Wheel of Time TV

Here's your Aviendha

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Dios mio

who said niggers aren't smart

>Ayo ola smart

Not even sure I can take watching S2 to shit talk it any more

fuck off, there is no way that is real, why are they this jewish ?

>they even established in S1 that you can tell Aiel at a glance

The showrunner's are comically terrible

Season 1 managed to be the worst adaptation of anything ever created. Anyone that watched all of it and plans to continue watching will watch literally anything. It's bad on the level that people involved should fear for their lives.

>Most popular new series of 2021

She Looks like the dung water from elden ring

It's always the gingers

>Ayoola Smart
Is that a question?

Jews must hate redheads with a passion
Is there some throwaway line in the Talmud about gingers being the Amalek or something

I mean, what did you expect when they ditched the entirety of Caemlyn (because they didn't "have time" for the storyline) and focused whole fucking episodes on gay warders nobody cares about and Moiraine/Siuan running off to carpetmunch.

Also, in what world did the showrunner think it was a good interpretation of Moiraine's character to have her send the Red Ajah after Mat. Did anyone involved with this project bother to actually read the books and understand any of the characters? No, of course they didn't, they just see it as an empty vessel for their personal politics.

LOTR was the last apolitical fantasy adaptation we're ever going to get.

Add it to the list

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Sure it is nigger ;)

in ancient times red hair was typically associated with royalty

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I just want to remind people that it was a plot point in Eye of the World that Rand was instantly recognisable as having Aeil ancestry, and that two rivers folk were homogenous enough for him to stand out

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I mean ancient as in ancient egyptian, greek and norse mythology brainlet.

humanity at this point is amalek except Africans. who hasn't shoah'd them at some point

Evolution and every reputable anthropologist.

I can’t even cope anymore

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My nipples hurt when I twist them!

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>T-This is literally white genocide

we wuz aiel n shieeeeet

Yes, unironically.

>Wow Rand you look just like an Aielman
>How so?

>This is literally shit casting

Couldn’t scientists develop a disease that only affects niggers?

Because of the red hair and only the red hair.

I genuinely forgot this even existed. How the fuck did it get a season 2?

tbf with the batwoman one, isn't she a replacement for the originial white actor?

They did, it was called AIDS but the gays even stole that from them and it didn't work anyhow.

They're diverting funds to a Czech studio, that's why.
The budget is absolutely ludicrous for something that looks so pathetic and is filled with literal whos

Theoretically possible, but /pol/tards are too low iq to crispr something useful.

Good morning I hate Zarine.

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Season 2 was greenlit pretty much immediately after they finished filming season 1, before they even knew the real reception to the show. Amazon doesn't give a shit if it's a turd they're just using it as a branding operation.


I thank the creators of this show. They created something so unbelievably bad that I immediately bought the first three books just to see how much they fucked up.

It was a lot. I'm convinced the creators either haven't read the books at all, or else have no intention of actually making a good adaptation.
I'm now almost through book 6 and loving them. Rand has become one of my favorite characters in fiction.

>I joked when I said they'd cast a sheboon as Aviendha since she HAS to look like Rand
>it actually happens
jesus fucking christ

Enjoy his descent into total insanity. It's great when you get the rare glimpse of him from somebody else's PoV and see how crazy his behavior seems to them. And as for the show, the creators made a lot of bullshit about how they loved the books but it's pretty obviously a lie. You either have to assume they're maliciously destroying WoT or else they just lied through their teeth about reading the books. Supposedly they had a "lore consultant" but she very tellingly disappeared off social media just before the show premiered. No idea if she ever resurfaced.


Min wasn't black and Elayne isn't black, someone had to be black.

watch min's aunts look nothing like her

Genuinely feel bad for Elayne's actress, they're going to have her make out with that absolute abomination

>Ancient rome is not ancient.

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I don't feel bad for anybody who willingly stays on this dumpster fire project.

I love those chapters. Rand smiling and talking to himself pretty much constantly. Though it's about time he started showing some Aes Sedai not to fuck with him. Too bad that so far most of those chapters were from Egwene's POV. She's being a cunt with zero regard to the big picture. But then most women in WoT are.

I have won again, Lews Therin.

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Reading Sanderson's thoughts on this project it's so clear that he hates it, but is trying so hard to not say anything bad because he wants to stay in Hollywood's good graces.

nobody cares about hackederson and his homosexual opinions.

It gets better user, the lead up to, and aftermath of Dumai's Wells is an amazingly written display of full blown schizophrenia.
Off topic but who will these retards cast as Verrin? My money is on Leslie Jones

I always imagined aviendha would look like a young jessica chastain, not like dr zaius

Oh that's right, that show came out.
Didn't even finish the first episode it was boring.

you can't expect the showrunners to have had the time needed to read the books, user
they were too busy laundering mon-i mean, order all of those wigs that the cast needed

Yes they do. Grow up. Like him or not, he's probably the foremost authority on these books after Jordan's death.

Egwene is top cunt of the series and never stops being a cunt. Nynaeve, you will eventually realize, was actually a contender for best girl all along. I remember I was put off by her so hard on my first read through the series, until her real nature started to show through. She's unfailingly loyal to Rand, and most her attitude is just bluster to cover up her insecurities. Going into a reread with this knowledge made her actually really amusing rather than grating.

Min though is great. She's flirty and fun, no Elayne-esque mind games and no Aviendha tsundere routine.

Sounds good. I'll definitely get to that part this weekend.

The most shocking part is that there’s a season 2

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fuck off brandon

el atrocidad

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Lul wut

Min is so refreshing compared to Elayne and Aviendha. No games, no shame just love. Rand just needs to man up and realize it.

I definitely see what you mean about Nyneave. It doesn't make up for her being a turbo cunt yet, but at least it gives her some depth and some excuse. All Egwene has is ambition and White Tower tunnel vision.

>All Egwene has is ambition and White Tower tunnel vision.
Man you don't know the half of it yet.

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>a redhead
>this casting choice

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Egwene is top cunt, but i warmed up to her in AMoL after she stops being a retard.
Aviendha is best girl and nobody can disprove this, Min is top tier and Elayne and fuck off

That damn smile...