Boat movies are boring and I’m tired of pretending that they’re not.
Boat movies are boring and I’m tired of pretending that they’re not
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let's see that vag honey
for me it's snow. if it's set in or around a snowy area it's an instant no for me.
How can you say Master and Commander is boring when it starts and ends with naval battles? The enemy ship gets boarded in the last battle. Plus, the idea of being on a ship is exciting to men because it's essentially a road trip. The risk, the exploration, etc, is all exciting for men. The logical conclusion is that you aren't a man or you're effeminate so you don't enjoy manly things.
Women can enjoy it as well
That's a man
Boats are fucking boring bro
I was about to post that quote. Fuck you nigger
I just watched Master and Commander and it was absolutely magnificent
please recommend more boat films, preferably pre wwii
tits or GTFO
It's not 2009 you fucking faggot we are all grown up now and shit be nice to the lady
This is one of my mother's favourite movies.
I posted an image here: from a show but it's one of the best shows ever (actually a mini-series) so I think you should watch it. I enjoyed it so much that I'm still using a screenshot I took as my wallpaper.
This is my wallpaper. I loved this shot. Very comfy.
Tranny alert
The North Water is superkino.
Also the Terror s01.
Based boat wallpaper enjoyer
they're schlock.
Boat movies are very nice, there just aren't so many good ones, because there usually not properly done. "Master & Commander", "Terror" and "The North Water" are fine examples and sincerely wish for more of such examples to materialize, but it's most likely in vain. I also like "Hunt for Red October", "Das Boot" and some of the "Treasure Island" adaptions as well as "The Sea-Wolf" by Jack London. There actually was a better time for movies like this back in the days, but most of them seem kind of cheesy by today's standards. Have I missed some gems, maybe?
There's something about boats. It's a feeling of history. They were the cars of the past and you used them to travel.
I have a few images I saved from /pol/ with boats in them but I don't like to post them or even look at them because they just make me sad.
For modern ones theres:
Against the Ice (technically not a boat film, but very similar atmosphere to the N. Water)
In the Heart of the Sea
Hornblower (can it be considere modern? Not sure. A bit cheesy)
and that's about it.
This boat movie isn't boring.
Cheers la, on the dl as we speak.
what about amistad, bounty, worth watching?
I haven't seen those, sorry. I only watch The North Water because Colin Farrell is in it and it was really good. I wish I had more boat reccs for you.
Women were a mistake. You're the proof.
Oh.... I just thought of another boat movie I've seen. It's a Comedy so it didn't fit with M&C and TNW.
>Against the Ice (technically not a boat film, but very similar atmosphere to the N. Water)
Haven't watched yet, but noticed it and then forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I intentionally passed "Heart of the Sea" - I don't have too much pleasure with those pseudo-mixing fiction and biography trimmings. Couldn't take "Hornblower".
>Boat movies are boring and I’m tired of pretending that they’re not.
Amateur hour
Watch Das Boot
Greyhound came out recently and it was really great but if you aren't an naval enthusiast you may find it boring
Can't we all just appreciate the film without attacking trans people?
You can completely disregard the first, what 5 minutes of in the heart of the sea and you've skipped the mixing thingie.
It's basically just a dude meeting another dude and he starts telling his story. The allusion to it being "Moby Dick" is quite subtle and plays no part in the film's story structure. It's a decent sailing movie overall, not as good as the north water but not bad at all. Definitely do give it a chance.
The Bounty
>Can't we all just appreciate the film without attacking trans people?
man what a beautiful painting
love the colors and the way the light glimmers on all the little metal bits
The war against trannies is a holy war. It is a war for truth, justice, and liberty. Trannies are foot soldiers for the forces of fear, domination, and lies, and most of them are too stupid to realize it, because their days are spent obsessing over their narcissism, body image, and misplaced oppression. I once believed in extending the open hand to trannies and trying to help them realize their narrow conceited vision was destroying the peace and freedom thousands of years of our ancestors shed blood for. Now I realize it is futile. I will never, ever give up this war. The abominations have to be stopped for the good of us all.
Sounds fine, will try. - In general very depresed as of lately, because all films seem shit to me. It's a bit like in that South Park episode, where Stan gets it (
pic related, although i haven't seen it for a long time and it spawned WWG1WGA so its probably a cringefest
Naval battles in which not a single Chad fights for the right to worship a dull average woman. How can anyone find such banality entertaining?
>tfw your favorite The Terror smut writer moved to Our Flag Means Death fics
Fuck off troon.
watch the Hornblower tv movies.
Fuck you
I've made a dozen threads on Yea Forums about naval films
Fuck you and your roast beef
This looks like germany, like one of those hanseatic cities.
t. buttblasted frenchoid, irishoid or indoid
I liked it so much that I read the book too, and now I'm trying to get through Moby Dick, In the Heart of the Sea (the book based on the real story) is next on my list
whales are cool as fuck
The Bounty is great
there are three movies about The Bounty, which one do I watch first?
OP is the gayest man on this board
It's a great show. Only retards get filtered by the ending.
Only the one with Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson is good
man i'm shit at guessing lyrics
It's okay, lol.
>mfw remembering the north water threads we had while the show was airing
You're also a mentally ill self mutilating sex pervert
Remove self mutilating and that's every 4channer.
Nothing wrong with being a sex pervert and most anons here are mentally ill
Thank you user
I thought the same but master and commander is kino
only trannies, incels and women like boat movies