Ameritards are unable to comprehend that what's a loaded topic in their culture might not be one in other cultures.
Ameritards are unable to comprehend that what's a loaded topic in their culture might not be one in other cultures
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Americans have zero fucking clue about how bad things really are for them
>blackwashing GOOD
>whitewashing BAD
I haven't watched the show, but isn't her dark skin the result of her being outside swimming in her onepiece swimsuit all summer?
fuck off weebtranny
>tan girl in a school setting in Japan is not, in fact, African
must be the record jobs growth confusing us.
>only black people have dark skin
you are retarded
Anime is site culture, leftypol redditor.
Americans are the worst thing to happen for civilization since the fall of Rome
Are they perhaps implying there's a monolithic global conspiracy to (((white)))wash everything and cause division among the races?
i hate america and its "liberals" so much its unreal.
Tanned gyarus are the worst
Who gives a fuck about tranime. You weebfaggots just can't admit your gay ass cartoons are made for actual faggots.
can anyone explain to me why anyone gives a fuck about what nips do with their cartoons? aren't there more drastic and concerning issues going on in the world?
It's not a meme when we say Americans worship niggers. The American state religion is the worship of niggers as holy, divine beings that White Americans must never, ever under any circumstances question or inconvenience.
Brownoids base their entire identity on skin color
>Whites and Asians turn brown from mild sun exposure like it's no big deal
Wow who knew Uncle Adolf could be so based?
Sun tans aren't permanent.
In any case, who is this twitter poster and why should anyone care about their opinion? What are the replies saying?
Trailer parks get internet these days? Crazy world we live in.
Am I imagining it or did uncle Ruckus say this
Yes. She has a god damn tan. It's not even revealed late in the series, it's like chapter 8 or 9.
Are Japanese without tans white?
The point is that japanese with tans aren't niggers.
>onepiece swimsuit tanlines
From the looks of it, everyone who isn't white is part of the "kill whitey" crowd by default.
Truly the quintessential muttoid mindset.
>covid lockdowns kill millions of jobs
>open back up
>hundreds of thousands of jobs now available
You already have a board for cartoons. Are you that scared of that place?
Isn't she mixed race
anime is going to the dogs
they're even removing the lines like "pretty white skin" so they can please the negros and libfags
things like tanned jap characters won't exist in 2 years
have fun
He knows he'd get banned for this thread in like ten minutes, Yea Forums jannies fucking hate Twitter ops
by your own line of reasoning you meant to say the fall of America is the worst thing to happen to civilization since the fall of Rome
Do black people think indians are also black?
gyaru are ugly as shit no matter what
asian women should be pale and dark haired
>Yea Forums jannies fucking hate Twitter ops
it'd be better off if this was the case for every chan
The term people of colors exists solely to make it seem like every minority race is part of the black struggle,
America is the globohomo liberal capital of the world but they'll never see it, instead blaming it on DA JOOOOOS or MUH MUSLIMS HALF A WORLD AWAY
If people think you're white, and you're not white, what the hell does "white" even mean?
>presumably white americans lecturing japanese people on what they should think and do
don't they realize how racist this is?
Americans never had any cultural identity to begin with. Their civilization is a bastard mish-mash of other cultures that can't fall, it can only transform
Imagine being so completely obsessed with race and skin color all the time and not knowing how a tan works.
If white has no meaning, then why would you self confess as non white in the first place?
"white" means niggers howling for your blood & money. if they're talking about you, you'll know it.
>american news media: everyone who wants a job can get a job
>interesting, i think
>apply to various places for fun, despite WFH
>we can offer you 20 hours a week
lmfao great, joe biden created a bunch of part time jobs
As an American that hates the absolute faggotry of his country I welcome China or Russia to nuke us. Please erase this shithole from the world. I apologize for the rampant degeneracy.
Because light skin which disqualifies from "PoC"
>can't fall, it can only transform
ominous thought
>make a non-black character a little too light
>make a non-black character black
Jews control America, user. Before the stock "meds" reply, why are American politicians making vows to Israel?
No. This is a deliberate attack on all nations.
post some good real life gyarus. all I ever see is that one cosplayer
The leftoid sees a cartoon or video game in their twitter feed and suddenly that becomes their new obsession. The more important stuff doesn't really matter in that moment. Ukraine? Just put a flag on your username. Done. Niggers? Just put a BLM hashtag in your bio. Done. But is there an anime that objectifies wahmen? Did they make a tan girl lighter in tone? We need to talk about this y'all folks! Yikes! Etc.
>why are American politicians making vows to Israel?
Because America is full of evangelist Christians who love Israel despite not being Jewish in the slightest. It's a common phenomenon, but only in the US.
No. The irony is lost on them. They're completely tone deaf.
It's why they're still confused about the negative reaction to Latinx.
Not him but you had no reason to believe she was anything other than ethnically Japanese with a tan. You are in the fact the retarded one and you will never be a woman.