What if they made a new Elvira with sinisterdarling?
What if they made a new Elvira with sinisterdarling?
what do you think her pits smell like
I would watch it.
What's the point of living if she will never eagerly drain my balls?
that's a man
Lol based. Coomers are so easily fooled. Their brains have been drained of their capacity for critical thinking from so many years of overstimulation
>fake nose
>fake tits
no need to feel sad about not having her drain your balls
imagine giving her a massive right hook right then and there and just raining punches on her face until shes unrecognizable put that on your onlyfans whore
find a better use of your time
her face is falling of on her right cheek
It's insane to think that I am responsible for this woman's internet fame
post more
she looks like she'd be ciara's hotter older sis
Why, are you her dad and forced her to upload pictures to instagram?
You are absolute plebs. Learn how to spot good bone structure. Her looks are genuine. She has god tier skull shape.
No but I know for a fact she wasn't posted anywhere until I started making Yea Forums threads and posting her on big discords. Almost no followers at the time too likely 98% people she actually knew.
You were not responsible for anything, you were inevitable. She is uncommonly pretty, and you and other people would start posting about her eventually, just as I did right now.
You are not special
You and her have no kind of special link nor relationship
She will never reciprocate feelings for you
She is not lurking this thread, she will not lurk this thread, and she does not browse your discords or other chans where you talk 24/7 about her
You're gay.
hope she sees this bros
I dont want a relationship with her. I don't want to even talk go her or be around her. Women are objects to be viewed. But I 100% am responsible for her fame and saying
>durrrrr others would've done it
Does not negate that fact.
Gay for big fucking titties ya I am
this. stop falling for make up and generic whores
I would let her destroy my life for one lick of her armpits.
does she have nude pictures of herself masturbating or what
Average women in Lithuania
Based. Is this the pathology of the average simp beta male
>Um actually I was jerking off to this girl before she had 10million followers, basically I'm responsible for that and basically a special individual for her, she just doesn't know it. Simps deserve all their shame and failed lives for the sheer narcissistic degenerate damage they inflict on the world
>new Elvira
Projection posts
>A post pointing out projection is also projection
It never ends does it?
I'm calling your post a projection post btw
You can spot that nosejob from a fucking mile away
She should make a new movie starring me as her bf.
>internet whore #2818199393
How does anybody care about these girls anymore? It's been going on since before Boxxy
Holy coom
Theyre cute.
>She is into philipinos
It's over.
That park is kino.
I've been thinking the same, how does one not end up desensitized to this?
zoomers have it worse cause they grow up having access to this shit 24/7 even as childs.
Wtf I think I matched with this girl on Tinder before. Is she based in the UK?
>I sooo don't care about this girl, pshhh, she is nothing to me. That is why I am posting on her thread to show how much I don't care for her, I am just that cool.. I bet she'll think I'm cool when she notices it
embarassing reading comprehension 2bqh senpaichu
>he doesn’t know of the phenomenon of ‘drive-by posting’
Any person on the internet who looks at a beautiful woman, and has to say how she is generic and not pretty or whatever, having to downplay her, is either:
>1) jealous grill
>2) incel
no exceptions
isn't she a lesbian?
>unironically using the term incel
leave the internet white boi
is this an ironic post?
all girls into anime are bisexual
It is probably a true goth poster who is educating us into the culture
He is in the right
You just got catfished son
and that's a good thing!
That’s not Elvira. That’s “Death”
The Most Powerful Race™
More like
>who pays more gets more
Also its not uncommon for crazy bitches who like pretty kpop boys ending up with a jungle asian because its the closest thing theyll get to their idolized popstar
the only way i would watch an elvira movie with a different actress as elvira is if they use an anons idea where the real elvira is watching the new movie and would cut in complaining about the actress they hired
Elvira can have a daughter
Maybe they can do like GOT and have sinisterdarling suck on her tits while older
this is the type of woman that makes me seethe uncontrollably when I see her because I know no matter what happens in life I will never have her on my face and it makes it not worth living any longer
stop posting AMWF whores
You should channel all that into poetry.
Pale bitches are so hot bros.
>the closest thing theyll get
She could get basically any guy even if she's too crazy to keep them
wait 20 more years, genetic science will be so advanced:
#Everyone will look any way they want
#Sexbots will probably be made of actual skin, just like a person but without will
#things we can't even imagine
Just stay alive for 20 years and you win the game, unironically. The future will be better than anything heaven was hyped up to be.
She looks like she could do a great Asuka cosplay, has she done one?
20 years from now things will be very similar to today. I'm old enough to remember what it was like 20 years ago, the only thing that's different is phones.
kalindra? wtf