Knew what
Knew what
That's for me to know, and you to never know.
t. Female (male)
that sids is actually the mother murdering the baby and they cover it up to stop her from getting murdered by the husband
That women prefer the top 20% of men. The rest are only good enough after she gets off the cock carousel and settles down
Possibly the original
>refuses to elaborate further
behind the knee maybe?
How much women lust after cock and likelihood cheat on their husbands
This is horrifyingly true.
What girlpoops look like, of course. We're finding out now, though.
how all women are whores.
Women have gaslighted men into thinking we only think about sex when a women's entire worldview, worth, thought, being, actions, desires, dreams, revolve around sex. They cannot think of anything other than sex, or how something relates to sex.
that women want to fuck as much as men
Blatantly untrue. Men pay women for sex, doesn't happen the other way around 99% of the time.
Post the pic about how they need to take birth control pills which leads them to need anti depressants, always good for a laugh
I hate women so much it's unreal.
user... I
Somebody has been reading Ester Villar.
that women fuck dogs
Estar is wrong on this point, it’s purely philosophical and pre-evolutionary thinking. In the good old days, men and women both evolved to impress each other. Women had to show modesty and a skill for home, men had to get and retain gainful employ. The two exerted pressure on the other and society did as well. Modern technology has completely destabilized the modern environment. If anything, men have gaslit themselves.
Every woman for the last 50 years: MEN ONLY CARE ABOUT 1 THING
that women are routine liars, every word that comes out of their mouth is to manipulate you and control you, they are satanic demons
You’re right of course. But it’s partially roastie logic. Chad or Chad-lite fucked me and threw me out, it must be because he only thinks about sex.
Also true. Schopenhauer was right.
Wanna makeout?
>he doesn't know
that gender is not binary, it's a spectrum
just like your autism
here's a glimpse
That women are all men that learned how to suck up their penises into their bodies to form a vagina
replace the word sex with attention
literally walked out of the theater after this scene
And sex is it’s most acute form
what movie?
>he didn't stay to steal a second viewing
Makes me feel better, actually.
That this film is a pile of shit, as are all Kubricks, except Dr. Strangelove.
That sudden infant death is the motheer killing the baby in their sleep. If the truth would come out, no one would trust women with babies anymore so doctors keep quite
I will tell you something that is cruel but true and will make you suffer if you read. You have been warned.
Every time a woman complain about inequality and uses the top men, it's not because of stupidity or ignorance. For them the rest of the men are not people.
hack writing
hi guys, greetings from Kazakhstan!
the taste of dick change women
the moment a woman realizes the man they sucking off can drop their slut ass at any time is when they realize their life is going to be beetwen men legs
thats why some women go crazy when someone ends a relationship with them
That men don't need women.
This what I thought even before I ever heard of this theory. Sids has no logic to it all, biology doesn't just suicide randomly.
How easy mode female life is and how much every female cheats.
if men only knew how to reject pussy once in a while
Get ready for the chimp out
how to harness gravity so we can escape our solar system and truly become masters of the universe. Women know this secret, but they won't share it because they're bitches.
why would you put a tv that high up, imagine craning your neck trying to watch ER in the 90s, absolute ergonomic disaster
It's death by (((vaccine))), stupid.
Women do not see unattractive men as people
dumb bitch
women are whores.
they will literally fuck dogs and retards.
>that they're whores
men pay for sex because women have inherent sexual value, unless you like fucking man ass.
for the love of god learn some economics. you sound retarded.
they take fat nasty disgusting shits. thats why they sneak around like ninjas and you never see it. occasionally you will catch a whiff of the aftermath and want to vomit
its ok user this scene was added after the cohencidental death of Kubrick.
Thats why it feels so wooden and airless.
The real last 15 minutes of this film are either in (((safe hands))) or destroyed.
the reprehensible shit that actually turns them on
This. If a woman makes sexual advances on you and you reject her you are basically saying that the only thing she has of any worth, her pussy, is worthless. They flip the fuck out.
That women are evil made flesh.
They move their legs to masturbate?
Scenes that men will never understand.
Trips of truth, megahitler.
These dubs
Why is that tv placed on such a high shelf?