Get woke, go broke

Get woke, go broke

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>oh, you want more white representation in your movies? sure
>*casts an albino nigger*
Gotta hand it to them, these sadistic Jews have a sense of humor.

Bigotry has no place in modern cinema.

What am I even looking at

Half of America is non-white


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This place has truly lost it. You deserve to be miserable.

75% of USA is white

Fucking white niggers

Why is this movie opening so inconsistently? The premier is still like a month away in my country

This quote is talking about Greece enslaving Persians you retard.

> le badass female warrior with braces
I’m so glad this shit is bombing

You utter mongoloid its a valkyrie, no women pick up swords in this movie. This is obviously bait and you fucks are falling for it

It's runic indentations, not braces. She's not a warrior, she's a valkyrie in a dream sequence.

low quality bait

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In all seriousness the marketing campaign for this was atrocious, controversy aside.

The people calling this movie woke are false flagging leftist trannies trying to stop people from seeing this movie. It's so fucking obvious

Anglogermcucks came from Central Asia so there’s no difference

cumskin cope
nords are albino niggers tho
their entire history and culture is identical to subsaharan niggers

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Daily reminder this movie only had a very limited release until literally yesterday and it hasn't even had a proper opening weekend yet.

Where the hell did you come up with that?

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Why does he have braces? Didn't they realize it looks silly?

ITT : spergs that haven't seen the film and spergs sperging out over miniscule details from Norse mythology

heebs trying to trick "ALT RIGHTERS!..." into paying to see a craft-beer take on vikings made by a nest of libtards. and surprise, no one showed up.

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>One of the rare times a "woke" project doesn't succeeds
>Chuds shout "Get woke, go broke!!!" like it happens all the time
You are on the wrong side of history chuds

your side of history is cutting off its penises.

Don't ever fucking reply to me again


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time to allow word of mouth to build :^)

did subsaharan niggers kill 7 billion jews?

I know cumskin is supposed to be an epic insult but white people don't literally have white skin. Where as blacks literally have skin the color of shit.


wait nvm they did destroy himyarite kingdom

Ugh... Nordic beauty.

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>all white cast
>somehow it's still too "woke" because it has a few women in it that do other things than cooking and washing clothes

You're just like the trannies you keep seething about. It's never going to be good enough.

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It has one woman in combat that Eggers based on an actual historical figure. In that same interview he lambasted Vikings for rewriting history by having a bunch of women everywhere.

So now having a woman in any sort of role in is considered being woke, uh-huh

its from the same people who are funding pedos and calling for inflation to "own putin" while you cant buy food or gas. just because the director is some autistic sperge who couldnt figure out how to include pocs in every scene doesnt mean most normal people who wouldve actually spent money to see this type of film is going to immediately run back to a loud, smelly, third-world filed, rundown shithole theater with their vaxx-pass

>ywn be part of the millions of ancient sex rituals from any of the last few thousand years
feels bad

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OP is a false flagging retard, nobody is actually calling it woke.


Somebody needs glasses. Also the fucking Irony. Those are runes. Shoes how little you know about your own culture.

southbros, we won?

Today I realized I don't give a shit what Yea Forums thinks about movies.

Seeing it this weekend. YouTube reviewers are going to boost this movies numbers

God western women are disgusting

0% of muttland is white

A man in a dress angrily typed this. Everyone knows he is a man in a dress, but are too afraid to tell him.

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my meds wont work unless you take yours

Is she wearing braces?

slow one, huh?

Mentally ill troon detected
I don't know what movie this is from, I have never heard the name of it, I don't know what the cast is like, I don't know how white the movie is.
I've seen the image of the insanely fucked up ugly face with not-braces and I am not going to be watching this shit. That face is too woke for me and it can fuck off.
Kill yourself, tranny.
>b-but you should worship the movie because the cast is white!!!!
I didn't ask an anti-white bunkercuck about what I should be thinking, what I should be doing and what my opinions should be. Your opinion means nothing to me and your parents will not shed a tear when you kill yourself.

seriously, what is with the shilling against this movie?

So for our viewers watching at home...
Poster likes movie I don't like: Shilling.
Poster likes movie I do like: Not shilling.
Poster dislikes movie I do like: Anti-shlling.

theres no blacks/trannies in it. its how they'll react against ANY movie with an all-white cast.

Studio makes a shit movie. Accuse themselves of something, pretend that there is outrage, let media write hit pieces to viral market the movie.
It's what happens when you have a jewish director.

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barbarians and vikings were known to be musclebound monsters from the northern woods. greece and italian twinks got ass raped by them. you got it all mixed up.

t. child molesting muhammed

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>75% r yt peepoo
Hahahahahahahahahahaha breh its 50% at best, and less if you subtract white hispanics. Also the majority of whites are 60yrs old, and less then 45% zoomers are white, meaning any amount of whites in america is less then 10years from being 30-40% their founding fathers country. Your welcome shitskins, hope you like the country, shes all yours now.