It's a nutty putty cave movie possible? apparently a teenager was trapped upside down in there overnight and survived, that was only a few years before jones. cast it
It's a nutty putty cave movie possible? apparently a teenager was trapped upside down in there overnight and survived...
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whats up with these threads popping up all the tiem lately? this shit is ooooolllllddddd news
>The Descent without any monsters
>127 Hours but instead of cutting him arm off with a blunt knife and surviving against the odds he just lays in a hole and dies
>terrifying, be warned, not for the faint of heart
Probably a zoomer tiktok or youtube video about the death of that mormon
Really? You mean it's not completely certain that this happened? WOW WOT A MYSTERY
thats what the new video says. i've never heard that before
You don’t see blacks doing this shit
that vid scared me more than The Descent did
Looks like a turd
Imagine being upside down in a hole just barely wide enough to slip your chest in with your arms pinned to your sides and your legs pinned together so you can't move at all. At least if you were buried alive in a coffin you would at least not be upside down
What the fuck is the point of crawling around in empty caves
Blacks did the milk crate challenge
So this is a sexual thing, right? The weird instinct to return back to one's mother's womb or something, right? I genuinely can't explain why else men (and it's ALWAYS men) are so carnally attracted to enclosed spaces.
>and it's ALWAYS men
This will trigger the incels but if you look at IQ distribution graphs, women are less likely to be geniuses but also less likely to be complete retards.
Yeah but that's also why there are barely any famous women who aren't remembered for their looks.
>Nutty putty cave
Why do american cave names sound like a toddler came up with them?
During the frontier days, people didn't think of themselves as "Americans", but as European settlers. Blame the Brits, Germans, French and whoever else who named most of the continent.
Which is funny because anglogermcucks aren’t and never will be European.
looks like a colon
The guy was white with a white Christian wife and a white child. Went ful retard and died in a cave, made an example of stupidity worldwide.
The woman remarried a year later to a latino guy. She's a Sanchez now. Literally look it up. White people are hilarious
>trapped alive
lolwut? He died from upside-down asphyxiation + blood clotting to the head & lungs before they sealed the cave. He wasn't alive by then, and his corpse has been there for the past 13 years, whatever's left of him.
The title and thumbnail had me convinced for a good five seconds that "nutty putty cave" was a euphemism for the descending colon.
as for me, i blame the indians
Because when it was discovered, it’s passages were full of clay.
Why are Europeans so brain damaged that they don’t know how to perform a basic search for information? Is it the radiation from Chernobyl? Has Putin been microwaving their brains in their sleep? We’ll never know but the answer is almost certainly yes.
Go get stabbed outside your favorite pub Eurofag
>A cave full of clay
>Lets call it the nutty butty futty poo poo cave
Its still a retarded name no matter what explanation, because americans named it and americans are retarded and instantly start seething the moment someone even slightly criticizes your trashfire of a country
How quickly would the body desintegrate without earth and worms around it?
[Unavailable for comment]
>That one scene with the black guy in As Above, So Below, except 2hrs long.
fund it.
That cave story is pointless in comparison to the Tham Luang cave rescue of the 13 boys in thailand.
Tham luang is getting a movie as well, it seems:
>marrying the third world peasant your parents imported for cheap gardening
Yeah that sounds like a white American woman
No I don't because I strive to not see them at all
I ain't going in no cave!
Deephanstranny is back! Don't you have vikings threads to post in?
No, it's the desire to conquer, to be the first man who does thing.
High test men are adventure seekers risking their lives to be able to be the one that says "I did that", and then drown in pussy.
Dying in the attempt of greatness is just one of the risks. But without that risk, the reward wouldn't be as great.
Lol imagine dying in a place called nutty putty cave
Coomer's final destination.
>Uh because it's trash lol
Chill, eurobro
Recommend some cave kinos please
Soda Springs, Idaho
Fries, Virginia
Dinosaur, Colorado
Concrete, Washington
Whynot, North Carolina
Hurt, Virginia
Ninety Six, South Carolina
Cut and Shoot, Texas
Canadian, Texas
Atomic City, Idaho
Okay, Oklahoma
Coward, South Carolina
Three Way, Tennessee
Climax, Michigan
Uncertain, Texas
Last Chance, Iowa
Colon, Michigan
Blue Grass, Iowa
Rainbow City, Alabama
China, Texas
Hooker, Oklahoma
Yes, these are all actual American towns names. Look them up.
>Rainbow City, Alabama
This gotta be a joke
did they ever even recover his body or did they just leave the corpse down there?
It's still down there, they sealed the cave off so now it's his tomb I guess
>It's still down there
well presumably there's nothing left of him now, it has been like 15 years
What do you expect will decay his body?
The same thing that causes any corpse to decay: the shit-ton of bacteria we all carry around with us all the time. Once the heart stops sending O2 to the living cells the bacteria are free to start eating those cells and breaking them down.
>Mother... I'm coming home!
Salt and water?
Collapsed the part of the cave and filled it with cement, basically entombed and impossible for anyone to trophy hunt unless they dig 100 feet and drill into it
>Dinosaur, Colorado
named because there was a dinosaur there. nothing wrong with that
Why would incels be triggered by that? They're 99% of the time the person bringing that.
how do they know about those little rooms not connected to anything?
bringing that up.*
Made in Abyss
The blacks in the movie stand outside the cave and every 15 minutes the camera cuts to a fat black woman who just says "Wypipo crazy y'all!" then it cuts back to the adventurous heroic white people.
fucking kek how did i forget about this, i remember some unironic tweets where some believed it was all a conspiracy by the whites so that they'd injure themselves, they'd be taking pictures of milk crates left on the side of the road and think they were planted by the government.
Lol its all some dumb fucking white guy who does the stupid fucking shit like this. "Durr hurr, I'm gonna go cave exploring where I will find absolutely nothing but wet rocks and darkness." White people are fucking retarded as shit.
We need a movie about ancient Nutty Putty Cave. In South Africa deep in a cave down a 12 meter drop off passage they found 19 dead members of an extinct hominid species named homo naledi. This species may not even have had fire since they have tiny primitive brains similar to chimpanzees so they went into this cave entirely blind.
>anglogermcucks aren’t and never will be European
Thank you for reminding me. Look at what European influnce turned Canada into. A single drop of European degeneracy can castrate a nation
And here's a video of the homo naledi mystery.
imagine dying in a cave
you literally died and all you had to do was not go in a cave for no reason, there's nothing in that cave but you wanted to wriggle around it so bad that you were willing to die
what the fuck is wrong with white people
That's how we conquered the planet from top to bottom from East to West. We go everywhere and nothing can stop us. Yes we lose a few explorers but we gain the world as our own.
>that video
whites are the dumbest race
keep killing each other in your concrete jungle, negroids
Dumb is staying at your spawn location for the entire game of Civilization and never moving to conquer the map. Only one type of people did that and they are at the bottom of the global hierarchy for a reason.