Living example of don't put your dick in crazy

Living example of don't put your dick in crazy

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But Crazy is soo... its so hot

No, no its not.

But she's so hot

I would, I have nothing to lose

Am I the only one who thinks she's really not that hot?

Depp is crazy too

>Get pussy
>Tasty treats left on my bed
I don't see the downside

>itt-we share stories about Crazy

If a girl is your Crazy what does that make (you) to her?

Depp exchanged messages with Bettany about fucking her charred corpse but she's the crazy one?

i use to think she was insanely pretty. but finding out how ugly she is beneath has made her ugly to me. (every self respecting man should feel this way)

Yeah but in a less toxic way , he has drug issues and depression. This bitch is a narcissistic sociopath.

"Put your dick in crazy and she'll poo on your bed." - Native American Proverb

I find it funny how normies are only just now picking up on the fact that she took a shit on his bed
Meanwhile over here it's been common knowledge for ages

but men are stupid. i know she is bad and crazy but she is the most beautiful woman in the world. i would put up with so much abuse just to hold her hand

No one said Johnny wasn’t crazy too.

Crazy in the head; crazy in the bed.

it was probably worth it for the sex

>girl has THE fat ass
>is annoying as fuck and gets moody over nothing
>drop her
Did I do good? let me remind you that the ass was FAT

I would hold her hand just to put up with the abuse

Any armchair psychologist avaible?
how does one end up shitting someone else bed?
what's the explanation behind this?

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you aren't "men." masculinity is earned and you never reached that status of enlightenment. you are aimless, parasitic overgrown boys... akin to women

You can put your dick in crazy, just don't marry her

why the fuck would any man get married in the 21st century? especially a (formerly) A-lister like Depp

the drama and pain she is going to cause you in the long run is not worth it. at all.

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they're all crazy


amber turd

I know, but im a submissive masochistic piece of shit and i not only desire it, i completely deserve it

The attraction is undescribable

>Did I do good?
hard to tell, how FAT are we talking here? gonna need an image for reference

but how else do I get a hot girl to poop on my pillow?

IMO Johnny Depp was just a weak man that let a Stacy run over him because he wasn't man enough. Maybe he should have found a nice qt if he wanted to act like that.

You fuck a girls ass when shes realy realy wasted

If I were a celebrity like Depp id be going for chicks like this all day, just regular everyday black girls with massive asses and tits

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Mel Gibson had the exact same problem if I recall correctly

what happened to Mel?

Unfathomably agreeable

She almost looks like my sister. That's why I don't find her hot or sexy at all.

I love my sister but she's also crazy sometimes.

she's not even special. I've fucked hotter girls from bars in west virginia lol

That jerk that ghosted her.

Imagine fucking her ass after discovering the present in the bed

alcohol, drugs and being a terrible person


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They stop being sexy the moment you dump in them and you actually start interacting with their bpd personality

This is unintentionally the funniest thing I've read today.

fuck roasties but fuck depp too
he deserved it. i hate that talentless, slow talking hack.

sometimes you dont find out theyre crazy until the dick has been put in

Agreed. She’s much worse than he is, but then again he did leave a loving mother of two kids to be with this psycho bitch


Compare her to any of the girls that Leo Di Caprio pulls and it's laughable

I just want to fuck her!

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BPD isn't worth it. You'll come to understand why husbands spanked their wives as a lighter alternative to just hitting them when you deal with a BPD girl.

She was hot 6 years ago. She's in her mid 30s and not aging great

he was literally only thinking about threesomes.


BPD sociopath women are the best and worst time of your life. Just enjoy the fun and get out when it inevitably starts to go down hill.

Sex with any woman gets boring after you fuck them 3 or 4 times

I believe the correct translation is “fornicate with woman as crazy as the wild buffalo and shit will from her ass like crap from the horse”

Depends on the woman and if she's open to butt stuff.

Unless they have multiple personality disorder.

The despicable dung producer

>she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Her face is fucking perfect, 10/10. The fact she's so dominant makes it even better. She'd make you lick her feet and she'd order you about the house like a slave. I expect she set up a scenario where she was a Roman aristocrat and her bf was a simple slave who was sexually humiliated and abused into pleasing her whims. Praise Christ.

>Sex with any woman gets boring after you fuck them 3 or 4 times

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This is what Charles Bukowski says in the first chapter of Post Office

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Why do you think so many people cheat on their partner, user?



t. has never had sex or a long term relationship

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