Freddy vs. Jason

was a cultural touchstone. In many ways, it represented and coincided with the peak of the American Empire. The culture didn't die overnight, but it was all downhill after that magical opening weekend.

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"Freddy vs Jason was the peak of the American empire" isn't even the dumbest thing I've read today but it might be the most original

burgers are so fucking pathetic LOL

It was probably the last major film where someone called someone a faggot and wasn't the bad guy.

i don't know about magical, it was pretty dope tho

>black woman gets uppity
>gets promptly btfo by a white male
its not possible to make a scene like this in the current year


>director claimed that the line was ad-libbed by The actress
Sure buddy

it's not in the script

wtf i love black women now?

So they only shoot the scene once and never did a second take ?

The intro was so based. The last time there were NEW icons

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dude...she dies in that scene

i don't get the backlash. freddy is a serial killer and the best way to really get to serial killers is to attack their masculinity. dark meat was just trying to distract him and save her friend not belittle all faggots everywhere

you die in the shoot... you die in real life?


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It's rather fitting that this was the finale for both original series.

yes, it makes sense, especially when the killers power is literally fueled by their victims fear
it redeemed both series for me
its infinitely better than freddys dead and jason goes to hell

Great movie from a time fun was allowed at the kinoplex

>movie has people getting brutally murdered and sexually assaulted
>noooo you can't say faggot
People like that literally prove that FvJ was the peak of American culture. At that point it was still possible for people to labor under the premise that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan weren't a complete cluster fuck and that the elites in power weren't evil on a scale that make Freddy and Jason look downright benign. In some sense that understanding was already starting to filter through, as we did vote for Freddy or Jason or, in fact, both of them. Decades later America's treasure has been squandered, thousands of its young men died for nothing, hundreds of thousands of countries peoples have been slaughtered, and the notion of upward economic class mobility has been replaced by the "opportunity" to improve your standing by screeching how you're offended that someone said "faggot" and mining upvotes that literally have negative value unless you reach the Social Media 0.01%. There's not even a good argument against Freddy vs. Jason being the peak of American culture.

Has there been a movie since that even came close to that level of theatrical experience?

It's also ironic that Nightmare was the better series and get the much worse remake, while Friday reboot is arguably the best movie in its franchise.

Freddy vs. Jason is literally too chad for Yea Forums. This is a board for people who like trannies, ugly women, and capeshit.

Freddy vs. Jason is America's Iliad

they most likely did several takes and made a decision to use that specific one in the editing and test screening process because either they thought it was awesome or test screening audiences laughed really hard at it.

Jason mogged Freddy

Even if you think this, it was nice of Freddy to let Jason be in a good movie for a change.

peak slasher, along with pic related

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smooth brain take

ok zoomie, maybe make a tiktok about it

It also deserves to be recognized that House of Wax was the final high mark of the 2000s teen horror genre.

Testosterone levels and sperm counts have plummeted in the era since this movie was released. At the time this movie was released, no one would have even entertained the idea that a man could get pregnant or that a women have penises. It's at least a little humorous that only a much saner society could produce something like Freddy vs. Jason.

Is this the Night King?


Freddy should've won, it wasn't a fair fight

Yes, it's the Night King, honey. The grown ups are having a discussion about chad tier entertainment right now so why don't you head into the other room and boot up another episode of Euphoria on HBO Max?

Jason is immortal. Freddy dies the moment he's out of his dream realm.

Nah, Jason was always cooler than Freddy

Look, I try not to punch down at Jason fans, but the reason they prefer him to Fred is because they have underdeveloped imaginations and no internal monologue.

Didn't this movie retcon Jason to be terrified of water or something?

Freddy is a bitch, sorry.

Jason is a mask. It's cool if you like that, but Nightmare is the better franchise by any reasonable measure.

Friday reboot would have been a lot better if they just acted like it was just another new sequel instead of running through the first 3 films as a sorta “greatest hits” type of shit.


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The structure with the opening cast and kills and the missing sister makes the movie the best in the series. Also, high production values, well shot, and the Chad and Stacey cast are fun to hang out with.

Nothing surprising about that. Niggers hate faggots.

Same as Bride of Chucky.
Wish Ronny Yu made more horror films.

Bride of Chucky is certainly kino and leaves me wanting more when it's done. Unfortunately Seed is a really unpleasant watch.

Strong disagree, Friday the 13th is the most kino and comfiest horror franchise of all time.

Jason is lovable compared to Freddy. Sure they both kill a lot of people. But Freddy was a piece of shit child abuser in life, while Jason was just a kid that was bullied for being an autistic incel (like many of us here). Jason is also just a big dumb oaf that kills people quickly and then moves on, while Freddy torments them.

Dude black women are literally the MOST homophobic group of people.

Once Jason got powered up by lightning in the 3rd or 4th movie, he jumped up a few tiers on the power chart.

Nightmare shits all over Friday in terms of overall aesthetics and acting. Compare the pedigree of people involved in both series. We don't have to spend too much time dwelling on Wes Craven. Renny Harlin is probably the fourth best director to have done a movie in the series and is sometimes treated as something of a punchline. He also stands shoulders above anyone who has ever done a mainline Friday film, and it's not even close.

Not that user, but there is power in simplicity. 'Jason is just a mask', yeah and that is why it's so based. Jason is so iconic that if you see a vintage goalie mask you think 'Jason' not 'hockey'.

The Camp Crystal Lake aesthetic is untouchable. Nothing more fun or comfy could ever exist. I know the quality of the acting and directing was 70's porno-tier at times, but to me that is part of the fun. Even Jason's origin is retarded, his mom went nuts because he died. But he didn't die, actually. Actually no he did, he was some kind of big lake zombie. The point is nobody cares, we just want to see Jason butcher some dumb teenagers.

Sure, I can agree with that, and I understand why the character/design is iconic. But stretching that simplicity out for 10 movies panned out very poorly in terms of quality. Speaking broadly, Jason fans got memed, and it's fitting that they generally hate the best movie in the series (Reboot) because they also got memed into thinking reboots are de facto bad.

How does it feel knowing that movie that's fun like Freddy vs. Jason can probably never be made again? It feels bad in my opinion.

Friday has much better aesthetics. In fact they are the driving force of the franchise. Crystal Lake, the hockey mask, grisly kills, scantily clad 80s babes

I liked it when the girl with big boobs took a shower and you could see her big boobs

body double

Fucking moron.

They are, but they're usually B movie that you have to spend a while looking for online or in a dollar bin at a service station or an electronics store.

Look, I don't now you and you might be a nice person, but you have to be pretty dumb to think Friday is aesthetically superior to Nightmare.

you'd think they'd just cast actresses willing to actually get nude
not like bitches in horror movies need to act well anyway

Wtf well those were still some nice boobs