
Raging Booba Edition


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What's this guy's endgame?

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Talking about Star Trek, I'd think.

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To kill /trek/.

Q and + could trade places and it'd still make sense.

Q should be literally Q

They're trying to get all Trek content banned from Yea Forums

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Too on the nose. But I appreciate that T is green. Like Trandi's dick.

Looke like SOMEONE watched a little too much BSG..

Literally Brainiac in Chloe arc from Smallville.

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How does it go so far?

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9 pruned threads this week
geezers safespacing in stealth thread

Get a life.

Wow, you really destroyed all your internet enemies. I hereby declare /trek/ finished.

the small victories that make life worthy

Are you the fucking faggot who made this to troll based LD chads? I could fucking punch you in your ugly face for this.

>your life
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Judy doesn't create. He just post low effort shit till it overwhelms a thread.

I did not make it, but I condone it 100% based
seethe het scum

How did he end up in /trek/ anyway?

>Could see her running with purpose
>All that distance between them
>Last second pulls her gun out
>Kicked out of her hands

Only Tillyfag ever managed to really kill /trek/. At least for few weeks.
And then there were LD bitches who invaded it for over a year. But now most of them are gone, for some unknown reason.

Fags who use the cartoon to troll are still here and they aren’t leaving.
Actual “fans” are gone.

>Actual “fans” are

Did they leave that phaser there? I don't recall them going back for it.

I'm an actual fan of all Treks but I can't post half of them any more without being accused of being a troll or a paid shill.

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Prodigy is shit

That latina doctor is tiny.

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Nice false flag, MKUltra you paid CBS shill.

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Why would anybody watch this

only true fans will recognise that canonical easter egg on the shelf

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seeing scott with ramona really made her mad eh


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Gene would have approved

get a better cutting board, CBA you pedophile stovelet


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I don't get this action scene.
It doesn't even feel like the Borg Queen is controlling Agnus; the actress doesn't imitate the Borg Queen's mannerisms.
I'm also having hard time imagining that the Borg Queen would jump on a bunch of cars and charge at Raffi and Seven when she has been characterized as calculative. That has never been appeal of the Borg, the Borg have always walked (which is one reason why they are so uncanny).

I am not CuttingBoard user.
I am takeyourmeds user.

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I think that's a normal gun. It has a trigger guard and everything.

This Borg Queen-Agnes meld stuff is definitely disappointing. I would have preferred her act like the Borg Queen we saw instead of some robot.

>also having hard time imagining that the Borg Queen would jump on a bunch of cars and charge at Raffi and Seven when she has been characterized as calculative.
When you assimilate an Estonian, the nano probes get intoxicated by the permanent intoxication. Remember Estonians are pickled from utero onward. So the Borg nanites are having some Naked Now Time.

Nice false flag, VeeFee. We're on to your grooming ways.

why wouldn't they just let us have /oldtrek/
they obviously hate us, why do they want to force us to be around them then

An Estonian? Are you high?

Benjamin Maxwell/Cutting Board user is the paid CBS shill, dumbass.

You literally went "oh hey judy, troll this thread" when you linked it here.

Alison Pill has an Estonian father.

what the fuck is this shit

You can talk about whatever you want. You dont have to respond to anyone.

hey, its that hideous negress who ruined Ash vs Evil Dead

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I don't get it. Are you just pretending to be extremely trolled by NuTrek spam, as like a joke?

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No way, she doesn't seem like an eastern European at all.

She looks textbook Northeastern European, Baltic looks.

Also, Jurati sounds like an Estonian name. Just take a Finnish name and pronounce it like you have FAS and the Finns disowned you.

She's talked about it in a couple of interviews before.
>“I’m going to Toronto to hang out with my dogs,” said Alison Pill. “My dad is Estonian and every year we make a kringel [a sweet bread]. How well it turns out predicts how the rest of your year will go.”

you just know

Star Trek is fucking dead.

I wish I didn't have to see this.

Well, I'm Finnish and Finnish and Estonian languages are about as similar as Portuguese and Spanish. And "jurati" is very alien word, I would guess its origin to be Japanese before Estonian. And she absolute does not look like eastern european woman.

Estonians are some of the whitest people there are. It's technicall Eastern European but north eastern, more Scandinavian than Eastern European.

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What did he say when he entered?
>Thanks I was looking for a place to keep my lunch.

>frumpy women bouncing around a parking lot in downtown SF
quintessentially StarTrekian

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But panties?

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She looks aggressively Eastern European.

Eh that's a stuntwoman in a wig.