Will she join the MCU or DCU?
Will she join the MCU or DCU?
Hopefully he'll join %41
MCU (my cock universe hehe)
>DCO universe
Dick chopped off.
The ICU after his first suicide attempt
Jean Grey
Came here to post this.
>OP trying to save his thread
9/9 kek
LMAO I'm not op retard chud cope and seethe
she cute
>9 posts/9 Replies
Cope OP.
Deadpool 3
retard I'm not op cry more
I took a screenshot. Cope.
>11 posts 9 posters
you do the math op
never having sex make you retard chud?
I hope chud becomes the next filtered word, trannies use it as a crutch and its becoming boring
That was another user who knows how the reply/post count works faggot.
I'm not op and you are a retard. cry more I like it.
>Implying you wouldn't
stop being a fag and stop repressing your sexuality.
LOL cope retard seethe
Why this bitch sometimes looks so pretty and sometimes just like a long haired dude?
She will join my bed.
ICU when he finally hangs himself
how retard are the chuds???
id marry her
id fuck him
Stop projecting you creepy groomer.
>LOL cope retard seethe
kek (pic related)
This is so morbid but I laughed anyway.
chuds btfo
>kek (pic related)
Apparently smart enough to get you to repost a pic where it doesn't pass.
no u.
Are there really people who think he looks like a woman? He stands out like a sore thumb in every picture I've seen of him, it's especially apparent when he's standing next to actual women
Retard, I proved that I'm not OP. You can't even understand that.
hunterposting is cute
>Are there really people who think he looks like a woman? He stands out like a sore thumb in every picture I've seen of him, it's especially apparent when he's standing next to actual women
This was OP . This proved it . Please though, take the time to MS Paint the (You)s accordingly after I already capped the reply count.
First and only time I watched Euphoria it was the first episode and the tv was muted because I was studying and barely paying attention to the show, so I missed she was trans and I thought she was a cute until the last scene where you see her bulge.
>tfw your autocorrect changes Euphoria to Dysphoria
>t. repressed fag
you need a qt troon gf bruh
Does this need to project your illness cover why so many of you are groomers? Honest question, it's a funny defense mechanism that's a huge tell when it comes to insecurity, ironically trying to reflect your dishonor back onto the person who made you aware of it.
too long didn't ask also cope and have sex
>If you cut your dick off, will you live?
>It will be extremely painful
I'd let him suck my dick, troons are notoriously good at it.
Who's currently fucking his ass? I heard it was a nigger?
I'm not sure that this time of year is good for that kind of plant, it's just doesn't do well in this zone. The neighborhood area is just more for plants that the HOA can approve honey.
This guy won't have a career anywhere
>joins the ACK
Because youre gay and its a long-haired dude.
There isn’t a single woman I want to fuck more than this abomination.
Does he have a stinking, gaping wound trying to close itself where his dick used to be?
Salaciously based
shut up chud
She probably has a bigger dick than yours.
>has a dick
I'd like to compare
and by compare I mine place my erect dick against hers
how the fuck is she much more attractive than Zendaya