Babes of sci-fi


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I claim ur mom lol

Ops mom isn't real confirmed

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it needs to be sci-fi so I claim your gf lmao

For me it's Ro Laren

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Ooooooh :o

I betray human race for she

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Forgot pic

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Her (male)

Fugggg me she's so hot

Imagine being trapped in a spaceship with her haha

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what's she from?

I want Kira to sit on my face.

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I’d murder a man to fuck prime 709

>babes of sci-fi
Battlestar and Smallville. Keith claimed.

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Why was she dressed like that? Was there an actual lore reason or just incel eye candy?

Doctor is a hyper coomer and he designed her outfit

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Neytiri is...

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a dumb space cat

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Hanoi Jane was so fucking hot. I'd scalp a thousand gooks to have a chance to have her in that all-fur spaceship room from the start of the movie.
Hell I'd settle for being based Dildano in the future handsex scene

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blonde pilot captain from battlestar

Give me Tilly or give me death. The world of Sci-fi needs more sumptuous BBWs.

Kei Yuki, Miime, Maetel from the Leijiverse
Kei & Yuri from Dirty Pair

VIKKI the android in Small Wonder

And also that lil midge that follows Buck Rogers around, I'd like to fuck that thing too

So yeah, I basically claim anything with a robotic vagina or butthole. They're mine! DIBS.

i claim alita

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yes, that's me on the left

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>i claim alita
If she has a metal vagina, I already processed my claim thru the Federation awaiting approval (I'll get it). How about a nice little lolli from Voltron? Pussy barely used. But I left it mighty bruised.

i claim alita when she was just a head

I'll take Dale Arden, she's all I need

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I hate that dumb cunt so fucking much

Blondie gave me my first boner

those titties real?

Awful actress, emotional range of a chicken. Only thing she had going for her was her body.

I claim D U N C mommy

That's enough for me

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...made for multiple BHCs

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The original Zev Bellringer. Hated the ducklips version.

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for me, it's the other xev bellringer.

sexy spaceship

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Lucky bastard is married to the sexy spaceship


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