this chart?

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>there's like fifteen different plot threads going on at once (I'm not even exaggerating)
Can we name them? I'll have a quick go from what I can remember:

>Juratti's constant crushing, depressing loneliness, her inability to not feel alone
>Juratti is now possessed by the Borg queen, who is out doing weird Borg shit
>the FBI agent who was molested by Vulcans
>the ICE/immigration/racism subplot
>global warming subplot (we're destroying the planet :( )
>Rio's love interest and her autistic child, and them being brought to the Borg possessed spaceship and being told about the future for some reason
>needing to fix the ship because it's filled with Borg viruses or something
>Raffi and Seven's gay relationship drama
>Raffi coping with her "loss" of Elnor, badly, and hallucinating him
>Q meddling with time
>Q (and the Q continuum) dying
>making sure the Europa mission succeeds so that the future will be replaced with an evil dictatorship
>^ doing the above means safeguarding Picard's ancestor, Renée Picard
>Doctor Adam Soong doing evil eugenics shit
>Soong's eugenics created daughter is now out in the world going to do... stuff
>Picard's mother and him dealing with his traumatic mystery past (through nightmares and shit)
>Guinan dealing with the hatred she has grown for humanity and their racist ways
>the Watcher is dicking about somewhere presumably
This is more or less all going on concurrently.

What am I forgetting?


Yeah, Rock n’ Roll Fever and the Boogie Wookiee Flu

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