Imagine being hammered at 11:00 am on Saturday

Imagine being hammered at 11:00 am on Saturday

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in five hours I won't have to imagine

Start taking NAC you degenerate fiend

spent like five days straight hammered and now a week of sobriety is ahead of me
the fun is over drukbros

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You don't need to be wasted before the afternoon to be an earth rocker

Every time I drink recently my lower right side of my abdomen starts getting uncomfortable almost to the point of hurting, I think I might be suffering from minor appendicitis. God I want to have a drink

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haha imagine

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Imagine crushing beers and eating cheap home made japanese curry rice while watching weathernewslive on a saturday night haha

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I haven't had a sip of alcohol since 2017. I haven't been druk for at least 10 years. I don't like the taste of alcohol

Is there anyone who likes the taste?
It's not the taste I'm drinking for

i switched to weed. much less expensive and destructive


Dude it's actually good for you bro. It's just a plant bro trust me

Stop drinking

I favour the livers regenerative ability over the lung, unless you're exclusively using edible weed.

yes, bitter things taste good to people. Dont be that xkcd faggot.

im off to store soon to get meself some ciders

got booze too

Good thing it's only 7:00


I'd like to be hammered earlier if possible.

Got shitfaced yesterday after, got invited to a party by some asian weirdo who gave me cocaine and mdma (didn't take it though, and he felt like a glowie anyways).
Called two females disgusting.
Got offered some other weird drug by some immigrant
Ran into my old friend from elementary school and I started hitting on his sister
Pissed off my other friend by saying a lot of sexist and homophobic things
Called my ex, asked if I could stay at her place. She said yes.
Now I am in a cab on my way home. Didn't sleep a single second.

Nearly 1 in the afternoon and I'm on my second pint and 3rd glass of scotch, feels good man

I wish that was me

11am isn't that early if you've been up for a few hours. I've been drunk at every hour of the day. Also used to go on 2 day benders with all sorts of drugs, after that you're basically forced to lie in bed for an entire day

Enjoy your one-way time travel trip

Is it really saturday?

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Man are you me? Are you also having acid reflux?

What a faggoty post

It's fine since everyone else around you is also hammered, these times were fun.

Grow up. Even if I get black out drunk I don't lose control

Just woke up, about to take a shower, have a couple big drinks, and head to work at 10. Sunday shifts are the worst.

Oh shit it's Saturday. Saturday shifts are the worst.

Can't argue if you smoke every now and then. If daily then this

I started an afternoon shift... I thought it was perfect at first because I could get drunk enough to actually deal with being around people before I set off (don't drive btw) and I would take another 2 shots of vodka on my break to keep that buzz going. It actually boosted my performance and then when I finished, I would get drunk all over again before I sleep. Eventually however, I fucked up and forgot to brush my teeth one day. I had a day off prior and drank like crazy watching The Northman in cinemas (triggered my parent issues so I drank a lot and cried). So yea I had to talk to this lesbian because I forgot where I parked my automatic pump truck. She smelled the alcohol and grassed me up and so I got sent home. Came in next day and I get sacked. What a shit life

That's why you mix with none alcohol, you idiot. Beers I only use to control myself from drinking more of the hard stuff

i become a weepy faggot when im drunk. i dont like seeing that side of me come out even though i drink alone

It's about finding that limit where you feel real good but won't lose control of yourself. Mine is 12 shots of vodka. I have a beer after that to control that urge for another shot

I am.

>Isn't happy hour anytime?

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Missed opportunity since it’s 13:42 here

Got my sleep interrupted by stomachache, felt like throwing up but managed to fall asleep again. I'm not sure if it happened because of the excessive drinking for 3 nights in a row or because I ate something foul. I really need to stop.

had my first beer at noon. don't eat breakfast and like the light buzz of an early beer on an empty stomach 2bh

I;m gonna have me a mega pint tonight


I drank a modicum amount of alcohol, and I'm watching Playtime. :)

I did this for like 10 years straight. 3 nights a week. Got in all sorts of trouble and shenanigans and would have to apologize and live with the guilt every single day. I cant handle my alcohol or substances. Now its like a few times a year I make a complete asshole of myself instead of multiple times per week. I miss it like you wouldnt believe


Sounds extremely based to be honest

Alcohol makes me happy, weed just makes me depressed.

He'd have to get up pretty early to be drunk by 11 o' clock.

Best thread on 4channel Television & Film board right now


I dont have to

I start work 11 am and am already 2 beers in

DRUK fags we lost

Lostfags we druk

can't get my mind off a nice cold rum and coke. I think about the sound the ice makes in the glass and the tasty bite of the first sip. I'm not gonna drink today though


Gods I would like a burger and a couple of cold pints

A cold beer with hot Mexican food really tastes good. And a nice beer buzz on a Saturday afternoon is a glimpse of paradise.

That feeling of looking at the time just longing to get to the point you can let everything loose with some nice cheap vodka and beers, watching some kinos, playing some games and then getting all sad at the end of it watching movie scenes that trigger your regrets in life ahhhhh what a life

my pain was on the lower left side
>left handed

Getting drunk is cringe and degenerate.

i get hangovers sometimes after two light beers.

it may feel good but it will wreck your body! take a look at your body right now! was it worth it?? you could have a better body!

that's a little late, you can start at 7 you know

you don't even have to start over if you never stopped in the first place

yes I see