>watch film
>doesn't rewatch film because you already know what's gonna happen
Is this the biggest flaws of films? Picrel is not related
Watch film
Elden Ring mogs DS3 so hard it's not even funny
how is that a flaw. they deliver the goods and they're done.
I don't watch TV shows because I'm not interested in spending 15 hours of my time on something with a shit ending.
you'd rather be skinner boxed by a game for months on end?
>100 copypasted bosses
>a couple dozen unique bosses
fuck your tech demo
Depends how many years between watches
I watched L,Avventura, I did not get it
But I rematched it five years later and now I understand it and like it much more.
Because I am alienated and disinterested as characters and I can relate.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was cool for me when I was teen. Now I done most drugs mentioned, and its less cool more dark and sad for me etc
Good films change as we change I would say
ds3 > ds1
there's only like five games in existence that actually reward replays.
I want to suck Miyasaki's cock so much guys, it's not even funny, I REALLY want it
If I wait long enough I forget major plotpoints.
>Mi-Mi-Miyasputters as he loses oxygen MITSUBISHI-san, I am a VERY busy man, you must understand eats I am as of late working quite diligently on my newest book, The fart The WINDS of Winter, sweats loudly I have only so much time to devote to your little electronic amusement.hacks up chicken bone But what I find TRULY egregious, based on the material you have provided me, and belches based on your PREVIOUS work, is the complete lack of believable World-Building. In particulaaaaaaaarrrrrrheart stops for 20 seconds the complete LACK of any description of Lord Gwyn, who is a KING I suppose snort having ANY kind of discernible tax policy! His capital, Anal London I believe you so quaintly named it chuckles seems to be quite grandiose, aye? But how does he PAY for it all? Flying buttresses ah yes, great big knights patrolling around, who pays for THOSE? urine stain slowly spreads on shorts You've got to THINK about these things, man, or else I won't get any work done at all! falls into diabetic coma
Elden Ring is above DS2 but below DaS, DaS3 Sekiro and BB.
Elden Ring. Too long. Boss design took a turn for the worse. Same retread of the same old fading world already done in Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
>das2 is LE BAD
which ones
I really liked the world building on Elden Ring, but no boss gave me the chills like the Nameless king or Slave knight Gail did. I mean, Maybe I'm spoiled and harder to please after many years of soulscrap, but yeah, I wish I had enjoyed this a little more
>the world building
>zanzibart, forgive me...
PD: I really like Radahn, he cute
>i'm gonna troll this stupid jap, watch: this character is called the poop eating doo doo man
>hahah you aah very funny gaijin, prease write moar
a good film is entertaining as it's on but lots of films rely heavily on a surprise factor too. not alone a bad thing but if you make that the crux of your movie it won't have a lot of rewatchability. mysteries and whodunits are like this and are fun the first time but not often rewarding to rewatch. but many other movies are fun throughout the whole film and don't rely on its ending to justify the runtime. depends on what you want I guess.
you know knowing their works fairly well im surprised it took me this long to realize how similar they both are, both are shit at story telling for one
lol no
both compensate for their inability to tell a complete story, one compensates by being vague, and the other by filling dead air, stuffing with flavor text, lore, and specific details to the point where telling a complete story is impossible
define a complete story
That's you being a zoomer or only watching mediocre movies.
sure, that time i came inside your mother, beginning, middle, and now waiting on you for the end
>filtered by video game and shitty shlock medieval porn
>gets butthurt
i win the argument
if i hadn't played any game, then yea probably.
personally feel the franchise devolved since sekiro, the parry system was cool and should have been implemented in some manner, roll roll roll hit, roll roll roll is just boring at this point.
alternatively be a str autist and just super armour dps race the boss
the two best examples are undertale and neir automata. and they aren't even very good examples.
Sekiro dont count
>Prepare to cry: the true story of Zanzibart
>The lore behind Zanzibart: Who was he really?
>How to get Zanzibarts sword: most OP weapon yet!
>Zanzibart = Gwyn?? (full length lore podcast: 5h 53 minutes)
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
But what was Queen Marikas tax policy?
Probably had quite a lot of tax revenue seeing how nobody ever died.
DS3 is fucking trash so hardly an achievement
Maliketh for me.
Sekiro > DS3 > BB > ER > DS1 > DS2
lorefags need not apply
no, not really
In case you were wondering what the correct, non homosxual take is, here it is:
actually the correct take is
my opinion > yours
>Needing to be surprised like a child playing peek-a-boo
This is why I read every plot summary on wiki before I watch anything, doing research like any sensible adult would.
fallout 4 is better than both
reporting the Yea Forums thread
everything prior to BB plays like shit
based and fact
reinstalling now
Yeah true if you go back to das1 now it's just weird.
But in the context of the times etc.
But then you dont get the joy of reading completely contradictory item discriptions and then feeling like a retard because you need some youtube faggot to make sense of it for you.
>But in the context of the times etc.
>non homosxual take
elden ring is empty and runs poorly on pc
glad i didnt pay for it
for me its sekiro
yeah, stay out of my board Yea Forums toddler
Eh you wouldnt discount a good movie just because it's old would you?
>waaa why didn't they make 80 unique bosses, hiow dare they reuse a few of them
Neck yourself you fat spastic
>m-masterrace reporting in ;_;
I would discount it because it's bad. And pre-BB combat is bad.
>reddit spacing
Nameless King was kino
zoomie pls
>elden ring
>the northman
>the batman
Bros is this a golden age?
>kino game
>kino movie
>mediocre but kino for capeshit
Yep sounds like it
i have a 2014 card
ER is fantastic to go through but overall boss design is kinda weak compared to DS3.
I can think of a handful of ER bosses that were cool or interesting compared to a dozen or so in DS3. That being said, traversing the world of ER is way more fun than any game fromsoft has made so far... Just a shame about the recycled bosses really.