What was the exact moment that Tim Burton's shtick got old?

What was the exact moment that Tim Burton's shtick got old?

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Planet of the Apes

mid 90s?

for me? alice in wonderland. i liked dumbo.

why are you posting multiple tim burton threads except to viral market his new turd

When He Did, Because He Is Old

Big fish.
Sweet father story but the Burton clown circus shit got old

I remember being sad about Edward scissorhands and his plight but then I remembered I can’t fuck corpse bride or coralines mom. Then I remember coraline isn’t burton. Then I jerk off to amber heard bed shitting

If he had stopped making movies after Ed Wood he would be considered one of the greatest directors of the last 50 years

Adams family is the Tim Burton movie he SHOULD have made

Tarantino and kill bull

I've seen everything else but too long ago.

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He looks like Jordan Peterson.

alice in wonderland is where he started completely phoning it in


Corpse Bride went full retard with his gothy, quirky shenanigans

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was style over substance and Depp's Wonka was poorly conceived.

Big Fish was his last good film.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This. Henry Selick was always better anyway

We never would have gotten Mars Attacks.

>Corpse Bride went full retard with his gothy, quirky shenanigans
It was his last good movie you fag.

You're just a necrophiliac.

Sweeney Todd felt like a parody of himself

Mars Attacks. Sleepy Hollow redeemed him, right up until the tweest ending, then it got old again. In a perfect world, the ending for Hollow would be better and Burton would've complemented it with two more Hammer Horror type flicks. I rate Sleepy Hollow just below The Company of Wolves, but he could've had a consistent trend going throughout the 2000's, and that was blown with Apes. Instead of giving him Planet of the Apes, Burton should've gone on to do From Hell.

Big Fish was pretty good, and I have a soft spot for Sweeney Todd and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but he could have and maybe should have stopped after Sleepy Hollow. That was the last film of his that didn't feel forced.

Mars Attacks is kino of the highest order

ehhh, teen wolf > mars attacks. Mars Attacks was kind of like the xbox, you sort of had to be an american to really get it

Sweeney Todd. It was Sweeney Todd.

This. Ed Wood was his masterpiece.

I'm going to second alice
at that point I was like come on... this adds nothing and does nothing with the original, you're just vomiting the same shit in your usual style

I’d say Big Eyes was his first complete flop

after sleepy hollow everything else is shit

He should go back to doing real movies like Ed Wood.

corpse bride had a really thin story. (could be told in 30 minutes) really annoying characters and shit jazz soundtrack

>Instead of giving him Planet of the Apes, Burton should've gone on to do From Hell.

mars attacks suffers from disjointed conflicting tones,
too scary to be funny
too goofy to be scary...
the movie takes itself too seriously in some aspects where it fails to be a parody,
and then lacks clear jokes. but the entire movie has a SNL, MAD TV tone to it,

five minutes into scissorhands


Sweeny Todd was kino.


>outing yourself as a pleb for free

How do you figure?

Edward Scissorhands was the peak

CGI absolutely destroyed him. He abused the hell out of it.

What's his shtick?

I legitimately thought that OP posted a bait pic with Burton's hair shopped on Peterson's face.

Yeah, he definitely became mediocre right after Sleepy Hollow.

Planet of the Apes was very bad, and while the marketers would have you believe it was just a blip, he never had another original idea again.

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The truth is he was never good. He had a unique aesthetic that fooled enough people for the first few films but the screenplays, acting, etc...were always mediocre to cringe. People just caught on to it as time went on but critics were always right about him.

This movie is cursed

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Anything you can say about Tim Burton you can say about Guillermo del Toro, just waiting for the world to catch up tbqhwy

Sleepy Hollow is one of my favourite movies, nothing he did efter 2000 is memorable though

For Del Toro it seems he can still up with imaginative art direction to wow people. Burton's art direction itself was running dry after his first couple of films.

Sleepy Hollow was a fun movie.

Burton peaked with Nightmare Before Christmas

For me? This. I remember the hype around Tim Burton making the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. People thought it would be dark, witty, sarcastic like "Beetlejuice" or "Edward Scissorhands", maybe with a bit of social commentary like those films had as well. It just ended up being a ton of crap. Weird, stupid, a lot of noise, pointless even. Burton's shit got old right there.

>too scary to be funny
>too goofy to be scary...
Nah... it was funny, goofy, and scary all at the same time. A masterwork.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas

His style never got old
He just stopped having good scripts to work with like the rest of Hollywood post-2007 writers strike

Coraline was when it actually happened.
Sweeny Todd was when everyone else noticed it.
Alice in Wonderland was the last straw.

Jordan Peterson looks rough, the benzos really fucked him up.

Alice in Wonderland. I remember all my friends and acquaintances being hyped because "it's Tim Burton" only for all that excitement to suddenly dissipate when the movie released.

Coraline had nothing to do with Burton, you mean Corpse Bride