How's Depp doing so far, bros?
How's Depp doing so far, bros?
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He's in too depp
stealing the show like omar on the wire
ambers facial routine is exhausting to witness
her lawyer is the definition of an annoying jewish retard
it’s kino
Has he presented the Depposition yet?
and trying to kepp
what article is this all over?
Cast him
Has Kevin Nash been brought up yet?
Amber Heard is a complete wreck
Johnny Depp is a complete wreck
I would say Amber Heard was ultimately in the wrong when live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones
Not even Saul could save Amber anymore.
good morning sir
This is being astroturfed on reddit like crazy. He's already been found legally to be a wifebeater in court in the UK - the show is over. Only reason you would watch this is for more details about his sordid private life.
you're a fucking retard
none of what you've posted is true Amber is that you?
Didn't she cut off a bit of his finger?
He's doing pretty shit.
>Mr. Depp, can you explain this text you sent to Manson mentioning something about....the summer of 92?
Yeah I agree it does seem pretty fucking suspicious
Personally I think Amber Heard is a cunt who deserves to have her career destroyed and Johnny Depp did nothing wrong but at the same time it's so obvious that someone somewhere is getting paid to post about this case constantly
>Heard-Depp trial all media massage 24/7
>Ghislaine Maxwell trial second-length jokes inbetween ads
really makes you think
UK defamation law isn't worth toilet paper in non-retarded countries
It is completely possible that both of them are piece of shit humans that act like overgrown children
The livestreams get hundreds of thousands of live viewers and then millions of views within the same day, it hasn't occurred to you that maybe the posts about it are organic? No... it must be astroturfed... they thought they could fool me!?? I'm very smart...
He is reading this thread.
No I don't just mean here I mean on larger social media websites
Fuck Amber Heard
>someone somewhere is getting paid to post about this case constantly
i, for one, can't believe people on a board about movies are talking about two movie stars. it HAS to be paid content!
Could Phoenix Wright put it off?
I don't get how people like you function.
Amber Heard is about as honest as Boris Johnson.
Watch and react to my video link
its also 100% believeable that Johnny never hit her and she went into full psycho mode and tried to destroy him when he left her, you fucking blind child, this is exactly what happened its very obvious what happened the bpd girl tried to ruin his life because he left her
Amber Heard typed this post
Nah people who should be concerned about the state of Western civilization actually really care about this shit instead.
It's sad, I know.
sweltering summer
don't they arrest people for shitposting? who gives a fuck about the UK
I and everyone else here DO NOT GIVE A FUCK what larger media sites are doing, its only shills and pol and tranny raiders thinking their opinion matters, shills are easy to identify in all their forms
She’s a big girl
It's an unfair trial. Depp is an actor while Amber is just some scammer bitch. Of course he's gonna be able to look innocent and make her look guilty
They're gonna get back together
hes doing great. hope he gets the outcome he wants.
>its an unfair trial
>make her
simp away you faggot she is clearly a psychopath, and no matter how unfair she makes this trial Depp will win on integrity and public perception even if he loses, he wins, Amber is batshit
my guess is it's someplace in the middle...with amber being the more guilty of the two but not the only guilty. he seems like a drugged up train wreck that probably only remembers half of what he did, and she seems like a BPD psycho bitch that likely did throw stuff and hit him. I'm no expert, but in most the abusive relationships I've seen in my lifetime, it was always a bit of a two way street. as far as the lawsuit itself, it does seem like she set him up to ruin him and his lawsuit is likely valid... imo he should win.
oh yeah amber is mental for sure depp all the way
are all court cases this funny?
Why the fuck was Johnny being asked questions about his career in Hollywood and Pirates of the Caribbean? How was that relevant to the course case at all?
they're both trash and are admitting to using illegal drugs. why aren't they both in prison?
the drugs thing, yeah i agree. but they're taking drugs not selling. in the eyes of the law thats way different and thats why both of them are NOT in prison.
because he's sueing Amber for defamation, that lead to him losing roles in a number of movies including and most importantly, Pirates of the Caribbean,. franchise, his franchise pirates is nothing without Jack
esl kiddos please go in the real world drug taking is ok, not good its frowned upon buts its ok
When your case is all about trying to prove who you are as a person it is important to establish who you are as a person
Wasn't Disney considering dropping him go even before that? Amber's lawyer said it.
You mean the same place that tried to do a Donald trump and ended up fucking themselves over?
>legal wifebeating
UK laws are weird
the mussies have infiltrated
>itt and other johnny hating posters
You simply don't get the basic fact that is case logically, sensibly and humanly should be in Johnny's favor. If Johnny loses this case with his multi million team, it is a signal for guys in the west to never fucking marry because a bitch can ruin your reputation and end your career on a whim because she feels like it and will face no consequences. This case is a microcosm of female favoritism in the court system and it WILL have consequences.
>Amber's lawyer said it.
>it must be true
Real smoothbrain hours
>"You honor, KWAB"
it's just interesting seeing johnny depp charm everyone into being on his side, and amber turd (poorly) acting like she's at the verge of tears the entire time. the only takeaway from this so far is that johnny depp is a better actor than she is, and that people are retarded sheep. they're both trash.
There are witnesses to Heard's violence. Johnny's texts look real bad as do him getting spicy with the lawyer but there are absolutely no witnesses to him ever being violent. All of the witnesses so far have been on his side.
It doesn't matter anyway as the Judge is going to inevitably rule that they kiss each other. The lawyers will scramble for a bit before being forced to admit "there's nothing in the rule book that says she can't". A reluctant kiss will become passionate and everybody in the court room will stand up and clap as Vanessa Amorosi's Absolutely Everybody plays.
Bongistan was bfto by malnourished farmers and flooded by towel heads LOL nobody cares
>Amber's lawyer said it
Jesus Christ himself could come down from heaven to say "Disney is dropping Depp from Pirates" and any devout Christian with 2 brain cells would have gone
>Now hold on a minute...
Yeah, but she didn’t torpedo his reputation and career prospects for “acting like a child.” She said he beat and (now) raped her.