Why were the Ancient Egyptians so cruel to the israelis...

Why were the Ancient Egyptians so cruel to the israelis? Seems incredibly fucked up the treatment they got throughout the whole movie.

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I love this movie but Yea Forums made me hate my Jewish heritage even though it's shit I personally had nothing to do with. But there's one thing I hate more and that's /pol/ fucks who hate me purely for existing. So yeah when I see /pol/ fucks hating me for being born a Jew it's not hard to imagine ancient Egyptians doing the same thing.

Stand strong proud son of Zion

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Jews were never slaves in Egypt. It's just another fiction you "people" created to bolster your victim status.

I never said they were, retard. The rest of your post proves my point though, so thanks.

Were the Egyptians the good guys all along? Not like they are really depicted as evil in the movie.

They hate us 'cuz they ain't us.

Because Canaanites were central asian migrants to Palestine.

do humanity a favor and kill your entire family then kill yourself

Well yuo see... G-d MADE the Pharoah do it, because.... God's Plan. Imagine if I met never met the broskis.

If they were really slaves in Egypt they were probably related to Hyksos invaders.

this is so overrated it hurts. There is no substance here, only spectacle

>Yea Forums made me hate my Jewish heritage
don't worry, it's not your's

>why can't my employees just work for free!!?!?

Moses never existed

>Moses, Rameses, Tzipporah, Miriam, Aaron, Hotep, Huy, Seti, Queen, Jethro
if i'm being honest, these characters didn't do much for me

Canaanites were locals, but Hyksos seem to be connected to Hurrians and Aryans. Aryans definitely came from Central Asia.
Hyksos apparently brought chariots and horses to Egypt.

this another grown men seething at a kids cartoon because they are obese militant atheists thread?

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There's actually direct evidence of Aryan (or at least Aryan ancestry) presence in Middle/Late Bronze Age Levant.
Two outlier samples from Megiddo carry typical Aryan paternal line and have steppe ancestry. The samples are from 1500 BC.

>jew gets insulted
>immediately starts talking about money
like pottery

No they weren’t retard. Canaanites arrived in 2000BC. We know this because Palestine had a metallurgical culture until the agrarian Canaanite culture came and we can see the transition point in the layers of sediment in that are. Hyksos were Greeks and Hurrians were Anatolians who are themselves related to Greeks. Aryans are Asians and have nothing to do with Europe or Egypt.

Antz is the only good pre Shrek film imo. Despite the impressive animation in Prince of Egypt and El Dorado, i thought the writing quality and story development left much to be desired

this. be they christcuck or paganlarper, they are all jealous of jewish success. funny how the most loser filled places on the internet are always the most anti semitic

because it's their fiction with no known grounds nor proof. in fact egyptians let them in when babylonians raided Jerusalem as we have archaeological evidence of Jews coming to egypt at that time

Everything you said is incorrect and is not supported by any genetic evidence.

fuck off haplonigger

This is a cope and a lie. Not only is there genetic evidence, there is also archaeological and literary evidence.

>You have not won 180 Nobel Prizes
>You do not test the highest of all ethnicities on IQ scores
>Your culture does not encourage critical thinking through debating and discussing the Torah.
>Your culture did not become literate in order to read the Torah centuries before Christians
>You are not descended from those that resisted indoctrination into a Jewish Cult
>You cannot survive as a displaced people
>You are Roma
>You blame the holocaust for you’re pickpocketing and begging
>You cannot manage to be one of the best educated groups of people on planet Earth despite thousands of years of persecution.
>You do not Mitzvah

>baby Moses gives a salacious look to Queen when she finds him and lovingly looks at him
kinda takes you of the moment

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pure mental illness

>misses the point entirely
>ad hominems instead
Like pottery.

you don't have/are not part of anything you just posted LOL

So weird how they defend judaism but call christianity a jewish cult as an insult. You know to to play to your audience lmfao

I'm talking about autosomal ancestry. There's enough samples to tell what happened. First Central Asian ancestry literally shows up with R1a-Z93 (typical Fatyanovo/Abashevo/Sintashta/Andronovo) haplogroup.

Before that the Bronze Age Levantine cluster remained largely the same. The biggest changes happened in EBA with a large influx of Northern - Anatolian/Caucasian/Iranian ancestry. Earlier on there were some minor migrations, probably from East Anatolia related to the Copper Age Ghassulian culture.

