What is your dad's favorite movie?

What is your dad's favorite movie?

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I think it's Groundhog Day

Dollars trilogy.

The only movies I remember him having on DVD were Kingpin and an Ed Wood box set.

Don't really know. Probably something with Arnie, Sly, or some big fat titties.

I think it's fargo

i have no clue. i'm not close to my dad

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Probably the Godfather, he always liked to pretend he was in the Mob especially when the Sopranos was airing

King Ralph.
I've never seen it though

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My Mom has patrician taste, she has every David Lean movie on DVD.


Listen boy, I told you you are not allowed on this website any more.
Get out there and mow the lawn.

anything with cryptids, Dads a huge fucking fan of big foot and other american Cryptids

He's had to have watched this shit at least 20 times

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buffalo 66

on any sunday

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Probably the Shawshank Redemption or The Green Mile? He also likes watching Seagal and Van Damme films etc films with me a

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Gone girl

The Island of Dr. Moreau and elephant man. Fonds memories of watching starship troopers and event horizon in theaters with him.

It used to be mine too, but seeing how my country is on the fast track to self destruction, I've become convinced every day that we defeated the wrong enemy in WWII.

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My dad's watched Rudy over a dozen times and obviously enjoys it, but whenever it's on he talks about it mockingly, like he's "ironically" watching the whole thing each time

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Amadeus is an appalling film. The events are entirely fictitious, the character of Mozart (like all the others) is completely unlike reality, and they even got a third-rate conductor (Marriner) in to do the score. I honestly cannot understand what it is that people like about this movie, unless they had literally never heard a single fact about Mozart or note of his music before sitting down to watch it.

They should've made it with real-life autistic fart fetish mozart

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The road warrior and death race 2000

The Blues Brothers

>resorts to the tired muttmerica meme
You aren't even trying anymore, are you?

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my dad hates movies and wont watch anything except the fishing channel and guy fieri.

I don’t know. He likes old martial art movies. Jackie chan. Maybe one of the police story movies I guess. Police story 2 doesn’t get the love it deserves.

SPR being your favorite movie is almost funnier deciding you dIdn't like it anymore because you saw too many "movies where the bad guys win" posts. Painfully autistic

Wow your dad's a faggot.

My dad has watched Predator probably 100 times and quotes it regularly

Fight Club

Battle of the Bulge
the only things made in the past 20 years that he enjoyed are The Young Pope and The Penguins of Madagascar

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He keeps saying your mom's got a big pussy?

Master & Commander with Russel Crowe

Big corset titties.

I came here to say this. M&C is pure dadkino

I don't know, my dad's not big on entertainment or pop culture in general. I don't think I've ever seen him read a non-fiction book in my life. He watches movies occasionally of course, but it was always whatever was on TV, or more recently whatever turns up on Netflix. He's never actively sought anything out or bought any favorites on DVD. He also gets bored very easily and has fallen asleep on the couch during movies more times than I can count.

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The Nazis being in Germany or being defeated has nothing to do with American social trends changing in the 20th century. The Americans who killed those G*rmans were probably more racist and mysoginistic than you unironically are. This is such a retarded take. Germany declared war on the US, they are lucky they didn't get hiroshima'd.

Whatever the Oscars tells him to like

I've never asked him, actually. It's either Blues Brothers or every movie Robert De Niro has ever starred in.

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Dr Zhivago, but last time he rewatched it, the cucking seemed to really bother him.

*white deadkino

My Dad doesn't watch movies.

House of spirits
The godfather
Dr. Zhivago

It was never meant to be a realistic portrayal retard, it's not a biopic.

It used to be "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (1947) but he watched it again relatively recently and said it wasn't as good as he remembered it, lol. Probably nowadays. My dad has patrician taste.

same lol

Brian’s Song

I don't know the number but it's AUKG.

He watches it at least once a year

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I think Reservoir Dogs. I'd ask him to confirm but he died like ~13 years ago.


I thought he had god tier taste in movies, but then he just pirates whatever random shit he can find and loves them. My mom hates thatever he downloads and usually starts snoring when he puts on a film. He doesn't give a fuck though.

Sometimes he just plays the first battle scene to 'test the surround speakers' and cranks the volume up really high while talking about how you really can hear the arrows flying through the room.

same, but he must watch it 3 times a year at least

This is mine as well, too bad I'll never get to be that dad.

And despite all that it's still an amazing movie.
Leck mich im arsch.

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The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

It's not a documentary you massive fagola. I bet you think you're blowing everyone's mind when you tell them Braveheart isn't historically accurate you FUCK