Star Trek

show me bad stuff

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And the unofficial sequel episode

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Wasn’t this originally from the outer limits? I know at least one of two props from the show were reused in early trek

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Looks like one of those MTF "vaginas"

Bad stuff you say…

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That's unironically what an alien lifeform would look like

what happened to her?

made of foam?

How the fuck do you know? We’re alien lifeforms.

The Horta? That's a fuckin' classic, CLASSIC sci-fi story right there tho

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As stated before, Patric Stewart is pure class.

More like pure ass.


I can see your belly from over there.

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why is dark eyeliner so badass?

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>what happened to her?
Star Trek ruins lives.

post more shitty monsters

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It was actually a pretty good episode. The design of the creature was the only cringe thing.

what about the salamanders, oh dear

Patrick runs circles around Shatner, being actually professional about what he does. That's why he gets his own series, and nobody wants to work with Shitner. Star Trek is all Shatner has, and he would run like a loyal bitch, if anyone would throw him a bone, but no one wants too. Why settle for primadonna, when you can hire actuall royalty of actors?

They killed off Tasha Yar in the most anticlimactic way imaginable. And that funeral was awkward as hell.

pat is a lefty panderer just because that

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Is this the new series of Lower Decks?

>show me bad stuff

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that seems pretty awesome to me

Stewart is a whore with no dignity. They asked Shatner to come back for 2009, and he said no because he wanted a larger role.
The difference between the two was always painfully clear: Shantner loves Captain Kirk, while Stewart hates Picard.

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With is what made it fantastic. It wasn't an epic death, it was just... death. That can happen anytime in deep space, and no one can promise you that it's gonna be special, or note worthy. That's the risk you take, as a starfleet officer. It was a fantastic, gut wrenching lesson about the dangers of exploration. One may die saving people from a doomed planet, someone else will die sliping of a rock, while climbing. Scary, but someone has to take the risk.

That's unironically the best episode of TOS though, it somehow makes you empathize with the lasagna monster.

Buck Bokai, baby. Best ever.

>what happened to her?

Box wine and toxoplasmosis.

>show me bad stuff
a fistful of datas

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Which parts do you like the most?

this, it does not matter to red shirts, but when it is a person you like, it just happens, it just sucks, and nothing to do, but to move on

Because nobody remembers anything else he did, other than Kirk, so he clinges to that as hard as he can. No one's gonna ask him to go to a Third Rock from the Sun convention.

That’s awesome.

Star Trek: Future Police Squad when?

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Doesn't exist, take your meds, schizoid.

and on that note

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Oh my.

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I don’t remember anything else Stewart did either. But I do remember Shatner in Columbo.

I remember him from Boston Legal, really comfy show.

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Ok, user, just remember that you asked for it.

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>toxoplasmosis doesn't exist

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Oh no… no, no, no.

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The green tranny is so sexy!

oh no

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Dune, X-Men, Macbeth, Robin Hood, shitton of voice acting.

The closest Stoklasa will get to having Shatner on his podcast.

>Because nobody remembers anything else he did,

Not everyone here is a child, lil' zoomie.

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tng andorian is the worst

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This is the worst thread on Yea Forums right now.

pretty funny tho

Why does this look like Michael Weston cosplaying Fat Mac from IASIP?

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I hate this so much.

You hate pregnancy?

You still saved it to your computer though.

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I don't see the similarity between Shatner and this gay soiboy.

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>Every spy knows...

Beyond was good and I’ll die on this hill.

He’s a baby killer prolly one of them Clintston folk I hear about in the magazines

All bearded men look alike.

He plays an effeminate Kirk analogue in his cartoon show.