Chariots are an Aryan invention, they are also the ones who domesticated horses, so either directly or indirectly they influenced Hyksos. There's no doubt about it.

Tried watching this recently and literally couldn't. The whole point of the movie is, "Egyptians are evil to the poor, peaceful good guys and deserved to be smited by yahweh."
Literally invented a historical event where they could be the victim, and then used their nepotism in hollywood to get it made. God I hate h*brews.

Yes it seems that way kek

ok so you're a haplonigger who doesn't identify as a haplonigger

The Levantine was populated by Europeans and Africans long before asiatics came.

A fucking jew already proved theres no physical proof in existance that jews were ever in egypt you fucking philistine schizo

You only know that jews were slaves in egypt because jews told you so.
And you belived. Rookie mistake

Aaron's portrayal in this is so inaccurate. They also have Moses meeting Tzipporah before leaving egypt and also don't have him become a father. Joshua doesn't appear and the golden scalf/40 years of wandering are skipped

I like archeogenetic. It's hard science and it's hard to argue with its findings. When I see a bunch of samples carrying ancestry from Russia/Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in ancient Levant I know that some people from that region migrated there.
I mean, it's rather hard to argue that Aryan groups migrated to the Middle East around that time as names of Mitanni kings and gods were of Aryan origin.

Ask yourself what the Israelis were doing at the time to deserve such treatment.

Keyword: migrated. Again, you are not native to Palestine. Palestinians however, have been there for much longer via migrations from Europe and Africa.

It wasn't. Not a single Levantine sample (I think there's more than 200 now) resemble Europeans or Africans. The closest thing to Africans would be Natufians, but they were more West Eurasian than modern North Africans.
The closest thing to Europeans would be Philistine samples from early Iron Age (right after the Sea People invasions).

Wrong again. It not only makes sense geographically but also culturally. When you look at both cultures they were closest to Europeans and Africans. Your Asiatic influence came later. I’m sorry Hansdeep Nigelwicz.

Please read Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism

Be proud, I'm also a jew and I'm proud, were an intelligent, hard working, cunning breed who are not ashamed or afraid to take what we want, most whites, niggers, muzzies, wops I've met have been bum fuck retards who were lazy, always complained and entitled and thats why they hate us brother because were better than them and they know it.

>wrong again
I'm not wrong. I'm posting facts. Also, Asiatics? I don't know what you're talking about. First Asiatics (as heavy East Asian mixed people) probably came with Turks.

Prince of Egypt and Road to El Dorado are just historical revisionism

Canaanites actually but they’re also part of the mongolturkic tribe.

the songs really do fall short while no one can actually sing well especially Val Kilmer who can't really voice act at all but at least the imagery was nice

That's impossible.

Katzenberg micromanaged the hell out of this and El Dorado, being present at that 2D division everyday. He wanted to dethrone the Disney Renaissance one way or another

For you.

he wasn't as involved with Antz and Shrek. Those were made at a CG facility seen as the studio's "ugly stepsister" back then. Katzenberg only went there twice a week


>tfw German Jewish ancestry
>tfw make everyone seethe by merely existing

I torrented this recently. Is it worth watching?

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It's too long. Maybe I will watch it one day, but I doubt it's really one of the best films of all time. Americans for some reason worship everything holocaust related. At the same time they seem to know very little about it. It's really weird.

>You will never be racist
>You have never ruined a nice dinner after having drank too much wine
>You have happily dapped with a Black man
>You think a Swastika tattoo will damage your job prospects
>Your social media posts have never been reported
>You’ve only said nigger around white people
>You do not belong to a Klan Chapter
>You are still invited to family gatherings
>You are not on a watch list
>You do not talk to your AR-15
>Your co-workers describe you as quiet
>You do not lynch

>Patrick Stewart
>Helen Mirren
>Steve Martin
>Martin Short
>Danny Glover
Why don't amimated films have casts like this anymore?

i thought jews were white

It’s not someone else making you feel bad, it’s you making yourself feel bad. Don’t blame someone else bc you can’t handle/ refuse responsibility. Get the fuck over yourself.

>Hurr durr I'm the victim
Kys kike

I saw negro only once in my entire life. Also my entire family is racist, and it's okay where I am from

Why have the jews been kicked out of every country for the entirety of civilisation?