why do so few kinos explore the incel phenomena?
Why do so few kinos explore the incel phenomena?
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The maced slut appears to have cute soles.
What is this?
Didnt see the mace coming that's pretty funny
Where's the source with the audio
Kazakhstani dating show
Made with KINO, indeed
The Prodigy's new music video.
Based incel warrior
What did he do that made her kick him though?
Why is the femcel genre so untapped nowadays?
Why are drunk women so scary bros?
this board wasnt this incel until a year ago. fucking spic tourists
He walked up to them and asked her friend if she wants to take his fat dick. Then her friend told him to leave so he called her a bitch and then the sleeping bitch kicked him in the nuts.
incels are ugly
that's their "problem"
what the fuck is an incel
Look into a mirror and you will see
young men who post on 4channel dot org
>tells him to back up
>keeps walking towards him
What a dumbass.
that makes no since
since what
Based bitches
it's german for island
>A cute girl pretending to be a femcel so boys will pay attention to her
I hate women so much it's unreal.
Also 'Burn' (2019) is the movie you're looking for. Crazy chick rapes Josh Hucherson.
If it were actually Kazhakstan, 10 whiteknights would have broken his knees before he said a word to the girls
>0:11: Hey, stranger, you're a man, take care of this situation and beat the shit out of this man here who say things to me. I might give you something in return, but don't get any ideas.
Somebody who obeys quarantine.
she made him look even more immensely pathetic than he already was by aggressively walking toward him as while he backed off like the little faggot he is. shed probably scare you too.
Her face is at least a 7, every man on this site would fuck her
she looks like me tbdesu
They want to suck your cock but they have STDs and stank pussies
Nah some men are trannies.
Why is everyone in that video dressed like a prostitute
that's just american fashion
>would fuck her
More like marry her and give her half of our hard earned shit. Men, we are doomed to those cute cunts.
>she looks like me tbdesu
A good example is the person who wrote this
I wouldnt because I unironically hate women. I especially hate the women I work with and have been warned multiple times to be less rude but I cant help it. My hate knows no bounds, it's almost biblical in a way. Like I know how God must have felt staring at all the degeneracy and sin in Sodom before he razed it to the ground
Does every woman dress like sluts and wear retarded clown prostitute makeup these days?
>the incel
it’s a story about a guy who’s a Chad by day. Lots of friends. A good job. But by night nobody knows that he is…
>the incel
so an icnel is someone who states obvious facts?
the bitch probably is a spurg
is cute enough to do the shes all that thing
just dont give her any money and the problem is solved
Would've been hilarious if someone tripped this sperg as he was running away
why do filthy foids think they can assault people with impunity?
he was backing off because he was baiting her
posting some pepper gas kino
he could have stood there and insulted her and got the exact same response of her attacking him. nice cope pathetic faggot.
Genetically inferior male that spent their time masturbating and playing videogames as teens so they didn't learn social skills to overcome their mental and genetic shortcomings. Their hedonism became their doom.
Now do trannys.
sounds like a reddit simp or a tranny
Genetically inferior male that spent their time masturbating and playing videogames as teens so they didn't learn social skills to overcome their mental and genetic shortcomings. Their hedonism became their doom.
>le stay indoors so dont learn social skills
i fucking hate this retarded normalfags science explanation. i rarely speak to anyone and i can easily hold a conversation with random people. they have autism and then lack social skills, you dont learn it, you cant learn it. you have it or dont. cope
Kek. Not bad.
Its no because since, you idiot. And you retatds look up at the empty sky and ask why. Its no because its fucking since, you idiots!
YouTube still hasn't removed or age restricted the video. He says "fat ass cock" in the first 5 seconds on the video. If he had said "covid" the video would have been immediately demonetized and had a damn disclaimer at the top. Do marketing companies think "incels" are an emerging market? But I'm sure there are other explanations for YouTube moderation's laziness.