>a megapint?
A megapint?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mr Depp this is serious. Did you, or did you not, penetrate Ms Heard with a bottle of alcohol.
I pity you for caring about this social media distraction.
Do American lawyers really speak like zoomers?
unironically yes. Have you ever heard of tiktok?
This will give Will Smith a bit of relief.
>i uhmmm never uhmmm s-struck uhmm a a a uhmm woman in uhmm my life uhmm
What a beta
its painfully obvious you clearly need to relax and pour yourself a megapint.
>t. cries into his anime pillow
megapint of redwine, stat
Only watched a handful of clips but this was in one of them. It was quite embarrassing, Depp laughing at the use of the term megapint, then it's shown that the lawyer's actually using a direct quote from Depp's past transcript.
this is the most entertaining shit I've seen in ages, even if he loses he wins
yes Johnny embarrassed that lawyer a lot
>why doesn't this extreme alcoholic remember what he said!!
Have they even brought up the "sexual abuse" shit that stupid old woman said in the opening statement?
loser, you want him to just accept every terminology the lawyer presents?
It's like using superpredator in court
The simp lawyer is so intimidated by Depp its hilarious. He makes him stumble and stutter and just move on. Based pirate man.
I pity you for not recognizing this as the KINO that it is
Lol Johnny Debt won
Imagine letting a female cut your finger off with a bottle. Western """""""men""""", everyone
He was playing the long game, like Donnie Brasco
>........I may.....in this instance...(breathes)...have inserted....(smiles nostalgically)...a bottle into her anus..yes..
It's not embarassing at all, the lawyer looks like an anal pedant constantly trying to catch Depp contradicting himself about completely trivial things. It doesn't play well at all.
Did they talk about that part when she shat on his bed??
t-their was...my apologies...human fecal matter
for real? lmao i gotta see the face she makes
>the dogs are teacup yorkies Am, they barely weigh 4 pounds, i-i'm sorry their*chuckles* their is simply no way that came from a dog
>unassuming guy BTFOs a clingy psycopath
just like my japanese animes
Jamie pull up exhibit 500
the only time im gonna endorse one of these celebrity compilations
the bit where Johnny keeps looking over too him with a cheeky grin going
>hearsay? you going to hearsay this?
>text/emojis on screen
>random zooms/cuts
>wii music
1000000 pint == megapint.
So Depp's amusement is reasonable.
>Chicago sunroof?
Fucking kek that last one
him fucking with that lawyer was fantastic, but fuck your shilling your yt channel
I hope they get back together bros :/ The sexual tension is palpable
lol that's actually pretty good
what do you expect? predominantly young women watching this shit expect -oomer tier memes to be inserted in the clips.
Mr Baruch, you say that the store was formerly owned by another man, what exactly was the purpose for including this information on the sign?
I'd like some deviation. Vines were unironically more creative than this shit.
and vines were almost ten years ago grandpa slightly more kino than what we have now, to be fair.
> It was a bird then .. you know one of those big ones that often fly into houses to defecate in beds.. that one..
>vines were almost ten years ago
this trial is more kino than the kinos we get nowadays
>is it all hopeless?
would both you children fuck off? no-one knows or cares wtf you are babbling about
new around these parts?
me on the left
>he be zoomin'
>this board is for +18 only
>Simping this hard for a woman
Have sex.
and was the... uh... smell... described? in meticulous detail?
>be american
>need a word for fussy disposition
>choose "anal"
he reminds me of sam hyde
I was wondering how long it would take for these to pop up.
man imagine getting hired by a big name law firm right out of law school. You've watched Pirates of the Caribbean all your life as a wee lad but now you've been charged by the new company you've entrusted your future to with the ugly goal of defending Amber Heard. Could there by any more cucked situation than that? You can't even shake hands and act like it wasn't personal afterwards, this is definitionally extremely personal. I can't imagine being in this lawyers shoes man
jesus christ time rips by
Can't schlepp the depp
thats right
This is some Nelson shit.
>I have other uses for your throat, which do not include injury...
like what? i don't get it. taking her out for dinner?