Did they really drink this much back in the 60s?

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I don’t think I’ve ever been drunk in my entire life. Not because I have something against it, but I was never invited to any social setting where getting drunk was appropriate. I hope I didn’t miss out on much because the Project X movie looked like a lot of fun.


Probably. Every guy seemed to have a flask (my dad included).

I genuinely don't know how people can exist on this awful fucking planet without at least a few drinks a week

drukbros.... we lost

Imagine milking

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People suck, you're not missing much. But right. I have to have a shot of vodka with every meal otherwise I wouldn't make it throughout my day. It's not about being drunk, its about taking the buzz off.


conceptualize milking

If I could drink at work I would. I've been drinkining since tuesday, I am curing my hangovers with alcohol.

is it possible to die from a hangover? I think this might be the one that does it

people still drink and smoke at work in Slavland

You know what the antidote is, user.

If you're always drinking, you'll never have a hangover

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I'd drink all of you under the table

You can't drink me, I'm human

You are not supposed to drink in a social setting. You are supposed to drinking alone in a dark room.

Smashing czech lagers tonight as soon as the sun comes down. It's only beginning, drukbros.

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I'm somewhat thankful I can't work from home in my line of work or else I'd become a raging alcoholic

>tfw you'll never be an ad man in 60's new york

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Drunk sex is great and that's about it you lose all inhibition and your charisma can be raised to god like levels but most of time you end up with your dick in your hand covered in vomit

hell yea druk bros

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They were all half druk during ww2

This, feeling like an actual animal during sex fis otherworldly.
Don't necessarily need to be drunk for that though.

My Gramps was upper management at a factory in the 60's, 70's, and 80s.

He told me that after like 3pm or so, yes, they would drink and smoke literally non-stop. In meetings, in their office, etc. They also used to go out and get a 2 hour lunch every day (often with drinking involved) and during the Summer they would play 9 holes of golf (with drinks) nearly every day.

Aside from the rampant cancer and liver failure it sounded pretty comfy desu. Gramps also used to joke that work wasn't about work, it was about getting away from the wife and kids as long as possible and having fun doing it.

I never could recreate that feeling sober but then again I don't drink that much anymore.

imagine indeed

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Sounds incredibly based. Now everything is ruined

i guess that excess this is a truely american phenomenon because my gramps would always have disdain for me drinking a coke.
according to him kids would only drink one half bottle of cola (they'd have to share with sibling) maybe twice a month on saturday if they'd been good.

this also wasn't in the ussr but in france

>mixing alcohol and milk
Alcoholics are true degenerates.

What was your grandpa's reaction on the nafris and black people going from a rare sight to a common thing in his lifetime

Vodka and milk go together really well.

he was always racist but later in his life he was full fledged 1488. i also remeber he was also quite happy when 9/11 happened. admiring osama for being a man of action instead of words

Based High Life Chad. I've got 2 6-packs in the fridge that'll be gone by Monday morning.

Not smirnoff, but a decent vodka. Smirnoff is too much like water.

I tried this once because of this scene and it was pretty bad desu

>smirnoff is like water
a good vodka should taste like water you mong. if you want booze with flavour get some rum

Cope, no good vodka tastes like nothing.

>Drunk sex is great and that's about it you lose all inhibition and your charisma can be raised to god like levels
This but there is a sweet spot. Too much alcohol and your dick will stop working. There's also a huge risk of vomiting because you're doing intense exercise with a litre of alcohol in your stomach.

I once had a rough, drunk fuck with a femboy I had a huge crush on and while the sex was fantastic, I had to sprint to the bathroom to vomit immediately after we came. To say the least, my partner I felt terrible and my partner was rather insulted. Have sex slightly drunk. Don't have sex shitfaced.

That sounds pretty gay

>this also wasn't in the ussr but in france


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the vodka literally means "little water"
people distil clear spirits for the lack of bite. if you want bite in drink you get something golden or brown.

do you even alcohol. fucking fags on this board i swear

High Life is truly delicious

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>tfw when law exams so can't drink for a couple of weeks

life is suffering drukbros

Uh, user?
You can't say that. That's sexsaism.

That's the prevailing pleb wisdom and why Smirnoff is the number one vodka producer, but good vodka has a distinct taste to it. Smirnoff tastes like watered-down vodka.

>fights nazis
>lives the rest of his life realizing that he was the bad guy and Hitler was actually right

I drink weekends irregardless of my exams

hitler was not right. forcing the french to appreciate german culture was never going to work.
every country just needs his own likeminded leader. like salazar and franco for iberian peninsula

Stop drinking

I can't get drunk.
Body metabolizes ethanol too fast, straight to hangover. Thanks genes.

Christ isn't king, Trump lost and Nick Fuentes is a spic grifter

amaretto liqueur + milk

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pussy is nice but fag sex is best sex

I have to study on the weekends, my study + exam period are too compressed at the law school

but maybe a few tonight wouldn't hurt...

you deserve it, just a couple, what could possibly go wrong?

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I stopped being able to stay hard while drunk at like 28 and even before then it was a struggle. I’d rather be sober honestly, way easier to perform to any reasonable expectation.

Enjoying anything is a feminine trait.