Red Letter Media RLM

Is Jack replacing aidsmoby?

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>when a nuJack is 100 times more aidsful than the OG Jack
How did he do this?

How do nobody's like this Jack guy get a guest spot but I don't?

I hope he’ll come back for more, like Mack.

Focus on your trial, Mr. Depp.

>He was gone in like 6 frames


Cope Mike.

yeah extremely cringe

They block anyone who asks questions about the Patroen Jesse dilemma, I'm glad Landis actually wrote something about it and called them out publicly


it's just some fag constantly posting made up shit about RLM

>actually watching the videos content
How do you guys do it? I find it insipid. I only put my eyes through the runtime to see if any facial expressions give away a state of mind that would add weight to the evidence

Why are they all bald or balding except Jay?

Generics are a lottery. Also, high testosterone contributes to hair loss.

He was literally scared by boobs

>How do you guys do it?
by not having a mental illness unlike you

ok fellas good news, the council of rlm experts has just finished their analysis of jack quaid's performance as a guest and we have an updated ranking

>mike with rich on the panel
>mike with no rich on the panel
>drunk jack
>colin from canada
>jim from canada
>freddie williams
>mac's handler

im bored of redlettermedia every thing is the same boring shit. the only things i enjoy now are when they do a review of something they like.

>Jack “jumpscare boobs” Quaid
How do you go from Dennis Chad Quaid to this?

>fag from The Boys shows up
walked out of the theater right there.

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Meg Ryan

Why does Jack insist on the AIDS look

>can you teach me how to read
that was funny as shit

Jesse stole Patroen money to buy jewellery and an abortion. Fanbase found out, RLM covered it up and removed Jesse from future episodes.
It was about 10-18k iirc

Ah yeah, Rich "Megachad" Evans and his bottomless supply of testosterone

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Testosterone doesn’t make you attractive or masculine.

Watching that shit makes me feel like I'm watching into reddit void.

mike "mr hollywood" stoklasa. such huge shills.

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This is just a ploy to promote NuTrek by guilting them into watching it.

Jack Quaid looks like shit
You can literally see his rhinoplasty scars

holy shit hes actually dennis quaids son lmao goddamn hollywood truly is a fucking scam

>Hollywood baby gets invited
>Jay is still the most handsome person in the room
How does he do it?

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nepotism is old as time

yeah I don't believe for one second that an attractive hollywood celeb (not a "comedian type") watched "Smiling Friends"

Jay is paying for his otherwise youthful looks by developing those old man spots on his forehead.


Ordinary millennial

with all the evidence circling around on the internet you'd think they be cancelled by now but i guess straight white men can get away with anything huh

Quaid would make a pretty good Max Payne.

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i'd watch this

the resemblance is actually uncanny

and max payne would make a great movie (no, not the one that exists). script by rich and jack packard

Unfortunately hollywood hates video games, so they'd ruin it just like they already have.
The game is literally a movie story board with self contained gameplay bits in-between, and they still managed to fuck it up.
Hell, they fucked up Hitman too, which is another rare example of a game that could be 1:1 translated to a movie.

The only chance of a decent Max Payne adaptation is a TV series.


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gotta be a big ooph from me fella

Why didn't they continue the tradition of keeping the Deathstalker sequels on the Plinketto Board? They made a big show of adding Deathstalker 3 after watching Deathstalker 2, but it never actually showed up in the subsequent Plinketto episodes. It's usually fun when they follow an actor/director/movie series, so it's a shame to see it dropped.

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Jack on alcohol was perfectly tolerable. Sober Jack is dismal. I don't know why people think og aidsmoby was even close to as awful as Josh was. Yeah, he did the "oh no they hurt women, movie bad!" thing but it was clear he was always just kind of phoning it in, he still made the usual amount of insensitive jokes as the others. Only "the wizard" was the true fucking believer in disgusting neomarxist sjw wokeshit. If anything, Jack probably got worse from being in such close proximity to him.

I'd cast him as one of the retarded family members in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot.

How do you steal paypig money? Doesn't Mike pay for his own abortions?

Oh no.. it's a guest episode? Why.... I wanted my comfy bros...... my friend simulators brought someone else in.... and I don't wanna talk to him.....

jack is okay with me. he at least is a dork (even if mostly entry level) and a family man. beardfat is just a fat homo hipster. jack is just pussy whipped, its not his fault

Mike's silence is defeaning

>rlm is getting more and more connections in the film industry
>he's still stuck rotoscoping that shehulk movie 15 years later that nobody cares about
did he an hero yet?

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rofl yep, that's exactly what's causing this thread.

Aidsmoby always killed jokes and made shocked faces and other fake reactions. T was fucking annoying. Fatbeard might have been an sjw on twitter but didnt actively ruin bits

he can't do the face.

Is this true?

The closest they’ll get to getting Shatner on their podcast.

Just do what I did and pretend you’re Jack Quaid IRL.

It's weird that Jack Quaid wasn't in the thumbnail or anything. You'd think they'd want to advertise that.

Jessi’s silence on the Patreon fiasco is deafening.

You’re a basedboy?

im 10 minutes in and this guy already strikes me as an unintelligent normal fag which is strange because he's a hollywood actor

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I wouldn't have clicked if I'd known it was a guest episode.
Those suck.

I miss the Aidsmoby & Rich do vidya thing

they usually dont put guests on the thumbnail when its their first time right?
he behaves exactly like a friend of mine who's also a normie but the kind of normie that's into bad movies (which for him is sharknado and all that). not saying that like its a negative, I've shown this friend of mine proper bad movies like neil breen and all that and he loves them, miles better than people who just complain about bad movies being bad and is on his cellphone all along. I kind of liked Quaid, but then again my favorite kind of botw guest is the energetic one, rich, jay and mike are more laid down so I always like when there's a high enery person there

>they always talk about how boring intentionally bad movies are
>they specifically mention asylum films as an example
>famous faggot comes on
>wants to watch intentionally bad asylum movie
>everybody plays along and now pretends to like intentionally bad asylum films

who is this

Nah, they sucked at it. Unlike movies, they don't know shit about video games so their opinions sucked.

RLM is held together by Mike anyway, and without his involvement all the other guys are boring.

True, but I Mike was obviously star struck because he loves The Boys so they just went along with it. I bet if George Lucas showed up he'd worship him at his feet.

yeah i miss them playing FTL and Xcom while unchecked narcissist rich evans spewed a bunch of shit like he was the god of logic and intelligence.

Best episode in a while

I never watched any of those streams, so I have no idea what they were like ... but were they actually "about" video games? I just kinda got the impression that it was like "The RLM B-team plays vidya while chit-chatting about whatever the fuck with chat".

rich only ever played x-com and whenever he wasn't playing x-com he would talk about how much he wanted to play x-com
he had like 3k hours in it at the time

Rich is a true gamer.

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