What's the most iconic movie from the year you were born?

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Total recall


gay niggers from outerspace

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I'm not sure. Maybe Shrek?

Fellowship of the RIng

Define iconic. Like, it made the most money or is talked about more than any other movie of that year?

not today glowie


it has the most merchandise

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

American Psycho

Probably Aladdin.

1984, or maybe Amadeus.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secrets of the Ooze

post the webm, coward

You filthy little zoomers.

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Silence of the lambs took best film in 93

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zoomer coming through

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basic instinct

Also, what movie character shares your mother's maiden name?

Howard the Duck

Terminator 2
Beauty & The Beast

You guys decide which is more iconic.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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Spider-Man 2

The old one, with that Toby MacGuinness dude.

back to the future, the goodies, and the breakfast club

Either Grease, Halloween or Superman

this is such a fucked up movie poster. this was clearly drawn before they watched the movie


Fellowship of the Ring.

And your high school, first crush, dog's name, etc

i don't have it :(

Return of the Jedi probably.

Jurassic park

Probably Tim Burton's Batman.

You're 12?

Several contenders for "iconic" but this one is my favorite

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Jurassic Park

Guilty pleasure

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>Several contenders for "iconic"
It would be difficult to make an argument for something topping this

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well heck! in 1989 many iconic movies were made like Lethal Weapon 2, Back to The Future 2, Batman, Indiana Jones The Last Crusade..

shall i say that 1989 was quite a based year to be born on.

>Evil Dead 2
>Lethal Weapon
>Full Metal Jacket
>The Princess Bride
A year full of kinos

Conan the Barbarian

I was gonna post metropolis but too many good movies came out in my irl year of birth

>pulp fiction
>forrest gump
>legends of the fall
>shawshank redemption
>dumb and dumber
>interview with the vampire
>baby's day out

Born in 93.

I probably should give it to something from Jurassic Park or Schindler’s List.

For me personally, the “I’d fuck Elvis.” line from the opening of True Romance was memorable.

But culturally, pic related.

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>Forrest Gump

Phantom menace

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I misread the thread, thought the question was “most iconic scene from the year you were born”
Which wouldn’t necessarily be the best film

>look at me I'm so cool because I think this highly acclaimed movie is shite
get fucked, how about you go watch some of those independent movies you like so much

94 sucked kino out of its mothers breast holy shit

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Terminator 2 by far. Beauty & The Beast is only iconic to millennial women who date nonwhite guys.

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Rain Man made the most money.
Die Hard is my pick though.

Many. 1999.

If it's popular, it's good is a shit argument. Forrest Gump is literally just boomer wank, and isn't interesting as a story or as a character study.
>how about you go watch some of those independent movies you like so much faggot
That's a lot of projection in response to three words